1. ⛳ Grab your "Solid Strike Formula" course here:

  2. Very important concept right at the end. Thanks

  3. Thomas Potts says:

    Wow. I showed this to my wife and told her to watch and she would see the part that drew my attention. Your story is mine too. I heard someone speak on John 3:3 and it changed my life. I went to church my whole life, but I had never heard this. As soon as my wife heard John 3:3 she looked at me knowingly and smiled.

  4. Baz says:

    That club toss section is pure gold 👍

  5. Hai Anh SG says:


  6. Ed Walt says:

    I was in a slump and lacking power and direction. I spent several hours working on the hip movement/separation and voila!. I especially like the little 8 iron drill. Everything felt coordinated and natural. I agree this is some of THE BEST golf instruction on YouTube.

  7. Quinn Haze says:

    THis is the best golf channel on Youtube.

  8. Tom says:

    The accent is so weird, literally half American and English

  9. Easier said then done sir
    but I will give it my best effort.🤷🏽‍♂️

  10. J S says:

    Pure wisdom…a lot of techniques you can read online but your simple body mechanic explanation and demonstration are pure gold. I’m going through all of your videos! Thank you coach!

  11. great info, however i learned the more you think about what you’re doing, the more you complicate things.

  12. Practice range with I iron.. address imaginary ball and toss golf club as described in the video… Walk up, collect 8 iron.. repeat process 50 times… Then go home … Don't hit a golf ball that day… Then at night think about the feel of that full release of energy through the impact zone…. Try remember that feeling next time you swing… Good luck…

  13. Hi Adam. Watched this video last night and it helped me knock 13 shots off my round today and break 100 after struggling for a while! Thank you!

  14. Thanks interesting point. I believe you just make me see something wrong in my swing. Good video.

  15. Man i love this towel method
    Seriously helps me at impact

  16. I wish my driving range would let me warm up by throwing my golf clubs

  17. David Kim says:

    Literally watched this video this morning right before day two of my member-member tournament. We won low gross!!

  18. James Brophy says:

    I’ve reached low single digit handicap in my younger days. ALWAYS fighting a tendency to come over the top though. Tossing the club was the light bulb in my brain I’ve searched for a LONG time. One thing I did to mimic inside my home and was HUGE for me was to pick a spot on the wall. Line up as if I was setting up to a ball. Holding a club head cover with both hands I would swing back and toss the club head cover at my target spot on the wall. 50 times daily. HUGELY valuable for me. So thought I’d share. You’re the the GOAT, Adam!

  19. Thank you!!!! Feels MUCH better.

  20. john white says:

    Good lesson. Thanks

  21. What is the first move from the top 🤔

  22. Jim King says:

    Another great lesson, Adam – thank you! I've often wondered about the difference between driver/wood and iron swings. How are they similar? How do they differ?

  23. Chris Mulder says:

    bad idea. you don't use your core. just handsy

  24. L Duranceau says:

    You have a beautiful move through the ball. I've decided to try and emulate your downswing.

  25. Thank you for showing women in your demos!

  26. Tim Isnor says:

    Hi Adam im a little confused where to put my arms to form the V. on the side of the body or out on the chest ?

  27. jmack619 says:

    Great lesson Doctor B ! I throw my clubs à lot, and they don,t hit the target! Sometimes, I totally miss the woods when throwing à club away. This will probably cause me to throw them à lot less, and with more accuracy.

  28. Cruusher says:

    I started practicing these techniques, and now I'm beginning to improve exponentially.

  29. Roster Mann says:

    "Knock the stumps a little bit there" You wouldn't by chance have an English background would you?
    Nice video very instructive. Will watch more, like from me.

  30. e99783 says:

    I am so sick of stupid golf instructors talking about “pushing down into the ground”. That is IMPOSSIBLE. You can’t push into the ground. Idiot. You can only push off of something, away from it.

  31. Mark Kev says:

    By far the best golf instructor/teaching pro on YouTube. Easy to understand snd duplicate what Adam is teaching.

  32. dossy33 says:

    Determinative 🤔😉

  33. I really like the last part

  34. Ann D. says:

    Adam: I don't understand how you can suddenly stop your hip turn and not stall the body? Please explain. Thank you for all your help, Jim

  35. Love these thought patterns! I was starting to strike at the ball and hitting fat/behind! Striking through to target in thought really helps my strikes! Thanks Adam love your work

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