Real Reason Everyone Should Throw More Putters in Disc Golf | Beginner Tips and Tutorials

If you’ve watched a video targeted towards beginners you’ve most likely heard them say that you should throw putters early on. Honestly…I’ve said it countless times on this channel. Today though I want to highlight an additional reason I think people should throw putters more often as well as get more comfortable throwing these types of discs. The “Comeback Mechanic” is something few players are discussing and yet it hinders many player’s abilities to score! What is this reason and mechanic?? You’ll have to watch to find out!

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As always, I want to take a quick moment to recommend all of my incredible sponsors who keep me geared up and ready to compete!

The best place to find discs, head over to
For the best putting tool in the game, head over to and use the code “rcdiscgolf” for 10% off!
The amazing FlighTowel and other related products to massively improve your game can be found at​ and use code “128799” for 10% off!
The best beginner bag, as well as a phenomenal bag overall for the under $100 price point, check out Atlas DG Supply at
Finally, to look the best on the course and keep that sun out of your eyes, head over to and use the code “rcdiscgolf” for 16% off!

Thanks again for stopping by, but until next time I hope the birdies outnumber the bogies!!

0:00 Intro
1:10 Setting the Table
3:11 The Comeback Strat
5:54 So Why Putters?
9:38 Next Steps
12:21 Wrap Up


40 Replies to “Real Reason Everyone Should Throw More Putters in Disc Golf | Beginner Tips and Tutorials”

  1. Terp Pharmer says:

    I e been watching your videos for over a year and love the content but when I go out I always get a lil nervous and reach for the 11 speeds when I know I shouldn’t but this video i finally had it and took everything over a 9 speed out of the bag. I’m going to trust the process and see how it goes. It can’t get much worse lol

  2. Brian Slade says:

    Putters are FAR more forgiving of nose-up throws (they almost favor nose-up), which helps beginners. However, that can also reinforce bad release angle. Mids might be a better learning option for proper form.

  3. MrDong101 says:

    I played with only a banshee and valkyrie for 10+ years. Throwing putters still feel funny but it's improving.

  4. KBone295 says:

    So here recently I went out and played save for par golf . The first 2 times Iv played in the monthly I shot +11 +7 and the 3rd round was playing save par golf and I shot +2 . Now I’m not a good player at all I’m very inconsistent with playing . Along with that mindset Iv stop throwing D drivers . So the main driver I throw for this rd was the fd

  5. Tyler King says:

    Ironic timing. My home course has a hole that’s just over 400’, all downhill, and has an understable line and overstable line, both separated by a thiqqq line of trees. Understable line is tough, but I’ve been trying it again the past few months. Couple weeks ago I get here and think, “Hm…what if I throw my beat-in Envy off the tee? It’s understable…”

    While I missed my line, the disc found a gap in that line of trees and turned right, and it got down substaintially far, enough that I was able to approach with my Berg for a Bird. 👌🏼

    Next day I try the same thing, hit the understable line this time, and I have a clear, 150ish ft. look at the basket to park it for another birdie, which I got.

    So…I birdied a 400’ hole with putters. Sound advice, Robbie! 👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  6. Ok, but for me (short thrower, max 95 m, 310 ft), being essential the grip, I find that my grip on a Putter (I have 15 putters, more than discs in other categories) is notably different than my grip on Fairway and also Midrange discs. So, for throws up to 40-50 m (130-160 ft) I usually use a putter, but farther, up to 50-60 m I find much better the midranges. Over 60 m I go with fairways.

  7. Jake C says:

    Love this and I genuinely agree. For me, it's not an "ego thing" so much as it's a "putters feel weird when I try to throw them for distance" thing. My slow speed go to throw is a midrange (EMac Truth, usually) and the only "putter" I've found that I can throw comfortably is the Envy and it's sibling the Proxy. I think this is because they feel closer to Midranges to me. Whereas my putting putter (EMac Judge) and other putters feel deeper to me and come off my fingers weird. Probably means I need to work on my grip with putters, but I just wanted to share my experience.

  8. Tim says:

    Robbie, thank you for reminding me to play putter rounds. I try to do 3 to 4 through out the season.

  9. Mr E says:

    This is why I buy discs labeled as "Putt and approach" so I can fool myself into ot seeing them as straight up putters.

  10. Simo Kree says:

    Interesting that I got two unskippable ads on this video, and then immediately after, you said there are no ads on this video. Might wanna hit up youtube for scamming you

  11. Jón Steinar says:

    I still got an ad.. or ads.. one 15sec unskippable and a second skippable one..🫤

  12. Started with drivers like my friends did, but quickly realized I was scoring much better throwing my warden on most drives at my local par 3 course.

  13. Marshin72 says:

    This is what I’ve done over the past two months and now I feel I can actually throw my mids and envy straight and hard. I don’t have to go up to fairways as much either.

  14. Travis L says:

    This is the way!!! Great content

  15. Thanks a bunch. I've been struggling a lot with a ton of things but this is helpful. I think I've been playing the same short course too often and messing with my form too much. Why is this happening what's happening where even am i.


  16. Love that you do so many vids at George ward. It was my home course when I lived in the Ham.
    Will likely again be my home when I move back in a year.
    Looking forward to meeting you out there

  17. BillFromAZ says:

    I'm doing a reset this year. I've shelved everything above 5 speed. I have a stable 5 speed, overstable 5 speed, understable 5 speed, very understable 5 speed, overstable 4 speed, stable 4 speed, and my putter. I've found my form is improving. I'm now into May with using only those discs. I plan on re-evaluating in July to see if I might add a couple of 7 speeds.

