Carnivore, Lion Diet, Homestead & Movie Theater. QA.. LiveStream

34 Replies to “Carnivore, Lion Diet, Homestead & Movie Theater. QA.. LiveStream”

  1. Great video Kerry! Have you tried mouth taping for snoring yet? I been doing that for about 3 months and I’ve been loving it. Let me know if you decide to look into it

  2. No old meats. From freezer directly to the fire (or the sun with my setup😊) Also, get the sleep 😊

  3. Fresh meat to eliminate possible histamine intolerance for those eye bags 😊 Just try it. All best 😊

  4. Debra Chase says:

    Lifeflo topical magnesium spray is wonderful. It's almost miraculous for even severe muscle cramps. Used to be only in healthfood stores. Now even Walmart carries it. It's great for restless leg or for helping with sleep. It takes about a minute at most to work. My mom would get leg cramps so bad she'd be crying and calling out for someone to help. That stuff "erased" the cramps & helped her sleep.

  5. I'd love to see you interview Ketogenic Woman. Her YT channel is full of fabulous carnivore and ketovore recipes and ideas. I think she's currently down about 130 lbs.

  6. So far 4 people in my immediate circle have become inspirted to take up the carnivore diet because i havent been able to not share my personal experience

  7. Its a change for us avid cooks and bakes from.all the creative cooking to simple plain meat cooking wwith just salt and water.

  8. We must inform those first starting carnivore diet to expect a possible detox reaction such as a gastro effect and changes in sleep. Maybe less aleep at first then better regular sleep. The dispointment you feel when u first slip up is unexpected too. But weight loss is so encouraging blood suagrs in range and low all the time is the best.

  9. The Dr.Chaffee truly is picture perfect pin up man for the carnivore diet well actually his on lion diet. His intelligent, active in medical system, active and calm. Only the blasphme gets me because online exposure needs to be clean and free from religiois slurs such as blasphemy.

  10. AIDAN MURPHY says:

    I can relate to Jen nesting. To be honest I only really feel like cleaning when I attempt carnivore. Meat is so healing, love your channel for Carnivore Motivation! 😊❤ Great to see your family joining you.

  11. Q. My argument for Dr Chaffee. How do you fight boredom? I get bored and need to make different recipes.

  12. Luke Andrews says:

    I believe Kerry is PROHO. Must be nice.

  13. During the 23 hours of intermittent fasting, do you drink water only??

  14. Lulu Bug says:

    I haven't had the huge responses a lot of people have had. Started carnivore June 1st and I've been mostly sleeping on my days off. For those of you that are having the same reaponse it could be due to hormonal imbalances. I have had thryroid problems for 30 years and it can take some time for those hormones to balance out. Just stay with it and know that your body is healing. Before carnivore you couldn't touch my neck without me jerking back in pain, but now it is barely tender so I know it is working and that give me a tremendous amount of hope and peace.

  15. pRAWimalMike says:

    Dr Rachel Brown is also a highly respected in field of mental health. If you would like Dr. Kiltz from the field of reproductive health, I could try to mention the idea of the docunentary and maybe he would be willing to contact you, just let me know. I dont want to disrupt your outline. Keep up the good work, Kerry!

  16. Lulu Bug says:

    For 40 years I had problems catabolizing proteins to the point that I became vegan due to the pain. I learned through the carnivore community that you need to eat protein with fat to be able to break them down to utilize them. Since adding a little fat with my meat, I am finally able to eat protein without excruciating pain. Maybe Dr. Caffe can explain this process and why it works for your audience.

  17. martha b says:

    Emma needs to be in your movie! We need to appeal to young people! They need the peer support especially in teen years!

  18. bret354 says:

    So I've been on carnivore for about 6 months. Haven't lost much weight 20lbs, but I had a ton of arthritis and the pain to go with it. Pain is nearly gone and it was severe. My issue with it is constipation. So I only do it 2 times per day.

  19. martha b says:

    Dr. Chris Palmer is the mental health doc

  20. Traci S says:

    Make sure he is because he was supposed to be at a conference this weekend and didn’t show up. Pretty unprofessional

  21. Q: so I have an interesting question regarding my mother in law which Dr. Chaffee maybe could answer to, so my mother in law has heart failure and had a heart surgery and now she has a battery inside her heart which helps her heart beat and her heart failure and the doctors here in Germany told her to minimazie the meat intake AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE which I as a Carnivore find BS

    So would her battery inside of her heart get damaged if she became a carnivore and heald herself up ? Or would that thibg not butch and just apply to her new health which got better over time with the correct nutriotions ? That would be very interesting to know cause she is really curious to try it out firstly with keto and maybe later with carnivore but is a bit unsure due to her battery and docs. Here in Germany telling this BS with meat is bad

    Thanks so much for the help!

  22. Dustin Hull says:

    Why not reach out to local community colleges and see if there is a film class that has kids looking to do internships in sound, lighting, and film. You might be able to get the seniors to help for free, and they have the education to make it better quality. I would reach out to the colleges that are local to where you are filming instead of where you are from… that would keep travel costs down.

  23. Ian O'Neill says:

    Mental health. I have seen a doctor on Ken Berry I think his name was Chris Palmer his book is Brain Energy..

