OTB Tour Skins #99 | B9 | at PCS Open in Norway

OTB Tour Skins #99 | F9 | at PCS Open in Norway

Skins Rules:

Each hole is worth 1 Skin
Each skin is worth $100
Players must win the hole outright to win the skins
If 2 players score the same on the hole the current skins push to the next hole

Hosted by Luke Humphries

Jeremy Koling
Anthony Barela
Albert Tamm
Jakub Semerád

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40 Replies to “OTB Tour Skins #99 | B9 | at PCS Open in Norway”

  1. Mark Marcus says:

    He’s the Albert Tamminator!

  2. That's not the rule Steve

  3. Albert Tamm?? Hah! More like Albert Calm, amiright???

  4. AB is just insane. The long drive on 15, he turned it over and was still within like 30 feet of Albert's full flight. And Albert absolutely smashes the disc. AB is in a league of his own.

  5. Paul Compton says:

    Jakub and Jeremy tying each other on 4 holes, saddest thing I've seen all month 🙁

  6. As always, love the content and thank you. 🤗🤗. The laughs between AB and Jerm after 16 were the best. 😂🤣

  7. mordek says:

    Almost to 100, epic! I spent time in between things throughout the day to manually enter player appearances in a table, it was a great trip down memory lane. The top 5 ranking for number of appearances (by my count) is 1 Kevin Jones (27), 2 Calvin Heimburg (21), T3 James Conrad and Emerson Keith (13), T5 Simon Lizotte and Paul Ulibarri and Chris Dickerson (11).

  8. If Albert needs a new nickname, I think they should go with mr tamburine man 😊

  9. Sofaspud says:

    I would LOVE to see a new GK Pro segment "eagles or bust", take a bunch of big arms and put them on a course of par 4-5's, $100-250 eagle bounties on every hole. We want to see more of AB RIPPING the stamp off discs and inventing new lines.

  10. It's like Albert and Jerm copy/pasted each other's beards. 😃

  11. murphyd8 says:

    Lol I like Albert more after this video he seems so nice and everyone is so mean to him, jerm saying he has slow arm speed and them saying he’s not bazooka lol

  12. ghosTrunner says:

    Nothing like getting paid, just having fun!

  13. Chris Davies says:

    Always a pleasure. Thanks to OTB and GK Pro. Much appreciated.

  14. ❤️💕❤️Happy Happy!! ❤️

  15. Freezby wizard in training: Albertus Tammbldore, missed opportunities or freezby action star, Al Claude VanTamm.

  16. Andy D says:

    Albert "Tame" 🤣

  17. lol Luke, i'd pick you in the video game and still have fun trash talking lay-up putts!

  18. tonyG. says:

    Ab has been putting great lately.

  19. How about Albert Tammagachi?

  20. Leigh Taft says:

    Just a suggestion.

    Take off the stupid sunglasses. Might help. It’s not even sunny out man.

  21. JMRSplatt says:

    Is DGN really locking the European open behind a paywall? lol.. will they learn? not sure.

    I haven't seen a European open or USDGC in several years. sad 🙁

  22. Nice to see a skins match without Calvin, Gannon or Simon. Love all those guys but it’s a nice change for once

  23. So many missed opportunities for the obvious:

    Green Eggs & Tamm

  24. Joe Jinx says:

    Did anyone else hear Jerm call Albert the “Golden Palomino”??

  25. Gus Bruker says:

    How about Albert Tammpon

  26. D. Harris says:

    Big jerm was legit irritated w Albert 😂

  27. I♥DiscGolf says:

    If there is anyone that can park this hole on the drive it is AB.

  28. Brian Boyc E says:

    Albert and the tammp.

  29. Hatchet man says:

    Just ordered some more disc off of OTB! such a great site! 👌

  30. chewing gum with a mic like that is not very smart xD the gum sound is making me crazy dude

  31. J B says:

    Does anybody know what they they were discussing on hole 12 ? I know its something to do with Anthony's drive but im a little confused

  32. Can we get a "bud" counter on Luke? Gotta be in triple digits every episode 🤣

  33. Discgolf247 says:

    I feel like I got blue balled on 18s teepad, let the boys have some fun and put it in the vid we want those shots too

  34. NESFloridian says:

    I’d pay a lot to throw like any of these guys but good Lord Anthony… One day I’ll watch him throw in person.

  35. Kevin Mac says:

    Kindve stupid tamm almost won because Luke decided to make his own mando rules up on 10

  36. BumHi says:

    Luke showed his age when the first game console he could think of was Sega lol.

  37. Leigh Taft says:

    Good day everyone

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