OverDrive: The guys discuss Mitch Marner's comments about the media (May 9, 2023 — Hour 1)

Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill and Jamie McLennan discuss Hayes vs. O-Dog on the golf course, Mitch Marner’s comments about not paying attention to what the media says, Joseph Woll being named the game 4 starter and are joined by TSN Oilers reporter Ryan Rishaug to discuss the Oilers loss to the Golden Knights in game 3 and the boys talk about if the Lakers should rest LeBron James since they’re up 3-1 in their series against the Warriors.


31 Replies to “OverDrive: The guys discuss Mitch Marner's comments about the media (May 9, 2023 — Hour 1)”

  1. Lexfi P says:

    R u kidding me? Anyone that says they don't "care" , care more than anybody…
    Grow up Marner..you're paid far too much not to care. Step up to the plate and show 'em what you got!

  2. DH J says:

    If he doesn't listen, he wouldn't be angry.

  3. And Toronto won with Marner getting the winner!! Marner does care souly as well as heartly he's tough on himself & beating himself up acknowledging he's not playing good so media compounds that issue so Marner barks back to protect himself to lesson his own self ridiculment..

  4. Terdon Wanna says:

    marner does not check social media i call B.S on that all day long and the truth hurts

  5. Greg Bayers says:

    Why is Marner always the scapegoat

  6. thats the problem they dont care not about anything i say get rid of them they are useless

  7. C Benjamin says:

    This is why mitch marner needs to be the one to go….he's a cancer on and off the ice

  8. Mitch is playing sloppy like he did before he got benched in Anaheim. Unfortunately, with elimination on the horizon, it's too late to bench him in this series.

  9. "You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacles you had to overcome to reach your goals." –Booker T. Washington

  10. OzzyDo says:

    Marner sounds rattled. Love it.

  11. Mitch listens. Who he think he is kidding at? Actually funny to watch him. He is a clown but doesn’t know how bad he looks.

  12. Marner is such a whiny little bitch. He knows they're getting swept.

  13. TAS says:

    Marner has NEVER shown up in play offs, I dont know, Is he overly nervous ? I mean give him some f***ing ativan ffs ! the giveaways are brutal.

  14. Sean Bhoy says:

    Looks like Mitchy doesn't handle the downs as well as the goods.Sounds like a wee brat.

  15. leafsfan71 says:

    FINALLY you have the show on YouTube. About GD time!!! 😂

  16. Scott Piper says:

    Mitch Marner is the most fragile “superstar”— or whatever you want to call him—in the entire league.

  17. Videos like this are the reason the leafs will never win a cup.

  18. Nervous shook scared little boy 🤣😂🤣🤡

  19. Mitch you so shook you dont know which way is up 🤣😂🤣🤡

  20. Richard Bas says:

    You guys are all missing the point….Mitch Marner is simply not a intelligent man. Probably completed grade 10. His mind is incapable of answering good interview questions. His IQ is somewhere in the mid to high 80’s. If it wasnt for hockey Mitch Marner would be working on an assembly line in some factory.

  21. Richard Bas says:

    No character on this team. None. All woke rich kids.

  22. Richard Bas says:

    Marner is a loser with loser mentality. Nothing has been more obvious in his career. Go get your other arm Tattoo’d Mitch. Lolololol

  23. 905kadin says:

    These guys talking about @goodgood and Golf for the first 40 mins… bruh 🫣

  24. I wonder when was the last time Mitch M danced the griddy. He don’t look to happy.

  25. Fabio d says:

    they shouldnt give a rats ass what the media says. they are all washed up hockey players turned broadcasters. its easy for a broadcaster to give his opinion.

  26. I was talking with someone and indicated I would find a new team to cheer on instead of the Leafs. This guy told me I'm not a true Leaf fan if I'm thinking of pulling out. My answer to him: I'm 78 and have been a Leaf fan since I could walk and talk. So a loyal Leaf fan for over 70 years I've given them, and now, I think it's time they thought about me. How about giving back to me for a change instead of me doing all the giving. 70 yrs of giving and someone is going to tell me I'm not a loyal Leaf fan. This is a two way street. I give 70 yrs of my heart and soul to the Leafs and they give what, a cup in 1967 and nothing since. What is it these guys want from me now, blood? Time to get off their high horses and put in an honest day of working for a change. Most people in this world work a lot harder than these soft mushrooms and get paid less in their entire lifetimes than these leaf stars make in six months. Enough already. Don't tell us you don't read what the reporters are saying, maybe listen and read and it might put a purr under your saddle to put a little more effort into your job. Too bad we don't have a Paul Maurice to light a fire under these guys and remind them how the game should be played.

  27. 32:32 NAh man dont let him off. After he fell on his butt he got up and just lazily skated after the player. U MESSED UP? MOVE UR EFFING ASS!

  28. SlurpEee25 says:

    I think the media needs to leave players alone. It's the same tiresome questions game in and game out.

  29. CSM-101 says:

    Skip the first 8 mins. Reason why you clicked starts at 8:15

  30. Montekristo says:

    It's the blame game. Instead of taking ownership of their shotty play, they need someone to blame when things don't go their way! A sign that they still need to grow and mature more if they're ever gonna win anything in the NHL.

  31. Ever since Marner got Babcock fired for asking who was underperforming we all knew he didn't have a backbone.
    Biggest reason it's hard to root for & biggest reason it's easy to root against the Leafs?
    Players like Marner…

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