2023 European Open | MPO R3F9 | Barela, Tamm, McMahon, Saukoriipi | Jomez Disc Golf

Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the MPO lead cards third round at the 2023 European Open.

Card: Anthony Barela, Albert Tamm, Eagle McMahon, Rasmus Saukoriipi
Course: Nokia Diskgolfpark | Nokia, Finland
BigSexyBarri Commentary: Jeremey “Big Jerm” Koling, Nate “Sexy” Sexton, Paul “Uli” Ulibarri

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
02:00 Player Profiles
02:53 HOLE 1
07:24 HOLE 2
10:18 HOLE 3
15:58 HOLE 4
20:44 HOLE 5
23:40 HOLE 6
27:02 HOLE 7
31:10 HOLE 8
33:37 HOLE 9

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25 Replies to “2023 European Open | MPO R3F9 | Barela, Tamm, McMahon, Saukoriipi | Jomez Disc Golf”

  1. Watching Rasmus and I can see why Stokely was impressed.

  2. Sean Ludeman says:

    @35:31 closed captions say King Criminal as Jerm says Ken Climo 🤣

  3. Korey Eiche says:

    AB is wearing that sweet discraft shirt repping the Phoenix Suns Jerseys. That’s rad!

  4. Longest throwing card ever!

  5. Joonaman says:

    I don't think there has ever been a longer throwing card than this.

  6. Still that toilet audio

  7. Andy Chow says:

    lol is everyone sick

  8. 1andonlyMiro says:

    It's Saukkoriipi with 2 k's.

  9. jneihart2 says:

    Looks like Rasmus was expecting a phone call???

  10. Tj Terrazas says:

    Paul mc Beth we all be believe in u. Stop getting nervous and have fun like you were with innova

  11. M N says:

    The sound of that dude gulping his energy drink at 9:21 has me cracking up.

  12. ForceM1782 says:

    "I think i shot 7, but when i looked at the scores i shot 10, and i was very surprised"
    – Well my friend, you are not so great at maths, but that’s okay, because you are fantastic at Disc Golf 😂😉

  13. Thanks a bunch gentlemen. 🙏
    A helpful tip I learned having many finish friends, is to remember that the first syllable of ALL names has the emphasis. 😊

  14. Eagle pulling a trick shot out of the gate.

  15. Seems like Rasmus is either smashing big putts or missing everything. If he got his putt consistent and played more disciplined golf, that kid could be hard to beat. Such effortless power. Same with Kristian K, that dude crushes and it looks like he's barely throwing it…. It's crazy how some people make it look so easy and i can't figure out how to throw past 350 ft. after years of trying

  16. MartinSZN says:

    How is eagle mad at almost getting a ace ? I’d be hyped

  17. C.L. says:

    didn’t this happen awhile back?? why such delayed coverage? this is old

  18. Rock Lee says:

    Why is Devin Booker playing disc golf 😎

  19. Jz says:

    What a card. Four absolute BOMBERS. If someone is unfamiliar with Saukkoriipi, this guy absolutely crushes with both backhand and forehand.

  20. What is Big Jerm talking about on hole four? If you miss a mando and go ob on the same hole, you always count the mando miss and not the ob, right? Because a mando miss is judged while the disc is moving and ob is judged after the disc stops. So then mando miss always happens first 🤔

  21. FELINY says:

    Wtf is this round?? Amateurs?

  22. Orchard says:

    Saukkoriipi, not Saukoriipi

  23. happy to see the tiktok kid back on lead card😺

  24. That Albert guy kinda looks like a Estonian version of Big Jerm lol and I don't know why

  25. Brandon Duck says:

    Spoiler shield 🛡️

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