Donald Trump Gives Deposition in Jean Carroll Rape, Defamation Case

WATCH: The deposition of former President Donald Trump by a lawyer for E. Jean Carroll, the writer who accuses him of raping and defaming her, was released in a court filing Friday. Watch the snippets of the deposition that the jury saw in court.

#DonaldTrump #Deposition #LawAndCrime

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45 Replies to “Donald Trump Gives Deposition in Jean Carroll Rape, Defamation Case”

  1. eamador11 says:

    Trump 2024! Red wave coming! Im for Trump!

  2. tinajack444 says:

    For someone who‘s most advertised trait is to speak the truth when others don‘t he lies VERY easily about those things.

  3. AJAY SAGGAR says:

    Trump , whatever you think of him , is just such an entertaining person and is a business minded person who knows how to survive . What a loss when we lost him as President, Russia would never have invaded Ukraine if he was President .

  4. Joan Kirby says:

    I believe trump.

  5. Sean DiLallo says:

    The woman strikes me as just another looney liberal attention seeker. Her story is ridiculous.

  6. Julie Cruz says:

    Jean Carroll…Something is off with her account of the story.

  7. Biden can't even get through a scripted softball press conference without losing his mind to dementia, sadly…. imagine him trying to give a deposition on his son and his debacles… that would be a complete dribbling disaster.

  8. 18:10 I wonder what was said in the Six minute skip when it goes from 11 hours 50 minutes to 11 hours 56 minutes on the timeline?

  9. Elina says:

    Is it just me, or do this lawyer sound uncanny like the judge in the Depp/Heard case?

  10. I'm trying to understand how is EVERYTHING a "hoax", if he has allegations against him since the 90s 🤔And why is his memory so detailed during his rallies but not at the deposition 🤔I wonder do he know he moves his hands when he's lying 🤔 😏

  11. Elvy says:

    This is too personal in my opinion as I'm sure every adult has at least the same and maybe more worst deposition if you dig in. For example Clinton and Biden cases.

  12. Elvy says:

    Whoever did his hair and make up color – the shade is too orange LOL. But it makes him even more lovable🥰🤣

  13. ZEN N says:

    Why does he talks like he is in a campaign rally ( without the hand gesture )

  14. andre M says:

    After watching this im voting trump 2024. Only time i ever voted was for ron paul in 2011

  15. Rilly Jo says:

    why do they be messing their face up with the tanning. just accept the way you are

  16. mering52 says:

    Trumps coming back baby 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 2024

  17. Brenda West says:

    Smh 🤦‍♀️

  18. leave this man alone, go after the bidens

  19. BP says:

    Nobody wants to recognize that he said and you can even verify for a printed image it is blurry. They were younger and so it was a simple mistake. It also doesn't prove anything. Not even close to proving anything.

  20. Love you Mr. President❤

  21. God says:

    They go after Trump because they’re all in a cult

  22. PipenFalzy says:

    Iam saying a lotta lies, lotta lies people.

  23. Becky Davis says:

    Time jump, 10:41 to 10:51 What was edited out?

  24. Danial Kaan says:

    All democrats driven propaganda. Total BS for political purposes while Biden & Co funnel money to Ukraine.

  25. Oakabiel B says:

    Imagine believing in this goon haha

  26. Kami Tenchi says:

    Democrat infested comments section, tread carefully

  27. Why is this so heavily edited?

  28. They did this to Brett kavanaugh and it ended up being a complete farse, but cover up their own corruptions. The older i get the more i see the lengths these ppl will go to, to protect themselves. This is where our tax payer money is going to?

  29. Cool as a cucumber

  30. Amanda Jane says:

    We love you Trump from UK ❤❤

  31. Amanda Jane says:

    I love this guy ❤️❤️

  32. The entire establishment is out to get this guy and we're all tired of it.

  33. behappy22 says:

    The lawyer is so patient 😳

  34. wow they are grasping at straws with anything they get 45 on.

  35. And yet, assuming he doesn’t end up barred from political office for inciting an insurrection, he’ll still garner millions of votes. What a disgusting nation.

  36. chuuch guy says:

    People will actually vote for this guy to be president again😂

  37. JM_1212 says:

    he's a really strange shade of orange here isn't he?

  38. Mike Drop says:

    Attorney: Mr Trump, to the best of your recollection was the sky blue back in the 90s
    Trumo: I don't really know, I didn't go outside much. I was very busy working. It might have been blue but I had so many people wanting me to stay inside

  39. Evon Austin says:

    WOW 😳… Unbelievable… Everything I've believed about this man is confirmed over and over again… bar none!! The only thing that's a hoax is this man thinking his actions are okay.

  40. What a sad little man he is. Tell us again how you'd stop the war in a day, Donny?!

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