Improve Your Golf Backswing Plane

PGA Golf Professionals Piers ward and Andrew Proudman show you how to correctly swing the club on plane.


40 Replies to “Improve Your Golf Backswing Plane”

  1. MG 4 says:

    So how would you explain Berger’s success?

  2. Alfred Brown says:

    I obtained these golf swing tricks , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it), read it in a single evening, and the next day at the driving range put it into practice. I was immediately taking appropriate divots with my irons, properly after solid impact. I attained ten to fifteen yards more range than the common range I have with my irons. Try it out yourself!.

  3. Marty W says:

    I've struggled with this a lot over the years. This is a good reminder how to stay on plane.

  4. No intro for the other 🤔

  5. Robert Doran says:

    Great video, this has really helped understand my laid off position. Could you explain how to get width at the same time. I think trying to get as wide as possible in the backswing has caused me to get very disconnected and 'lift' the club to the top in a laid back position. Thanks.

  6. Serge x says:

    Fantastic technique.
    Must see

  7. Luke H says:

    Thanks guys this really helped

  8. Joel says:

    Thanks for a great vid!
    Should there be a conscious effort to hinge the wrists? Or should this occur "naturally" in the swing?

  9. JOgden says:

    I’ve been really struggling with this ½ to ¾ back transition, the “up she comes” movement as David Leadbetter calls it for a while and this is the perfect video explaining it. This video coupled with your alignment stick brushing down the leg drill has worked amazingly, many thanks guys!

  10. MACH v2.1 says:

    What is worse ? Being laid off or being across the line ?

  11. James brown says:

    This was a nice refresher. Instant help. Cheers!

  12. Awesome advice! I was doing exactly what you have said I shouldn't which resulted in a very laid off swing and low snap hooks. Wrist set will definitely be what I work on this week. Thanks lads, love the channel!

  13. I've struggled with this very problem for as long as I've played. I'm a 6 handicapper but every so often the 'layoff' creeps back into my backswing. that's a fantastic way of explaining it. keep up the great work guys thanks!

  14. Excellent explanation for something I've struggled with a long time. Thanks

  15. indy0228 says:

    You guys fixed my backswing issues so thank you! Just took it to the course for the first time, pictured your takeaway in my mind before each shot. Had my best round in years. I was hitting it so solid! I told the others in my foursome about your videos. They couldn't believe the turnaround in my game. Kevin

  16. what if you end up getting the clubhead too far outside the hands in the takeaway and a loss of depth in the backswing?

  17. GARRY BASHAM says:

    Excellent advise as allways.

  18. You guys are a credit to golf and youtube, thanks!

  19. dennis bean says:


  20. Knightlore10 says:

    You must exaggerate the feeling to make a correction. For me, it feels as though the butt of the club is pointing at the ground behind my heels as I cock my wrists. It feels strange at first but video confirms the shaft is actually between the ball and my toes where I want it. From there I can play.

  21. Excellent explanation, thanks.

  22. Lee Wilson says:

    brilliant, this video and the two swing plane drills really helped me. I was hitting it ok, I then reviewed by videoing my swing, felt into the trap as you say of correcting it in the wrong way, the two drills with the pro sticks helped illustrate what I should do perfectly, 

    Thanks lads!

  23. Query says:

    Same as many below, been doing exactly what you guys said. I'm still struggling with the actual movement though.

  24. Alex Jones says:

    Can you use the headcover under the right armpit drill as a way of practicing this more connected swing ??

  25. Alex Jones says:

    Can you use the headcover drill under the right armpit as a way of practicing this connected feeling ??

  26. Pete Rivers says:

    Is this the same for driver and longer clubs in general.

  27. Pete Rivers says:

    Is this the same for driver and longer clubs in general.

  28. 1664Louis says:

    Excellent drill guys this is what I have struggled with for years, money spent on over 6 PGA coaches, they still couldn't explain this simple drill, thanks!!!

  29. These are the only guys I listen to. I was doing this exact move until I watced this.  I had an "aha" moment.

  30. meklaq says:

    Excellent video ! Really excellent! This will help me a lot, I didn't really realize that I was separation as much as I do! Great exercise

  31. Meandmygolf says:

    Thanks for your comment. We believe is no "ideal" place in the backswing as everyone is different. This drill is purely for someone who is struggling with their move away and to get the club on plane. This drill was done as we see the same mistakes in the move away and wanted to offer better understanding for people who struggle with this. There are lots of ways to make a good backswing and this is just one of them. We appreciate your comment, thanks for your feedback.

  32. jsmyers777 says:

    You guys are making the assumption that the ideal place for connection is the bicep area of the arms to the chest. All that does is reduce freedom in the motion and limit the potential size of the swing arc. A better connection is through the shoulders not under them. Forget the whole Jimmy Ballard connection garbage. Get the arms up off the chest, drop them in the transition back onto the plane, and pull the club into the ball with the hips "through" the shoulders.

  33. Brett Fields says:

    Thank you so much! This is exactly what I started doing after noticing I was off plane. Keep up the awesome work!

  34. David B. says:

    brilliant video, really clear explanation

  35. eddie Butt says:

    Guys this is excellent I have exactly this problem I was finding when I made the takeaway I was getting too flat. Great vid and very well explained.

  36. I recently corrected this mistake by making sure my left elbow was pointing to the ground at all times during the backswing.

  37. Meandmygolf says:

    Hi jean, yes check us out on Facebook and twitter, all of the details of how to send your swing in will be on there.

  38. jean-Fred B says:

    Is there a place we can send you our swing for you guys to analyse ?

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