First Time Golfer

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14 Replies to “First Time Golfer”

  1. You guys have GOT to bring back the nice dice lol

  2. Zapdite says:

    I get that you need to keep posting videos, but this is the same premise you have done many times, and over half of the clips are recycled from your other videos with the same premise…

  3. Wanted to try the long drink. Way too high for 6 cans with less than 6%. $21.99

  4. Andrew Smith says:

    "Setting up for my sandbox shot" Best thing I've heard all day 🤣

  5. 10 handicap here. I got 9’s on two separate par 5’s and also 3 birdies. I ended up shooting a 90. What the heck is going on

  6. Zeno says:

    your editor is doing great, this colour grading is phenomenal

  7. baits says:

    best series please keep making these

  8. This would be me😂

  9. These are my favorite characters on this channel. 🤣👏🏻 Also, was pleasantly surprised how much I liked Long Drink – especially cranberry!

  10. Cque says:

    4 handicap here. Yesterday, lost 5 balls on the 1st 2 holes. Wtf am i doing

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