Start Throwing Your Putters Like Your Fairway Drivers!

Start Throwing Your Putters Like Your Fairway Drivers! Merch ⬇️ Follow me on Instagram!


5 Replies to “Start Throwing Your Putters Like Your Fairway Drivers!”

  1. Erik Green says:

    I use a more tucked in modified fangrip on putters and mids and prefer my slower discs with beads.

    One thing to add is that mids and putters are really useful in huge tailwinds if the need for max distance isn't really there. In tailwinds understable drivers have extraordinary pros AND cons comparatively whereas putters almost only have the pros.

    Pushed my PA-3 (shiny 500 plastic) over 300' yesterday in a tailwind and my Tursas (flippy af mid) that still flipped over and burned reached 330', if that had stabled up it had been glorius to watch…

  2. Not Wilson says:

    i’m a real minimalist when it comes to my bag and i’ve been throwing putters more and more in place of all sorts of things. Added to which, i’m old now and can’t generate the power and speed i used to making a putter-heavy bag a real temptation. this video was really interesting. thanks.

  3. Ryan F says:

    As a big fan of the Envy, I’ve been throwing putters for anything 300’ and under for a couple years now. I end up reaching for them over mids because they can go nearly as far and I find them easier to control. If you haven’t tried those lux links with the cloudbreaker stamp, get one! They’re one of the only Discmania putters I’ve thrown that compete with the envy’s on distance and stability. They will not turn over on you.

  4. Love hitting my putters with some power when short courses open up or for short upshot’s on par 4’s.

    My absolute favorite is my beat up discraft magnet which is my hyzer flip bomber

  5. # what up huck squad

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