Lawsuit Update | Natalie Ryan Argues to Play in OTB Open

This week, we saw new documents filed in the Lawsuit brought against the DGPT/PDGA by transgender professional disc golfer Natalie Ryan. Yesterday, May 9th, Natalie’s attorney filed a response to the defendants’ arguments against allowing Natalie to compete in the 2023 OTB Open. We explained the new filings and what we may see at today’s court hearing in Sacramento.

If you haven’t yet, please watch our video explaining the PDGA/DGPT response:

Our previous video on the Natalie Ryan Lawsuit:

Our previous video on the PDGA/DGPT transgender Policy:

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Tik Tok:

0:00 Natalie’s Lawsuit
0:24 Temporary Restraining Order and Defendants’ Arguments
2:17 Natalie’s Response
4:41 What Happens Now?

We do not own any of the footage used in this video. Please check out these fantastic channels:
GK Pro –
Disc Golf Pro Tour –
Jomez –
Gatekeeper Media –
CBS 8 San Diego –


42 Replies to “Lawsuit Update | Natalie Ryan Argues to Play in OTB Open”

  1. Just sickening that a man can play with woman cause he thinks he is a woman nothing but trash hope he never wins

  2. Chuck Zappa says:

    Boooooo, go home cheater

  3. FuFlyer says:

    Not a fan… this whole situation has simply become political… I say open the doors wide open and let MPO play in the women’s division if they identify! That’s what will show the ridiculous nonsense these folks wish to force on everyone. 😢

  4. R Hummel2 says:

    The state of Cali enforced their own rules. The PDGA should enforce rules also. Transgenders can play in the M[mixed]PO, if they play in the F[female]PO, disqualify them. What do you think?

  5. Greg M says:

    Food for thought: It just so happens that Ryan is filing this court document in California of all states, where the judges tend to lean more pro-trans athletes.

  6. He needs to be banned from the pdga all together.

  7. Black face… evil

    Woman face… heroic!

  8. haPPy inaugural PDGA women's week! PDGA marketing at it's finest again!

  9. keipupule says:

    California loves groomers

  10. Im sick and tired of the transphobia in disc golf. Im sick of reading these comment sections full of people being bullies. What gain do you get intentionally misgendering someone? What level of pride do you have to have to feel the need to pat youself on the back and say "ah yes i showed these people i dont like how i feel about them, maybe they wont do it anymore"

    These are facts
    Natalie is a female.
    She is good at disc golf.
    People dont like her because they think transgender people shouldnt play elite level sports where it is fair for them and there competitors.
    Testosterone puberty does not = skill
    Hrt causes long term musculature changes that onset rapidly from the start.

    People that say "he" when talking about Natilie are evil (no excuse)

    I think God created everyone with a purpose. Each with different perspectives and lessons to learn in life. How dare you spend your short time on this earth trying to be bitter and angry at people you dont understand.

  11. There is a clear advantage for a biological male who transgenders, as I have yet to hear of a biological female who transgenders and has won any competition in any sports.??? But seeing more and more of males who are transgender winning all sorts of sports. 🤔

  12. NFS says:

    Nate Ryan couldn’t make it as a man and Natalie Ryan isn’t making it as a woman. Self made outcast.

  13. Kieran McKay and others think that this video’s comments should be turned off bc they are “hateful” and is jeopardizing Ryan’s safety(let’s not talk about Nashville). Why shouldn’t we express our viewpoints as a community to help decide what’s best for the FPO? Censorship isn’t helpful.

  14. Lace ThaAce says:

    California does not rule the world.

  15. KT420ish says:

    "Their policy is not discriminatory because it somehow creates fairness in competition." Ummmm yea, that is absolutely correct. She was born a male, her natural body genetically gives her an advantage over a natural born female. So NOT allowing her to play DOES create fairness in competition. Like what are we arguing about here? Whoever passed that law snuck it past everyone in California. I don't remember being able to vote on that, just saying 🤷‍♂️. It's ultimately a very poor law and we should be arguing about the law itself in court. Not Natalie crying to get her way.