  18. I throw putters and mids anytime I can! Fairway drivers come out after 320ft.

  19. I have started doing this get more comfy with putters. The Envy is so good and my main upshot disc is the Berg. Play safe but have started running some to help not fear the come back

  20. After six years of playing I have gone back to playing and practicing with throwing putters. I reached a point to where I wasn't progressing. It was starting to get to me. I knew I could play better than I have been. I could feel my body not doing what I knew it should have been doing. I felt I was constantly trying to max power drivers and the majority of the time, I was sacrificing form and control. I had to stop. I've even been playing our minis with putters only. Knowing I was not going to be in contention to place. But I was really at the point I was about to give up disc golf for good. By playing with putters I have started helping my form along and even getting close to the same scores at the minis with putters as I was doing with my whole bag! I may go all summer like this.

  21. Michael King says:

    Great Video. I think a HUGE factor should be the course that you are playing on and how forgiving it is when you don't land on the fairway. A wide open course is much more inviting to throw the power shot, but when playing on a place with OB or thick woods, that's when it will really pay off to go the putter heavy route.

  22. Jim Giordano says:

    Well Robbie what putters should I throw?

  23. Last year I switched my game to only throwing 9 speed and below (aside from 4 distance drivers that I keep in my bag for the kansas winds) and my game improved dramatically. Recently I switched my style to not throw the disc hard and focus on just playing smoothly and accurately and I've been seeing another huge improvement.

  24. EARL Grray says:

    for me doing a putter only round is ok but my grip changes. i got from a putting grip close range but driver are done with the bonopane grip.

  25. Shuebert says:

    Dang now I've got to keep throwing putters hahah. I've learned the big drives from throwing them but now I need to practice the short throws as I keep losing big strokes there. Overall getting so much better from throwing putters though! Highly recommend!

  26. PaSmith says:

    I love throwing putters. If it's in my putter range I'm throwing a putter.✌️

  27. I've started splitting my drives like he says… it shaved off double digits on my score.

  28. Love the advice, just recently discovered this as i played with players with more experience than me. Now i use the putters alot more and actually tackled down a hole that i never birdied before because i was having a hard time going thru that mando. Ez biride with putter.

  29. Shoutout to the Birdie Fam being real ones.

  30. I’ve had a tough time finding a comfortable putter to throw. I like a very narrow/thin disc.

    Do we consider the Pig or Zone a putter?

  31. gwolfe333 says:

    I've started playing the local pitch n putt with putters 2-4 times a week to help with control.

  32. You are giving away the old guy game again, I’d avoid trying to hang with the MA MP 50 + cards until it blows over. 😉

  33. RockCh4lk says:

    I wish I had more opportunities to throw putters, but most holes in my area are right around 330' and it's always windy too. Mostly fairways and drivers off the tee here in Kansas

  34. boostghost says:

    I usually throw 375-400 feet. Yesterday I I really got a hold of one and ripped it 490 feet (confirmed with range finder). Really wish I knew what I did differently to get it that far 😢

  35. Josh Cardon says:

    Started playing last spring, I was lucky to have a buddy that also played and used putters all the time, so I got in the habit of doing that as well and now anything under 300 ft I grab a putter or midrange.

  36. carny shill says:

    the first flight number "speed" .. pretty well established that it references rim width ..not a "speed" like mph we can throw all the discs at our "max" speed or less.

  37. Ohm G Stav says:

    That's a good benefit with playing in the snow. After you loose a driver under the surface it forces you to throw your putters and mids more.

    But I personally say the greatest thing for improving my consistency is proper field work. 30 mins a few times a week did so much, and especially when I switched from my course bag and instead put together a smaller bag with 4 pairs of discs. 2 Proxies, 2 Envys, 2 Hexes and 2 Reactors was what I ended up going with and just throwing the same discs and practicing angles with similar discs instead of a bag of 20 different molds made such a huge difference.

    I think one of the downsides with going from driver to putter on the course is especially if you're not used to throwing a putter it's so easy to shank it and then feel discouraged from doing it again. Especially if you're the kind of beginner that started throwing with fairways, like I had to work away so much OAT after that first year, but now I'll throw my Proxy/Envy at pretty much anything under 60m. First year playing absolutely everything was dx Valkyrie range.

  38. I am your target audience. Started disc golf in Dec '22. Am Five foot three, 🦖arms and slow arm speed. Drive 250-280'. Six weeks ago, lesson with owner of Tree Love in Dallas got me a baseline form. A handful of mindful 15-30' putting work(working until making 65-100 putts from 15-30' measured) got my putting confidence up. Play regularly in +18-25mph winds. College ultimate background +20yrs ago. Only play 9 hole rounds on par 3 courses in Dallas/Richardson area. Went from +3-5 over PAR to Even to +1over PAR rounds. Tree Love lesson made aim better, got nose down, improved putting technique. My drives leave me +150-200' from C1, but I throw a firm Nomad and get into C1 about +75% of the time. Now I expext to drain 15-20', hit metal out to 35'. Putting mental affirmation, "Straight for the Chainbang." I expect to hit metal on every C1 putt. My two putts have greatly diminished. Even on +350-400' Par 3s, PAR feels readily attainable. Maybe I'll throw over 350' regularly one day, but right now I am having a blast getting so mamy PARs that a bogey doesn't bother me. The occassional 🐤 is icing on the round. Thx for all the great content. 🙏

  39. Best part about throwing putters is out driving people throwing destroyers.

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