  24. CatsRUs says:

    Thanks, Kerry! Enjoyed this one. Dr. Chris Palmer is the Harvard psychiatrist. He's been on Dr. Chaffee's channel. He is reversing manic bipolar and depression with the Carnivore Diet in his patients. He wrote the book Brain Energy.

  25. Hi Kerry
    I gained over 170 pounds and went up to 300 pounds following quite horrific domestic violence and I had struggled to lose it over the years after trying every diet going. I was WFPB organic vegan for four years but that just made me gain even more so last year I started carnivore on Jan 1st and I lost 140 pounds in nine months. I was doing so well and felt and looked amazing although it was very difficult mentally because it made me attractive to guys again (I am working on this side of things) but then in March, I found out my psycho ex-husband has stalked me and found us in our small rural village after fourteen years! He has made threats so I have a restraining order and we are safe but since then I have been on a huge carb binge and gained back 70 pounds in a very short space of time. I’m hypervigilent and living off my nerves. I am no longer grounding and walking like I was as I’m too scared to leave the house now. My anxiety is through the roof. I know what to do to get myself back on track though so I have just ordered a treadmill that is coming on Friday and I’ve filled my freezer with organic beef and lamb. I know I can do it. I am a survivor so I will lose this again and get back on track. I’m also a pro-faster both water and dry. My longest water fast was 28 days but I’m back to binging so I’m going strict lion from tomorrow. I don’t live far from Alex in the UK. His story is amazing. I’m 54 and live with my 14 year old carnivore daughter. Despite my weight I have not had any health problems. I am post-menopausal but I did not have any menopausal symptoms!

    Love listening to your videos. My daughter is inspired by your daughter too.

    Can’t wait for the movie. 😊

  26. Alysha Lewis says:

    Q. Here is a good one I heard in a video today. Is the carnivore diet not just another form of an eating disorder?

  27. Sailing Solo says:

    I first watched youre 91st day video. 13 days ago. You inspired me with carnivors dont sleep in etc. I was ketoish for a decade. Lost 30 lbs last year fasting 18/6 I started 13 days ago on carnivore. Working my way into it. I eat beef,bacon eggs,cheese butter, and 2 diet cokes . Almost there. My goal is drop the cheese and diet cokes very soon. Thanks for the inspiration.
    I am having such good results. Mood,weight. I am 60 need to drop 30 more pounds

  28. The part about “we don’t know why this is happening/here’s a pill” is so true and sad. But what I hear a lot as well is people talking about “getting old”. Some of these people are only in their 40s and they talk like it’s all downhill deteriorating health from then on. I’m 41 and although I still struggle to get past 1 week or so on strict carnivore I absolutely plan to be in better health at 50 than I am now. I’ve struggled with all sorts of mental and physical health issues but I never have once blamed it on my age because I know that if I live a healthy lifestyle then I don’t have to feel like I’m fighting a losing battle with old age.

  29. Jchathe says:

    Dr Paul Mason from Low Carb Down Under is AMAZING! Check him out, he has so many research facts behind him and is a proponent of carnivore. Dr Georgia Ede has given brilliant talks on mental health and carnivore.

  30. What's lion diet? I'd have to have more than meat and cheese.

  31. #TonyRobbins has a production company #ValuetainmentTv has established a production company and Dr Jordan Peterson and his daughter Makailah and also the importance of the high protein high fat on mental health and how ROBLOX founder funds metabolic mind and researchers like Dr Geogia Edes

  32. Im so interested in your carnivore movie!
    I was wondering if you can also highlight the history of mankind and hunting skills. paleoman and the American Indians of the northern american and Canadian tribes that literally live in forests and cold tundras. The other polar carnivore tribes from Siberia and Mongolia and the Himalayan yak herders the camel herders of africa and middle east down to the zulu and the masai in Kenya and the sudan zebu cow herders. There are so many clips that maybe can be collected from NatGeo or maybe source the rights to some clips? Also what about tge transhumancy of the Pyrenees in Spain and sheep herders in France and Italy and the modern day dutch farmer protest to protect their way of life. Up to our modern day America meat industry and how worldwide corporations governments and their trDeagreements are still up to old tricks of plantation owners and their hybrid vegetables from Luther Burbanks to the Seventh day adventist push for processed veganism that is devastating the health of the world's populations …And the push of the researchers like Ben Bikman and Dr Thomas Seyfried and Nina tolz? and how futule or hopeful we could and be as a collective to just change our health ourselves and literally educate the doctors ourselves Frim researchers to drs to nutritionist like #carnivorecure and nephrologist Jason Fung toDr shawn baker orthopedic that chopped peoples limbs to cardiologists like the southbeach diet dr that literally invented the CAC score machine…eyc etc etc and Mr Allan Savory and the #SavoryInstitute and #JoelSalatin and his regeneration homistic herd rotation and greg judy etc…. having of course the proper order.. 😆

  33. Jchathe says:

    Someone mentioned Sally K Norton in the livestream. I agree, you should get her on. She is an expert in oxalates and her wisdom was a Godsend for me when I started carnivore because I had terrible problems from oxalate dumping during the first 4 months. She helped me navigate my way through it and her book and videos continue to be really helpful!

  34. Pastor Todd says:

    Missed the live, but I'm glad you posted this.

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