  16. Looks like states like Texas and Florida may be getting some former-California event dates.

  17. If this case goes on with the outcome being dependent on the states moronic ideals hopefully the pdga and dgpt take that into account and move future events that the government tries to interject in the efforts of the league to be fair rewards to the women to states that don't try to push their nonsense on them

  18. If he gets in after winning this would really say something if he starts beating out tattar who's been on an absolute tear this season 😳 this is all just crazy hope it ends quickly and with the fpos best interests in mind

  19. M. M. says:

    ❤ thank you

  20. I think you should let Natalie play against the fpo division while using the mpo starting tees. Crazy thought huh?

  21. No He is not a woman

  22. Disc Blaster says:

    Yes their points are relevant if you somehow agree that there is discrimination.
    I call it rules

  23. Ethan Weaver says:

    Here’s an idea. Why doesn’t the PDGA have an open league where any and all people can play, mixed bag if you will to see who the I don’t know “WORLD CHAMPION” is. Make everyone play against each other not grouping in trans athletes into their preferred division only to be shut down or denied

  24. Shane Wright says:

    We should just stop having mens and women's divisions. Create xx and xy divisions and that ends all controversy.

  25. What about the discrimination towards biologically born women? They are being forced to play against a different kind of women. If Gannon Buhr came out as trans, the fpo field is done.

    If you are transgender, I am not against you. I’m against you playing competitively against biological women. Let’s make a transgender category and call it a day. Yes, the competition will be very small but wasn’t the fpo division small to start with? What about every other professional women’s sport? It’s starts small and grows from there.

  26. This is insane. I support her right to live as a woman… but this isn't fair to the FPO. It exists as a separate league for a reason. Can Garret G. declare himself a lady and start dropping 500' bombs on the short tees for easy $$$?

    If you really want to be a pioneer for trans disc golf, go out and kick ass against the big boys… that'll get support.

  27. If they force the pdga to let him play in the fpo, then the pdga needs to pull the event from california next year. Other businesses need to start doing the same. There are so many laws and guidelines that businesses need to follow just because they sell goods in california. Let's see how california survives without the goods from other states

  28. disc.seeker says:

    If Ryan’s wants to play, have him play in the mpo where he belongs. Just cuz u change your looks an some hormones dosent change your bone an muscle structure nor your dna.. let women sports be for biological women only.

  29. Devil says:

    So its all California's fault, if they didn't write these insane fcking laws where a man saying he's a woman legally makes him a woman, Natalie wouldn't have shit. Thanks for fcking things up Cali

  30. Why is this filed in California? OTB open isn’t in California and as far as I know DGPT and PDGA aren’t based in California. California is a biased state when it comes to these issues.

  31. Alex K. says:

    Reason #92,451 to not live in California

  32. Dan Trutron says:

    Great update. Is a primary issue whether the CA law applies to a professional sports competition for money ? That seems wildly different than a business or establishment refusing to serve or admit a person.

  33. Romius says:

    Save Women Sports !!!!!!!!

  34. Romius says:

    why does everyone keep calling Nate Ryan she and her ??? Doesn't he have a penis ????

  35. Romius says:

    libtard California needs to fall into the ocean

  36. Romius says:

    women ARE females and females ARE women……. anyone who thinks differently is brainwashed or doesn't know science

  37. Kieron McKay says:

    Man the trans bashing going on in disc golf at this point in our country’s politics really makes you think not everyone who plays this game is nice or chill contrary to the popular belief. I fully believe many people in these comment boards anytime Natalie Ryan’s name is mentioned would fully support endangering a trans persons life which is exactly why these anti-discrimination laws exist. Thank you random dudes calling women inferior for ever proving we’re nowhere near “all people created equal.”

  38. Daily reminder that trans women are women and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't belong in disc golf 🙂

  39. Just add a mangirl person division for every tournament.

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