Revolutionize Your Nutrition with the Jennifer Broxterman


Join Wes on this episode as he chats with Jennifer Broxterman, a registered dietician and sports nutritionist about unhealthy relationships with food and how to undo that mindset and create a healthier one.

Jennifer is also an Enlifted coach and CEO of two nutrition companies. First, she is the CEO of Nutrition RX which she founded in 2010. She and a team of dieticians specialize in wellness, weight loss, and eating disorder recovery. Their clients are mostly athletes such as NHL players. Second, she is the CEO of a nutrition certification program that helps clients such as health coaches and fitness trainers get better educated on nutrition.

She and Wes discuss how doctors focus on BMI which is measured by weight and height and nothing else. It doesn’t take into account body type or other factors. Jennifer explains that she uses a bod pod machine which is a sealed chamber that uses air displacement to measure the ratio of body fat vs muscle and other factors to determine a more accurate body fitness. She suggests doing this test twice a year in the winter and summer.

Jennifer uses the Iceberg of Success in nutrition. From top to bottom is willpower and knowledge above the waterline. Under the water are habits, environment, and mindset. She tackles this from bottom to top. Mindset is the most important. One must start with a good mindset. She says it’s important to be curious, be kind, and be honest. The next step, environment, is physical, social, and online influences.

When most people mess up their nutrition, they have the mindset that since they messed up, they may as well just forget about getting back on track. Listen as she uses brushing teeth as an example of the ideal mindset when derailed by the path of nutrition.

Jennifer says simplicity is the key to success. Also, it is best to focus on building healthy habits instead of the bad ones. When the focus is on the positive, people feel good and want to continue even if they mess up. She discusses the study of US vs Iceland, an interesting experiment on limiting use of drugs in teens.

Having to unlearn certain coaching methods and learn new ones was challenging but worth it for Jennifer. Learning the psychology of the relationship to food is the key to her success in coaching.

#nutrition #mindset #environment #habits #knowledge #willpower #sportsnutrition #weightloss #nutritioncertification #bodpod #physical #social #online #simplicity #positive #relationshiptofood

Instagram: prosper_nc


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