Starting Your Right foot Arm Like This Will 100% Feel Like Cheating!!

You HAVE to try this new drill with your right foot because the results are SO good! The right foot in the golf swing makes such a difference and everything will click once you watch this. This will 100% stop you slicing the golf ball and you will gain so much distance.

SO many golfers ask me how to gain distance with driver, add yards to driver, add yards, hit more fairways, hit driver on the up, hit driver longer, hit driver straighter hit driver further, stop slicing, how to stop slicing, how to stop slicing with driver, simple golf tip, simple driver tip, driver tips for golf, driver tips for beginners…. the list is endless! This simple golf tip on Starting Your Right foot Arm Like This Will 100% Feel Like Cheating will cover all of these topics.

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35 Replies to “Starting Your Right foot Arm Like This Will 100% Feel Like Cheating!!”

  1. This is a game changer! TOTAL game changer!! Bring this into your game right now!

  2. dave c says:

    with a vastly shorter swing (obviously) you can do this with your putter too, just keep the face 90* to the path required, so i don't alter the path and can even stop and check it at the rear point of the backswing.
    i'm amazed how accurate it is, when i first tried it i single putted the first 2 holes, the second one from 20+ feet.

  3. imilston says:

    Thank you so much!
    I can now hit my 3 wood and driver straight! Just need to have the confidence to aim the correct way now and not be aiming to adjust for slice

  4. Edmund Gil says:

    Loved these tips! Can’t wait to give them a go! 🍻 Cheers !

  5. Greg Hill says:

    Would moving the front foot forward accomplish the same?

  6. brodygoalie says:

    Can you do this set up with your iron shots ? Thanks love your vids!

  7. brodygoalie says:

    I would like you to set up with your driver with your back to the target! Funky set up. I tried it and I was hitting a draw with good impact. Why?? Please explain. Thanks

  8. Keith Keith says:

    My Goodness Brother! This open stance to the right is not cheating and it friggin works like a CHARM! Bone in rib-eye waiting for you in Manhattan! I am serious. U Da Man!

  9. Isn’t this a pull for better players?

  10. Lewis T says:

    It’s works !!! 😊
    And you get on and tell it like it is 👍

  11. Mark Whent says:

    seems to me your creating a fault to cover up a different fault. now your have two faults and ten by christmas

  12. I'm surprised you'd use a quick band aid type fix like this. Start screwing with stance and aim…..keep screwing with everything else. Nope. Learn to swing a golf club and not hit at a ball. Thank me later.

  13. One thing I have learned is there is no 100% controlling your shot. 99% yes. 100% no. There will always be a little bit of randomness in golf. Chaos theory. It’s what makes the game so interesting. Just swing easy, keep the body and balance under control, and you’ll hit a decent shot.

  14. I will try that, Alex. You have never steered me wrong. Thanks!

  15. Shane Powell says:

    It’s great that your offer something much more needed to improve our games rather than just watching yt pros playing a round of much information and explanation in all your clips alex.keep up the great work👏👏

  16. I was just at the simulator yesterday and the guy watching told me to drop my back foot like this! Just a little more than you show in the video and I went from hitting slices to almost a draw. Best golf tips on youtube hands down!

  17. Alex, thanks again for another helpful tip. I totally understand the arc mechanics. The question I have as you drop your trail foot back are you also shifting your knees, hips and shoulders to be parallel to your toes?

  18. Jeff Kennedy says:

    Took this to the course today. Didn't practice before. Driving has always been a real inconsistency in my game for many years. Bang baby! Long and straight all day long. I was actually scaring myself I was so good 👍

  19. westsighed says:

    Hi Alex … love your videos, they've helped me take my game closer to breaking 90 from novice … although I would love you to MERGE your skills and coaching with Golf Sidekick's strategy and approach … PLEASE can you put together a beginner guide for those new to the game regarding strategy and basic club use?? Many novices are embarrassed to continue the game given the ego involved with other player's and their expectations. It must be hard to visualise even basic shots for beginners as you play the game so well … maybe show us a CHEAT CODE for beginners to get under 10 or 11 shots per hole? … might sound silly but it could become your most watched video helping so many novices … Maybe a half swing half hit driver, followed by a couple bump and run hybrids, then a couple punch short irons, then a couple back foot chip shots, finished off with a realistic 3 putt?

    Keep up the outstanding coaching ❤

  20. Leigh Taylor says:

    Tried this on my course it works need to practice to get same position every time thanks alex

  21. Billy says:

    Isn’t that just closing your stance and club face

  22. Joe Miller says:

    Excellent video, but the title of it makes no sense at all – – "right foot arm"?

  23. It is crazy how this works. It takes a little bit getting used to, but I was shocked to see the difference. Thanks Alex!

  24. Great to see a video on this. I adopted this a few weeks back and have seen amazing results. Ive gone from hitting a fade to hitting a slight draw with this technique and most importantly it’s repeatable.

  25. SiJRa says:

    Sweet .. thanks Alex

  26. Took 4min to get to the changing of the right foot

  27. Jason Velez says:

    Great video Alex. Very clearly explained. Does the same apply for irons? Cheers

  28. Looks good. Makes sense. Will be implementing these tips. Fully expecting good results.

  29. Chad Mace says:

    when I pull indi feel like I am reaching too much.. I'll give this a try…

  30. Ken Brown says:

    I looked at some of my old scorecards, and my numbers are definitely lower this year.

  31. 99SILVER says:

    thanks Alex keeping my drives in play is the diffrence of my cards being low to mid 80,s and mid to high 90,s great tips

  32. Mike says:

    Great tip and well explained cheers

  33. Slicing at the range today after a few weeks out and just couldn’t figure out why,I’ll be trying this in the week thanks as always 👍🏻

  34. robert hicks says:

    Just make it simple, can you do that

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