FNC vs. MAD – Week 5 Day 1 | LEC Summer | Fnatic vs. MAD Lions | Game 2 (2023)

VoD of Fnatic vs. MAD Lions
LEC Summer Split 2023 #LEC

Casters: Jamada, Dagda and Quickshot
Interview: Trouble with Trymbi

Full Line up:
Fnatic Line up:
⦁ Oscarinin – Top Ornn
⦁ Razork – Jungle Maokai
⦁ Humanoid – Mid Jayce
⦁ Noah – ADC Jinx
⦁ Trymbi – Support Thresh

MAD Lions Line up:
⦁ Chasy – Top Rumble
⦁ Elyoya – Jungle Vi
⦁ Nisqy – Mid Taliyah
⦁ Carzzy – ADC Samira
⦁ Hylissang – Support Rell

Watch all matches of the split here from all of our leagues: LCS, LEC, LCK, LPL. FULL VOD PLAYLIST – https://www.youtube.com/user/LoLChampSeries/playlists?view=50&shelf_id=72&sort=dd

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18 Replies to “FNC vs. MAD – Week 5 Day 1 | LEC Summer | Fnatic vs. MAD Lions | Game 2 (2023)”

  1. Pottwal says:

    nice thrilling game. wp both sides

  2. Trying to ask for the 100th time now: What is the name of that pick ban song?? PLEASE respond!

  3. Practice says:

    Hyliwhat? 😱 He's not a pro player…

  4. Darkhan345 says:

    Wow humanoid had an agenda today and it was destroy 😂😂😂

  5. Emile P. says:

    Their early seems a bit worse but their team play seems better than last week
    Still a bit shaky, I hope they will make it today

  6. They need to place a prohibition in these tournaments, a team is only allowed to pick the same champs once per day. So if somebody picks Vi in Game one, their team can't pick it in any other games on the same day.
    FNATIC literally picked Ornn, Maokai, Jayce the first game, MAD LIONS picked Rumble and Rell, but if there's no variety for us viewers it becomes boring real quick.

  7. LEC needs to make sure trash like MAD never get to international stage, otherwise we are going to be laughing stock at world again

  8. Maybe ban jayce after game 1?

  9. Mark says:

    Elyoya needs to retire. He's been the problem this entire split

  10. I like this team. Thank you.

  11. gj humanoid don't give anything away for free I wish everyone played like that

  12. Gab Winter says:

    what a sad season, every single match is the same, playing same champs, same bans, same mistakes…

  13. Shyke says:

    bro giganoid so smurfing XD

  14. Kace_Blue says:

    oh boy if humanoid had a good jungler fnc would do so well internationally. but pretty sure they just get jungle gapped so hard. razork one of the worst junglers in lec for sure if he s not on maokai duty

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