Good Golf Is So Much Worse Than You Think

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How Good Golfers Hit Bad Shots

0:00 Intro
0:26 Front 9
7:37 Back 9
13:37 Recap

YT: https;//


40 Replies to “Good Golf Is So Much Worse Than You Think”

  1. THaysFour says:

    Another ball popped out into the water at

  2. John May says:

    I'm guessing an 81 on that course is still a 7.something differential.

  3. Tim Lohrmann says:

    As a newbie golfer myself I really love your videos. They really learn you to be patience and back off when needed.

    What clubs do you have, from driver to putter?

  4. Adam, when you play somewhere new or get paired up with randos, how do you explain that you'll be filming every shot? Do people ever find it weird? Just curious about the logistics of being a youtuber.

    Really love the channel since I found it and truly appreciate your zen approach to the game. It's been helping me enjoy it more, too, since I am also not a scratch golfer. 🙂

  5. Do you practice putt a lot or how did you improve your putting?

  6. Schemic says:

    I'm coming back to this video after shooting the best 9 of my life after watching this video. For some reason it clicked, and instead of going for the "perfect" shot, I decided to just make do with whatever I had in front of me. This video led me there so thank you Adam!! Keep it up

  7. Great work, Adam. 🦘

  8. sarcodian says:

    Hey. Love your content. Since it seems you're going for pin high -> lag putt for me as a beginner can you explain why are there so many under reads on the putts? Why not err on the high side?

  9. Am I bugging or did you hit two balls at 8:56? One over the green and one into the water to the right? 😅

  10. I have just discovered this channel and the way you approach the game is a bit of a revelation for me. Great content, so glad I found you and the sound fx when you hit a bad shot makes me laugh every time.

  11. Andrew Bock says:

    This video couldnt have come at a better time for me, adam! As someone who started golfing seriously (more than 3 or 4 times a year) this year, and has made it my personal goal to try and break 90 as many times as possible, I had my 2nd worst round all season yesterday, a 104. I did the exact opposite of what your talking about in this video, i mentally collapsed. One bad hole led to more bad shots, which led to follow up bad shots, which led to walking on to the green and just putting the ball without even reading green. It was a complete spiral! I really needed this video to remind me to keep my head in the next shot and forget about every shot that came before it! Love your channel, it gives me hope that one day i may have a chance at being a single digit handicap. Keep up the good work!

  12. Lukas Miller says:

    Bro you gotta try out delta golf club, they got Night Golf with lights on the back 9 every Thursday Friday and Saturday night it’s awesome! Just bring bug spray haha

  13. deldridg says:

    Excellent video and thanks Adam. I've just blown out from 6 to 10 and am slowly coming back down. The difference really amounts to how I handle trouble as you say. I'm trying to make better decisions with my shots out of the rough and it's working. As Dave Pelz (the great golf statistician) says, when you hit trouble, you only have to improve on what the previous shot could have been and the cost of your miss will average out to be less than a shot. So true! Cheers from Sydney mate – Dave

  14. Sunny Lou says:

    What a happy coincidence to see you post a round at Squamish. My son and I played the ere this weekend but I shot 102 and he 90. I got trapped right against the wall of that monstrous bunker but generally a round full of ups and downs

  15. B Toz says:

    The dude in blue walking 50 yards in front of you all the time is just too cool for school

  16. Joe says:

    ya you have plenty more bad shots than most 7's Ive seen but inside 100 you make up for it. It's usually the opposite for most weekend 7's.

  17. Sean Tracy says:

    This is the most honest and realistic golf channel on this platform.
    The struggle is real, but worth it all the same.
    This channel is psychotherapy for amateur golfers.

  18. Hey man! I love your attitude and overall approach to the game. Do you have a criteria for “bad shots”? I know you keep track of them and I am going to start as well. I know the obvious ones like ball OB, fat shot that goes 20 yards, etc. curious your thoughts on short game “Bad Shots”.

