In this video series Chris takes a look at some of the basics of the game and in this video the focus is on chipping.

Chris covers the set up, the swing, what clubs you should be using and how these can be used to target different flag position on the greens


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►Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.




34 Replies to “BACK TO BASICS – CHIPPING 2/5”

  1. I suddenly found myself in a chipping rut and getting "back to basics" was an excellent reset point. This video is great for anyone learning or fixing their chip.

  2. Flat lie, large green, happy days.; not a luxury at my club where 20 metres round the tiny greens, the ball is above, below, uphill or downhill. Try chipping then!!

  3. Jerry Warren says:

    Too much talk and not enough instruction .

  4. the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of that serie are ones of the best videos I have seen and helping me.

  5. Good video Chris. Time to get to the course and practice your tips.

  6. Your first ball was hit at 8:17 out of 15:53.. that is you spent half of whole video playing time just talking , talking and talking ….. in my opinion, that was way way way too much explanation.

  7. I love watching your videos. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us.

  8. Wonderful tips and advice. Thank you Chris

  9. Nice work Chris, this video had everything I was looking for:
    – great graphics that really showed me what you were talking about
    – multiple flags to aim at
    – love the idea of using the one swing and simply use different clubs (tools) to get different results
    This is my new "go too" video for chipping, great stuff!

  10. Great Lesson in Chipping Chris. Thanks

  11. Thanks Chris, came across this video and have seen vastly improved chips! Would never have thought about the feet position, but this made dramatic changes.👍🏼

  12. James Black says:

    Great lesson Chris you are a wonderful teacher than you so much. 👍

  13. A clear and simple explanation of chipping, which I can now put into practice. Thank you.

  14. Fr. Paul B. says:

    Very very helpful. As a follow up video I would like to see you chip over bunkers.

  15. Well explained and detailed tips! Thanks.

  16. Very good. Thanks!

  17. Thank-you Chris😀 I am going out to practice chipping on a semi rainy day here in Norway. Hilsen AC

  18. Edward Brown says:

    Helpful tech on chipping ..thanks

  19. Chris – can a golfer use left hand low (like in putting) when chipping; some instructors say chipping is like a putting stroke

  20. Yep. Very clear and concise. Maith agat.

  21. Really helpful… making me realise my mistakes.

  22. jim jutras says:

    Great lesson .I learn so much from Cris about using different chipping clubs off the edge of the green… i I always thought one should use the same club I can' t wait to use these tips on the practice we say in French..merci beauvoup Chris!!!!

  23. mr fibo says:

    Hi, Thanks,
    You're the best …

  24. Sharon Song says:

    I've watched this lesson several times before and I thought I understood the concept. I decided to makes notes today while watching again and realized the large volume of instruction this lesson possessed. Thank you so much Chris for such detailed and precise instructions!!

  25. boomshizzIe says:

    10:24 he DUFFED that one 🤣

  26. The greatest short game golfer in the world Phil Michelson explains the same shot you did and says about 12 words!
    You are what we call in Australia a wanker

  27. OMG!!! Do you golf pros get paid by the WORD!!
    I have heard professors explain the laws of space time and use less words than you do to talk about a chip shot!!! F?$&@ me

  28. Really good video on chipping 😀😀

  29. Bill Miller says:

    Chris, fantastic instruction! Question, if you were going at a very close pin, say 5-7 yards total with 2-3 yards of carry, (and grass not good for putting) would you chip with your 60 or would you pitch with your 60? THANKS !!

  30. BRK says:

    Watch Garry players tips on chipping instead of this guy

  31. Kerol Chan says:

    Another great video! Always clear and precise, thanks 🙏🏼 👍🏼

  32. Would you change what club you use in winter/summer when the greens are softer/firmer?

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