Oddities In The AFL Round 4 2023

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36 Replies to “Oddities In The AFL Round 4 2023”

  1. 5 THROWS?????


  2. umps did all they could to make the swans beat port, but they were just to shit

  3. Rusty Gold says:

    The Port v Swans game was choc full of oddities . Everyone had clangers . But a top game in the end

  4. That deliberate call was very incorrect

  5. Dylan Gross says:

    What about that disgraceful call on zurha during the Carlton match, he had his neck taken off and the umps had direct line of sight and didn’t play a free

  6. Love these videos, keep them up!

  7. LEGENDary says:

    go the crows


  8. El-Violador says:

    Somehow McKay goes from looking like the best forward to the worst forward in moments. It's actually harder to miss that than it is to kick it

    Florent did just about all he could. The wind must have been in his face because that ball dropped like I've never seen. A little premature on the goal line celebration may have even cost them the points

    Houston not under immediate pressure. Yes there was pressure but he had the space to kick. Good call

    Brilliant no points stat there from close. Great awareness

    An atrocious passage of play. Not 1 legal disposal

    I loved this tackle. He pulls him down without catching him high without a dump or sling. I rate it

    These embarrassing shanks are way to frequent… Maybe a bit less running and a bit more ball drills

    I usually have a pettiness to ex Crows players who left us at our peak. Can't seem to hate this guy though

    That is the single worst passage of play I've seen. And Hogan has no leg to stand on. Should have kicked it rather than grub it to team mates under more pressure. Passed the buck then had the nerve to berate them about it

    That's definitely a goal though could they invest in cameras that look better than 8 bit sprites?

    Tough as. Wish Frampton all the best and that's a great bit of bravery

    Shank, shank, covered Cameron in another vid… Lloyd Meek. Don't over commit when they have that much time to work out how to embarrass you

    The noodles are just bizarre

    I feel for McCartin. That's fucking scary how groggy he was after such a small knock. I hope it's not a big recovery for the bloke

    I'm guessing that's an in joke?! Buggered if I know

    Rayner just needs to have games like that more often. Just pure damage play and it's great to watch the damaging players as a neutral

    Tex has been a little off. Wonder if he's carrying a niggle or has something going on. That or Nicksy has asked him to take up a more thankless role to give more spotlight to the younger guys. He usually lights up the opening few rounds

    Honestly the best spoil I've seen. Absolute masterpiece

    Ha… Pee whistle… Glad we can all act 5 again

  9. the gulden throw is crazy

  10. Flair Footy says:

    Harry McKay is a walking oddity. He really tests my patience! Great vid as always!

  11. K.O says:

    5:54 person in crowd gets smashed by the ball

  12. Always love to see the shanks 😂😂

  13. Alex G says:

    You think you could come up with some more terminology rather than just saying the word "shank" over and over again?

  14. 50Lions says:

    No tipping video?

  15. Mgik says:

    Lmao absolute violation towards Jesse Hogan 😂

  16. floyd Lay says:

    thank you love the channel!

  17. Owen Muz says:

    The highlights we actually wanna see😅

  18. Splunkism says:

    shame stringers 55m barrel didnt get a mention
    but great episode none the less

  19. Spooder says:

    Love your content bro

  20. Arctinaut says:

    I know the umps job is tough and that don’t get nearly the same angle we do but those 5 throws was absolutely crazy

  21. Yeah I have had it a couple times where in games the whistle doesn't blow, it can be quite frustrating actually. Luckily we always have a spare on us.

  22. Yeah with the jackson Mead one, looks like a goal for me, the score reviewers obviously found that there was no conclusive evidence to overturn the umpires call of a behind, so therefore the call stands.

  23. I must admit, It is very difficult to determine the differences between a throw and handball when the play is moving as fast as it did. All players to me looked like they got a fist to it.

  24. Dan Houston call was correct as he received the ball outside the nine metres, has really no immediate pressure and really has not intent at all to keep to football in play even from the first second of him receiving the football.

  25. Charles SG says:

    1:26 I genuinely thought I was watching the wnba for a second.

  26. CH4ZZY T says:

    What team do you go for

  27. plonkychonky says:

    hey love the vid the jackson mead one actually seems correct i swear i can see the ball change directions when it goes past the swans players hand, especially from the rear angle

  28. SamySull says:

    am i the only one that sees the ball clearly suddenly deviate in the jackson mead goal review one??? the behind the goal view shows it just completely shifts course…

  29. Birchy says:

    Kelli Underwood is back at it again. Dutch Soccer player?

  30. Birchy says:

    I think that Taylor Walker has something wrong with his shoulder and that is why he can't mark above his head

  31. Harryerq says:

    Shanks don't seem to be odd anymore. So many per week.

  32. 1:35 I love your content but none of these were throws and this is coming from an Essendon supporter

  33. Cec Matthews says:

    What about Ollie Henry’s goal that was called a point

  34. 4:12 what are you talking about that was a very well executed pass. Lol.

  35. The umps definitely wanted the Swans to win against Port

  36. More Oddities! Let’s go!

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