Casting The Golf Club – The Real Hand Action

Casting the golf club in the downswing has been a major topic since the game was invented. I myself have struggled to come to terms with the true explanation for it…Until now. I hope this video get’s the point across correctly and clearly. I’ve spent years agonising over whether or not to broadcast my beliefs regarding this matter, it somehow felt like I was going against everything I had read and been taught since a young age. However, nearly 40 years later, here I am demonstrating something that I believe to be factually true. In my video I am trying to demonstrate that it is just about impossible to cast the golf club in the downswing as long as you have made a reasonable set up, a decent weight shift and a good coil into your backswing. In fact, once in this position you are primed to sling the club back to the ball with great power and accuracy. With many golfers the the function of the hands tends to be delivered too late in the golf swing and in most cases after the ball has been struck. Try practicing smaller swings to begin with to build up some confidence. Then please let me know what results you are getting after you have given it a good try at the driving range. Remember, you can never dismiss anything until you’re sure you have achieved it first. Regards Ian Sadler.

#golfhandaction #castingthegolfclub #golfwristaction


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