Fourball: Bubba Watson is old school

Bubba Watson reflects on the Golf Boys, gives us a closer look at how competitive he is with his wife, and reveals his Fourball that includes a surprise from the iconic movie, “Home Alone.” Hosted by Travis Miller and Annabel Angel.

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13 Replies to “Fourball: Bubba Watson is old school”

  1. Lord Smyth says:

    52:32 I got that reference, Annabel

  2. Jkbone says:

    More long form interviews please. Great work

  3. Knowbodie says:

    Thank you for this. Was amazing to get to know Bubba better. Looking forward to the the next podcast already. ❤❤

  4. Exactly what I thought Bubba would be like… Other then the 🙊 thing…💰💰💰years of therapy ahead of me 🙄… We knew he would have an amazing wife 🇨🇦…Exactly…Love his way of thinking about the game & seeing ever shot for what it is…I have golfed with a lot of famous people in my day being from Muskoka, I have golfed with a lot of professional hockey players & a few Hollywood elites( as most of them live there
    During the summer months ) This is a guy I would love to play a round of golf with just to listen to what he is doing next. I only thing in this whole interview that I would definitely disagree with Bubba,would be with regards to Payne… I saw the side of him ( as a patron ) year after year at Glen Abby that the media is trying to erase but they should look at it from a different set of eyes & realize that he might have been fighting through unrecognized mental issues…Lastly as a fellow lefty ( golf only ) could you please tell the LIV merchandise people that there is life above the 49th parallel ( your wife ) and that we might like to buy a few apparel item from LIV to show our support for our favourite golfers, teams and yes even caddies… Fine I’ll throw a bone to the announcers & commentators & yes even Feherty if it will get me a few merch items. Lastly could you & Phil just once try & play well in the same tournament this year as I hear it… They are recruiting for 2 new captains for a 54 golf series 😂🤣😜

    I didn’t even mention the socks & sandals thing 🤓😤🤪

  5. Awesome seeing full interviews

  6. maniackyjr says:

    Liv: Bubba please join LIV
    Bubba: No
    Richard Mille: Bubba we’ll get you that pink watch if you join LIV
    Bubba: Say less

  7. Bubba is the shiznit

  8. Bubba’s passion is so amazing and truly inspirational. His wife’s “Grow on a Team,” spot on! He is an autodidact and walks the walk! Bubba keep being YOU, you wear it well and “everyday golfers,” we respect everything you stand for! Bring “cowboy,” to Greenbrier!

  9. Hugh Jorgan says:

    Bubba’s perfect for LIV and LIV is perfect for Bubba. He’s so comfortable with his own game and is obviously loving the team concept.

  10. Thanks for signing for us at Centurion Bubba.

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