Fort Loudon Market Fair

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Mailing Address: PO Box 205, Womelsdorf PA 19567


37 Replies to “Fort Loudon Market Fair”

  1. carol b says:

    mmmm shortbread. loved the cannon! I used to make period clothing for the reenactment people…loved it.

  2. I love those kind of festivals…so much to learn.

  3. Bruins Fan says:

    After mis fires most Patriots will punt, and secure the line of scrimmage!

  4. The mountain you like near Fort Loudoun is Parnell Knob. Itโ€™s where Front Mountain and Broad Mountain meet. The elevation is 2,021 feet.

  5. P.K. says:

    Shortbread RULES!!!!

  6. Very cool. Reminded me of Chadds Ford Days held down here in the Fall ๐Ÿป

  7. awesome as always Cliff! you ever been to the PA Renfaire? Ours here down in Kenosha WI is pretty awesome. It's also like stepping back in time. I dressed up one time in long skirt and peasant blouse and a minstrel sang to me on the bridge. Great fun!

  8. What an interesting site.
    Off topic, but you should consider hiking the "James Clevland Trail", the site of a 1931 mail courier plane crash in Centre County near the town of Centre Hall.

  9. 57Banjoman says:

    I was a substitute musician at a civil war re-enactment years ago-I had to wear the wool clothes, and buddy, they were hot! The cannon fire thumped my chest with the percussion-very impressive-thanks guys!

  10. i liked that Thanks

  11. What river that. Mtn range. Lycoming. Bald eagle nittany range jul

  12. Hughsville fair now. Down lycomingco Julie praying for you all amen

  13. Ruth Goebel says:

    A friend of mine spends a lot of time at Ft. Loudon. Interesting place!

  14. I should come up for that some day. Some of my friends do that event. I'm trying to see if they are there, but you are moving awfully fast. I did see William Booth, Draper. I don't know if that's his real name or not, but he came to Boonesborough a few years ago. Sundays usually are pretty quiet at reenactments. After whatever battle they have, most people pack up and head out. You will know there was a campfire there: the grass will be much greener over that firepit next year. You can go to Fort Harrod and point out where every firepit has been in the last two to three years by the bright green rectangles in the lawn. We usually only do events close enough to drive in for the day, because we can't afford a tent and a truck and trailer to carry all that gear around. We did get to camp once, on the invitation of a friend who had an extra tent. The evenings are a lot of fun.

    Okay, Scoundrel's Alley are very good friends of ours. We haven't seen the museum, but they told us all about it when we saw them last winter. You missed a tremendous opportunity when "Maggie Delaney" called out to you when you entered. You should have stopped to talk to her, and to whichever of Frank's personages he was portraying that day: Parson John, or Awld Badger, both are an amazing wealth of knowledge. I think their oldest grandson is traveling with them this summer as well. If you want to know more, Townsends has done a bunch of videos on them. I probably can't post a link, but find the Townsend's channel and look for Maggie Delaney there. They have done enormous amounts of research, and much of that research comes out of questions asked by people like you. When Carol first created Maggie Delaney, people kept asking her what would have become of Maggie after her indenture was served, and out of that came her research into professional mourners and body snatchers. Eventually, people started asking what would have become of her when Awld Badger was no longer able to dig up bodies and sell them to medical schools and out of that came the current museum that you just toured.

    After 12 years or so of doing events like this, the first shot always makes me jump out of my skin, still. After that, I hardly hear them for the rest of the weekend. And yes, there is plenty of time for the Indians and/or redcoats to overrun you if you have a misfire.

  15. James Bobo says:

    Hello from Ohio here in mcconnelsville Ohio the reenactment used to be a big deal but now they hardly ever have it anymore and this year In 2023 they canceled it

  16. THG Driver says:

    Looks like the old rule..Keep your powder dry.. was not followed on that last shot.๐ŸคฃThe primer went off but the 3rd charge loaded in the cannon was probably damp. I was glad when they called off the last firing, it was too dangerous and we did see two. Muzzleloading weapons, muskits, cannon, pistols ect. could still have some hot sparks down in them from the misfire or the previous charge. When reloading they could go off unexpectedly. Cool to see the first firing startled the bejesus out of Cliff. It got me too.๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  17. Cliff Idea! Repeat this n November when its dark? Honestly Superb n Gt Fun ++**

  18. Hi to that polite lady love the dress of the day too Brian Ireland Sla'inte

  19. Hi Jon too i think i Missed ur fortlowden vid

  20. I remember this fort last summer its supetb n the stalls etc

  21. That's really like mountains i walked up over here Tks Cliff

  22. The sentry had a sense of humor. . .the blacksmith recognized you – cool. . .tasty handmade shortbread. . .John's history mensonges! ๐Ÿ˜„ nasty jobs all. . .great view from the bastion. . .can you imagine keeping the horses in the fort – – lots of manure – -would have been smelly ๐Ÿ˜‰ ole Dorothy took time to load, but she was quick on the trigger [misfire] Thanks Cliff

  23. I didn't know they made a vintage Propel Cliff. Is that available widely? Love the shout out from the one reenacter mentioning his dad being a WW fan who "loves your stuff". Word gets around in that generation,
    brother, bc I got turned on to you by my great uncle Earl who is 94 yrs old. As he says – stay curious and keep it up! Jon was a lot of fun in this video too. Thanks and God bless.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

  24. Debbie Hills says:

    โคcool mug. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ> enjoyed the cannon fire. I have never seen that. Thank you.โค๐Ÿ˜Šโคโคโค

  25. Kate Clark says:

    Awesome fair. Thanks to you and Jon for bringing us to see this.

  26. Vixen Doe says:

    LOL nice to see bribery doesn't always get you anywhere

  27. Randi Wilson says:

    Loved the Fortโ€ฆDo you ever get to Ohio? There is a place called Fort Meigs, it is based on the war of 1812. Itโ€™s near Toledo Ohio in a small city of Maumee, Ohio. Just sharing if you want to check it out.

  28. Nancy Mann says:

    Awesome view from up at the fort. Hope I can see it in person someday. Great video.โค

  29. JACK Alleman says:

    Nice outing we to here in Halifax have been trying to raise a fort that there is very little documentation on.Should check this one out

  30. John Mefford says:

    Fun place ๐Ÿ˜Š

  31. They changed it to "Pretty Please" by the time I got there.

  32. Neita James says:

    Neat.๐Ÿ‘ thanks for taking us alone. Love,respect and positivity always. Neita.โœŒ๐Ÿ•ฏ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘ฃ.

  33. Nancy Mann says:

    I just love Jons humor!

  34. Nancy Mann says:

    I make Scottish shortbread at Christmas time. I'll have to send you some if i make it this year.

  35. I live 17 miles north of there. Thanks for the great vid!

  36. Kev Salt says:

    Ye old fort Loudon food great love it the reproduction was nice

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