DankPods – The Complete 2nd Season (+ After Shows!) – 4/4

Season 2 Part 4:
00:00 – It’s Bootleg AirPods Time.
13:26 – After Show – Bootleg AirPod Pros.
18:50 – The most wasteful thing I’ve owned.
30:20 – The iPod turned 20.
42:22 – After Show – The ComotTron
49:18 – Cashies Special Vol.IV
1:02:12 – After Show – Cashies snare made me sad.
1:06:51 – The DankPods Origin Story. (and future plans too I guess.)
1:46:27 – After Show – Lego foods of no relation.
1:51:41 – The Meze Elites.
2:04:39 – After Show – My Home Speakers.
2:10:55 – The Nugget Lucky Dip – Round 3
2:23:24 – After Show – WE DUNK AGAIN.
2:28:27 – Finding the worst ever earbuds.
2:41:15 – After Show – My vinyl albums.
2:47:12 – Cheap USB Microphones.
3:02:38 – After Show – Horsez
3:08:26 – Twitch won’t pay me.
3:27:33 – After Show – The Drum Stream Rig.
3:33:14 – Extra Frank Because THANK.
3:39:12 – Headphones made for Children.
3:52:48 – After Show – The “Lego” iPod Dock.
3:57:44 – Xmas treat – The entire Giant AirPod recording.
3:59:18 – I got the AirPod 3’s.
4:14:46 – After Show – Dick Smith Catalogue from 1990.


23 Replies to “DankPods – The Complete 2nd Season (+ After Shows!) – 4/4”

  1. I love Frank, shes a pretty snake, her eyes are very pretty, shes also pretty stinky

  2. alostfraggle says:

    This is awesome! Ive always wanted to see the extra shows!!

  3. ns says:

    The bootleg huge airpod microphone demonstration may be the most I've ever laughed at any YouTube video, I was genuinely belly laughing when I first watched it

  4. Can’t wait for season 3: the revenge of the ray cons

  5. wassim louis says:

    I can listen to this man for hours

  6. I stay patreon for a while die hard fan ! 🔥🔥🔥

  7. Your Jesus says:


  8. I can say that i am properly NOSTALGIC of these episodes. (and it will probably be amplified later in my life)

    Thank you Wade, for getting me through
    1) A Depressive stage
    2) Covid-19
    3)Just.. school. im homeschooled now but oh my god im so glad i left.

    im 14, but i spent all the money i had on Patreon. And now that the After Shows are free.. im glad. The rest deserve to have this amazing content of screaming, frank, and Pkcell

  9. KiraReisu says:

    Finally I have something to listen to while I’m stocking at work at 5 am now😊

  10. Abourn1234 says:

    We need a 10 minute frank episode

  11. bilybob887 says:

    4 hours of happiness

  12. Ahh yes. 4 hours and 20 minutes of dank pods. I will watch this all in one sitting.

  13. Dankpods once said "MY PKCELLS!"😂

  14. Lenick R says:

    This is my barbenheimer

    (seriously, thank you so much for putting out these high quality videos)

  15. 4 hours 20 min nice lol

  16. Pirate Bear says:

    I’ve been binging the After Show Lucky Dips and the last one I watched before the one at 2:23:24 had the same iCoustic nugget. It’s Season 1, Part 2. I can tell because it involved Dank copying the Cher music video and Who Let the Dogs Out to it with the eeePC. Crazy reappearance.

  17. Aldo Flores says:

    I was about to see all the cashies specials and I’ve found this. Simply amazing, but I’m waiting to see the Pkcell show

  18. Moon Rhyde says:

    people still watching this are amazing humans

  19. Take some time to rest my fellow human but just know I'm a keep going till you do this or at least respond but man day idk really I've lost count. But hey mate. you should totally do a Drum stick comparison. Take the most popular brands with their most popular styles and show what they are good at.

  20. Anyone else gonna use this vid to sleep to at night?

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