Playing Golf EVERY WEEK Until I Break Par – Week 1

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33 Replies to “Playing Golf EVERY WEEK Until I Break Par – Week 1”

  1. Nick Gray says:

    Looking forward to this series, hope the knee recovers quickly and well for you mate

  2. 5 over and the swing is looking good 👍

  3. LurkerLew says:


  4. Takomo Golf says:

    We believe in you Josh! Lets goooooo 🔥

  5. You're closer than you think.
    Just score more birdies! You have birdie looks on most holes so all ya gotta do is sink more putts. Easy peasy.


  6. Tantron says:

    Wondering if your shots pulling right are because your hips are still a little open at impact because of your knee still gaining strength to rotate. Praying for a quick recovery, this series will be 5-10 episodes long max.

  7. Bob Frantz says:

    Good to have you back!

  8. Good to have you back! Hopefully the knee comes good soon!

  9. Brian Murray says:

    I'm 57 just coming off a torn MCL in my left knee. The hardest part now is getting the confidence to get on my left side

  10. Brian Burk says:

    Welcome back… question what camera set up and tracker software do you use? would make a good video. the how to…video

  11. Hey Josh! Bridlewood in FlowerMound? If so that’s awesome. Love that course. Shot the best round of my life there (78) as a 18 handicap back in 2014. I live 30-40 min east of there… If you ever wanna play sometime hit me up. I’m a 16 handicap so you might need to spot me some strokes lol.. Just followed you on IG and subbed to your YT.

  12. I really admire your outlook on the golf course. Expectations aren't super high, it doesn't seem like you get very frustrated. I need to channel my inner Josh when I'm on the course lol. It's so easy to get frustrated and lose your head.

    Glad you're back, take it easy on that knee!

  13. When you re-tee… you are playing your second shot. So your approach would be stroke 3 on that hole

  14. Tim McDonald says:

    Welcome back Big Josh!!!! Great first round, you’re back at it!!

  15. Ben Pyeatt says:

    Love seeing this series again!! Glad the knee is doing well!

  16. Happy to see you back and glad you had a successful knee surgery. Super excited to see you break par on a round of golf! Let’s get it!

  17. swobert says:

    Dude knee surgery is the absolute worst! Good video man cant wait to see you break it!

  18. joedavey84 says:

    You love to see it! After the knee surgery you’ll 100% have to pay a few visits to Dr. Chipinski.

  19. look at all those divits look fresh to me you hit multi shots there

  20. Andrew Lau says:

    Glad you're back my friend! Hope the knee keeps feeling better!

  21. Great round especially coming off your knee injury. I just got my ACL repaired and am trying to play my first round back at bridlewood in the next coming week or two. Lmk if you’re interested in joining!

  22. Sam H says:

    Looking forward to the series – Hopefully a short one 👌🏼

  23. Glad to see you back on the course.

  24. Glad to see you back in action!

  25. Grant Duwe says:

    Hey man, I love these videos, I know the outcome wasn’t as great as you wanted it to be but you still shot in the 70’s! I can see that your putting has really improved overall, you okay great especially coming from the knee injury. The only tip I would give is to club up on some iron shots just until you start swing back to 100% rather than 70%. Other than that, keep it up!

  26. Patrick J says:

    Ever figure out what you smashed out to the left? lol

  27. Geoff Klein says:

    So if I get knee surgery can I go out and shoot a 77? Willing to try anything at this point 🤔

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