How To Warm Up for a Round of Golf | Cody Wescott Golf Fitness

A proper warm-up is essential to enhance your performance and prevent injuries on the golf course.

Dynamic Stretching: Discover a series of dynamic stretches tailored to golfers, targeting key muscle groups like shoulders, hips, and spine. These stretches are designed to improve flexibility and range of motion, allowing for smoother swings.

Whether you’re aiming for a leisurely round with friends or striving for a competitive edge, our golf warm-up guide has you covered. Elevate your pre-game routine and watch your scores improve!

If you’re ready to take your golf game to the next level, don’t forget to hit that “Like” button and subscribe to our channel for more pro tips, equipment reviews, and course vlogs. Improve your swing, one video at a time!

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Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.


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