Pro Tips: Installing Golf Grips on Tiger Wood Irons

On this episode, we are completed the golf clubs explained segments with the golf grip while build a set of TW Taylormade irons. Learning the history of the golf grip, the recent additions to golf grips, how to make the grip bigger, how to fit a golf grip can all be found in the video.
Join us mondays at 530 pm eastern for a livestream on the same topics only live.


9 Replies to “Pro Tips: Installing Golf Grips on Tiger Wood Irons”

  1. Mike Wrobel says:

    Perhaps dumb question but is the grip tape sticky on both sides? Did you remove the backing off camera or do you leave it on?

  2. Great info as always. Did you happen to mention who puts on a large # of grips? πŸ˜‚β€

  3. Hammer says:

    When I’m putting on multiple layers of tape I like to slightly stagger the layers of tape at the β€œmouth” end so there is a gradual taper rather a sudden drop. Sometimes you can see it. Sometimes you can’t.

  4. Outstanding lesson on grips, Jim. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Mike PXG says:

    Graphite shafts in these heads….sacrilege.

  6. Gavin Duffy says:

    Thank you very much for these videos. I mentioned on a live stream that I started to learn how to build clubs earlier in the year. I'm up to about a dozen or just over a dozen regrips now. I've made a couple bonehead mistakes ( not enough solvent being one ) but all part of the learning process πŸ˜€ hopefully be doing a complete set regrip in the near future

  7. Tony Santa says:

    Man!!!! Took a $2000 set of irons and made them $4000.

  8. Ron G says:

    You are so thorough with your explanations that I can understand why you do things and then show me what to do. The best!!! πŸ‘

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