GOLF | What Jack Nicklaus told Mike Malaska about the Golf Swing!

Second part of my conversation with Golf Digest Top 100 teacher Mike Malaska.

Here mike talks about swing philosophy and conversations he has had about the release and role of the lower body with the great Jack Nicklaus.

Find out more about Mike at

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Over 3 hours of content, including Mike’s idea of how to swing POWERFUL and PAIN FREE

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33 Replies to “GOLF | What Jack Nicklaus told Mike Malaska about the Golf Swing!”

  1. mikal says:

    What Jack said was, "you can't release too early on the downswing, as long as you move into your leftside and swing the club from inside the target line

  2. Dan Arcotta says:

    Dear YouTube, we still don't pay attention to the now forced ,have to watch ad at the beginning

  3. I hate to sound critical or impolite but I would really like to see Mike doing some lessons/videos with someone else. The presenter/interviewer here is all over the place, speaking when he should be quiet and drifting the conversation off topic. Mike is a fountain of good information, I'd love to see him being interviewed by someone who actually wanted to hear what he had to say.

  4. James Kaiser says:

    2:45 is my GOLF AHA moment. You have no idea what this revelation means to my golf game. I even saved a folder to find this called AHA 2:45. I have been working on my impact slot for EVER and never realized the shoulders need to still be turned back when you do the Malaska move with shoulder still down to ground with arms to impact lag and THEN do the Malaska turn through the shot – You need to do a whole course on this move alone and how to get this to feel natural – this is gold.

  5. Jacob R says:

    Can't you just do this with a pump drill?

  6. Hacker 100 says:

    It's the old two plane vs one plane swing. Hardy covered the differences years ago. You will notice very few instructional videos will reference which of the two swing types they are using much to the confusion of the golf masses.

  7. Liife guard says:


  8. Why is it that neither you nor Mike actually drop your hands vertically when you hit shots? It seems like Mike is very serious that the hands drop down before a rotation yet some how that is done smoothly. Slow motion of your ball strikes show the hands moving out at about 45 degrees! Is he talking about just a "feeling" of droping the hatchet?

  9. It may LOOK like the clubhead is moving out away from the body but in reality the clubhead is following the classic swing plane back to the ball (because of the rotation of the body).

  10. Thanks, I love this. I have a mild case of cerebral palsy and can play with no problem, but needed a simple way to get to a repeatable swing without having to "time" everything. This is simple and works!!!:)

  11. Wayne says:

    what Nicklaus actually said was ….:its impossible to move to start my downswing too soon AS LONG AS I MOVE TO MY LEFT SIDE ,MEANING PLANTING HIS LEFT HEEL

  12. Thank you, Brendon. You do know how to ask the right questions!

  13. Garry Hulgan says:

    dead load to a live load

  14. Peter Plaza says:

    Mike I’m confused! In the session that is titled, “What Jack Nicholas told Mike Malaska about the golf swing”, which was posted five years ago. This technique you illustrated takes the grip of the club straight down and brings the heel of the club out in a chopping motion and swinging through the ball. It seems to conflict with your recent technique of flipping the wrist from the back swing and through the follow through.

  15. ? Shallow with the club and the hips ahead separated from the upper Body? If I get it right

  16. I've almost incorporate this fully into my swing. But my brain STILL yells "square the club face!" when I'm chopping the wood block half way through the down swing. I can't fully trust momentum to kick out the toe and square. I still try to manipulate it.

  17. "Sam Snead, Jack and some other guys figured out how to offset the force of the club coming out with their legs by turning their hips but they weren't trying to turn them." hmm. my take: Nicklaus is releasing his arms, getting it out in front of him and redirecting momentum of the club going through the ball. can I ingrain this in a week?

  18. David z says:

    Mike, please please please, is there any way to get Jack Nicklaus on one of your YouTube. What a great moment that would be.

  19. umangatang says:

    I want a set of novelty clubs

  20. You can't hit a pull fat.
    ~John Daly

  21. The one tip from Mike Malaska that fixed everything in my swing. Hands control the face and the arms control the body causing the effects you see. Golf is starting to feel "easy".

  22. I am so thankful I stumbled upon this amazing vedio clip. I can never Thank you both enough. Appreciate so much.
    Also, an Amazing location for your vedio.. Love the background..
    Fan from Papua New Guinea..

  23. ross m says:

    I wish i had watched this in 2016 WHAT AN EYE OPENER

  24. Edu says:

    Just watched this again and I think I actually get what he means by using the forces. Just need to put a ball down at the range and see what happens.

  25. what malaska is saying about having to figure out how to get the club back to the plane after shallowing (dropping below hand plane) is a blantant misunderstanding of physics. a component of the force exerted on club by hands is directed toward the hand plane, moving the club in that direction (ie back to the plane/ball). It would be fine if malaska confronted the research of sasho mackenzie about the necessity of shallowing to squaring clubface OR explained why almost all the great ball strikers have an obvious shallowing.

  26. AC Cridelich says:

    If you run the Malaska Move in reverse, it looks like the back swing. Fast forward the MM, gravity has to drive it every time or there will never be any consistency.

  27. Is this swing the same for a driver?

  28. furlonggg says:

    how about the scientist winning at Winged Foot!

  29. GermanTurbo says:

    The "malaska move" was such an eye opener for me. Swinging the arms down and let the momentum of the club doing the rest is so simple.

  30. Ekis86 says:

    I can't get the timing right every time with this. So hard to hit that perfect spot. When I do it's awesome, but the ball goes everywhere. Can you do this consistently as a weekend golfer or just as someone who has a lot of time to practice?

  31. C B says:

    What about longer clubs like a 4 iron? I'm further from the ball, does this still work?

  32. Jimmy Vespe says:

    You guys are making this way harder than it needs to be. MM never describes the transition that sets all this up naturally which is poor teaching. This all depends on where the club is moving near the top of the swing. If the butt is moving forward, the head is moving back BEFORE the downswing starts it will tend to tip over. What is kind of the holy grail for the better player wanting to hit it really straight and solid. This is the essence of the Hogan action and I guarantee top 100 Mike Malaska can't make this move or he would probably be playing and not teaching.

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