Abidjan Ivory Coast Is Big! | Drive To Ivoire Golf Club & Marcory Island Via Tollgate

Hello welcome back to Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire also known as Ivory Coast. In this video i wanted to really understand how big the city of Abidjan is and know why its already regarded as a mega city. Most of the areas you will see in the video are in addition to what you have already seen of the city and there is so more.

I am headed to the Ivory Gulf club in Cocody area of the city. From there i return via a tollgate to marcory that is more like an island in the city surrounded by lagoon.

Cocody is a vibrant and upscale neighborhood in Abidjan. It is one of the most sought-after residential and commercial areas in Abidjan with a mix of highrise,lowrise apartments, vilas, and gated communities. As one of the 10 communes that make up the city of Abidjan, Cocody covers a significant portion of the city’s northern area.

Ivory Golf Club is a prestigious and picturesque golfing destination in abidjan Côte d’Ivoire also known as Ivory Coast. The club offers golf enthusiasts a world-class experience amidst stunning landscapes and a serene environment.


23 Replies to “Abidjan Ivory Coast Is Big! | Drive To Ivoire Golf Club & Marcory Island Via Tollgate”

  1. Mais s'il avait filme marcory rt koumassi treichville ça serais bien ça😊

  2. SC SQUAD🎵 says:

    Wow great job 🔥

  3. C’est bien d’avoir filmer d’autres endroits en dehors du plateau 😊

  4. Olivier says:

    Réellement c'est Abidjan ??j'y crois pas

  5. Very mind blowing for Africa really stunning Abidjan…..Wow Smooth with ease ❤

  6. Verdier Ban says:

    red car are generaly taxis

  7. Abidjan est trop top!

  8. Sou MI says:

    Abidjan and Dakar are the most developed cities in west Africa.

  9. Put1demerede says:

    Whoever is doing this video's narration is mispronouncing "Cocody" heavily. It's pronounced like CO-CO-DEE not Cacady.

  10. Merci d'avoir visiter mon pays la côte d'Ivoire

  11. Merci d'avoir visiter mon pays la côte d'Ivoire

  12. dogito tu says:

    Thank u for show my country !♥

  13. La Shaball says:

    This country was way ahead of many Asian countries and mild east countries as well in the 60s and 70s , but today we can not competing with Dubai or Singapore. Us Africans always regress , we dnt progress in this modern day.

  14. Abidjan sangat menarik, senang dapat ikut menikmatinya.
    Salam dari Indonesia.

  15. Nsouck says:

    I'm ashamed of my own big cites, douala, and Yaounde.

  16. Beautiful city of Abidjan.

  17. Fran6 David says:

    Very beautiful city 🇳🇬💓
    Kudos to Ivorians.

  18. justgilbs says:

    best city in west africa

  19. Superbe ville , Abidjan . Merci pour la vue agréable à l'oeil.

  20. It looks the most developed city.

  21. A.R. West says:

    Everything looks so nice there! 👍👍

  22. Very beautiful my country !

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