Golf Swing Protraction: Trevor Salzman on Post-impact Arm Position in the Golf Swing

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Trevor Salzman

Mastering the golf swing can often feel like an uphill battle, but understanding and applying the principles of golf swing protraction can pave the way to success. This is not just a sport, but an intricate dance of physics and biomechanics, where every component of the swing contributes to the end result. One of the pivotal elements that warrant careful attention in your golf swing is the positioning and movement of the arms from P6 to P9, i.e., from hip-high to hip-high and slightly beyond.


14 Replies to “Golf Swing Protraction: Trevor Salzman on Post-impact Arm Position in the Golf Swing”

  1. soupra22 says:

    So if i use golflive app and book an hour it would be live like zoom or FaceTime session? Or is it send a swing and get the one swing evaluation?

  2. Really great explanation, thanks very much!

  3. Danny Canary says:

    Great explanation thank you- I’m off to the range 💪👊🙏

  4. Tim Halleran says:

    Great video!! My buddy has this swing and hits the ball consistently well. I call him the robot (compliment intended)
    The "reverse engineering" is money!
    Thanks for your time and energy to produce this video. I just subscribed 😃

  5. Mac Wally's says:

    I 100% agree with @4g63mark

  6. Graham Katz says:

    Great video. I have been heel striking so I'm sure your lesson will stop the dreaded sh….s

  7. Trevor,
    I have been playing for 47 years, and read/watched/heard all manner of coaches. I have never heard a reference to protraction.
    Hit half swings at the range trying to mimic your action. Wow! More open, less stalling, more straight, compressed, shots. Really helped turn and balance. Revelatory!
    Thanks for imparting..

  8. Excellent video, very well explained, thanks.

  9. dean anagnos says:

    Probably one of the best videos I’ve watched!

  10. This is what a online swing lesson is supposed to be. So many of these other guys talk way too much about stuff that doesn't need to be mentioned

  11. Any follow up video on releasing the hands to generate more speed. Nice video

  12. Bill Feeny says:

    Great stuff, exactly the answer I was surfing for. Solves much of the hands exit left mystery. thank you, thank you.clear explanation.

  13. Lots of good advice there..thanks

  14. Rick Fiddler says:

    Thanks Trevor. You have an incredible insight into the golf swing.

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