  19. geisim37 says:

    Love your videos. Just my opinion, I am not a fan of this background music. Maybe another song would work or none at all. Keep up the good vids 🙂

  20. LEV!ATHAN says:

    8:55 Did anyone else notice that when Adam hacks this a 2nd mystery ball jumps into the pond?

  21. LEV!ATHAN says:

    Dawning on me how ugly good golf can be. Played yesterday with a friend who shot 80. I don't think he hit any of the ten best shots all day. Kept it in play off the tee. Super good on his approaches. Effective (but not great) putting. Simple formula that works.

  22. DanielSong39 says:

    You two putt a lot from long range and hit several greens
    I three putt every green and hit like 0 greens
    I think you're a lot better than you give yourself credit for

  23. Mitch's Mix says:

    At first I thought this said Good Good is so much worse than you think and I spent 8 minutes and 41 seconds wondering when you were going to start talking about them

  24. skizzot91r says:

    Im new to your channel and just last weekend shot in the high 90's… after taking 2 lessons and been playing for years.. i got very frustrated and for the first time the thought of giving up sounded nice.. thanks for a positive perspective… I would kill to end a round 9 over.. i will make sure i play my next round with your insights…

  25. That putter is en fuego! Love the way you grind out a score when you need to

  26. Austin J says:

    Since I started watching your videos I’ve been keeping track of how many putts I hit in every hole. I found that in my last 10 rounds I’m averaging 2.6 putts per hole which is just abysmal. I’m not sure why I never thought to pay attention to it but from the little bit of real attention I’ve paid to I could easily pick up 10-12 shots if I can keep it to only one or two 3 putts per round. I’ve always thought I needed to focus on my driver and long iron play but it in the end it’s always the flat stick. Here’s to incrementally better golf and smart misses

  27. Bruce Hanna says:

    I love the way you battle. I really do need to try swingtweaks. I am really good at hitting a ball straight, but my driver only carries about 150 to 170 and the only clubs I have faith in getting consistently good flight are my wedges. All my irons are some variation of a bump and run.

  28. Daniel 36 says:

    Sometimes you need a stroke of luck too. I was playing not so great and then chipping in my first ever eagle. Which got the round together. Shot a 82

  29. Joe says:

    Adam! I’m impressed with your short game. Had to let you know you committed the offense of the tiger rule on 6. No big deal, you did it better

  30. B_Rossy says:

    Are some of these provisionals just for pace of play reasons? I’m almost positive you can’t hit a provisional if you think the ball could be in a hazard.

  31. majorwhiz says:

    Great to see Squamish on the channel! The Amateur tournament they host is one of the best events in BC Golf

  32. Jack says:

    One of the thrills of playing a round of golf is going for the hard shots. It’s personal preference to play safe or go for it. I know my HC would be lower if I played smart golf but that’s boring and I play for fun

  33. JustThaor says:

    What's with the blurring

  34. Did anyone notice at the 8:55 mark when he hit 2 balls at one time? LOL
    One trickled into the water.

  35. Tom Begley says:

    This is so helpful. I am trying to break 95 on a consistent basis. I have to learn how to manage my rounds. Watching you think your way through a round is great for me.

  36. Brandon Todd says:

    Starting watching your channel just a few weeks ago. I enjoy the content very much and it's made my game, while still garbage, more enjoyable as I try to implement your advice. Keep up the good work.

  37. folkrav says:

    I played a 91 yesterday. My first close call with playing in the 80s since I started playing again last year, after a close to 15 year hiatus. Two holes in particular blew my chances. Guess what? It's those two holes I tried for the hero shots rather than laying up, putting me in an even worse position and forcing two triples. 😅

  38. Bryce Carter says:

    everyone feel good about yourself because i’m the worst golfer on the planet don’t worry

  39. What was with the blurred boxes?

  40. EH says:

    Something I’ve noticed about the better golfers at my club is they don’t ride the emotional roller coaster. Whether they’ve just made back-to-back birds or a disappointing double, they move on to the next shot like nothing else has happened. It’s “boring golf” personified.

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