The Biggest Announcement Since I Started YouTube…

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Morris Coffee:
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I’m excited for new content and new ideas!! I plan to play in a lot more tournaments including multiple day events.


27 Replies to “The Biggest Announcement Since I Started YouTube…”

  1. Drthclown says:

    Nothing wrong with being nervous, it helps you do a better job. Go kill it my guy!

  2. Thanks for letting us in. Best of luck.

  3. Benderthegr8 says:

    If he breaks 80 ill be shocked

  4. Yanner Golf says:

    Good luck Tig!! Wish you the best of luck

  5. Gee Foo says:

    Kid is going to worry more about the CAMERA THAN THE ROUND. He's a YouTube Golfer at best, nothing more. Irons, Wedges, Putter, and thinking process is ALL BELOW AVG. Just a Youtuber

  6. Good luck Micah, I am rooting for you.

  7. This is why you’re doing this and you’ve did one part of your dream and being a big YouTuber content creator from the beginning and where you are now and sponsor like Taylormade and you have this opportunity because of your hard work and the platform of all the hard work and everything else…put all your heart and soul trying for your dreams and that’s the best part of dreams…you’ll always have more dreams. Life is too short and pursue it now Tig. GIVE IT YOUR ALL IN THIS TOURNEY TIG!!!

  8. Kyle C_52 says:

    Have Wesley caddy Micah

  9. Do your best and worry less, there is a learning curve to the game, and another one to reach the upper levels. Develop amnesia and focus on the most important shot of the tournament, the one you are taking right now. We are rooting for you.

  10. Tony Cuellar says:

    Happy for you bro

  11. John Smith says:

    Good luck I just played the course the other day ! It’s perfect

  12. seantierre says:

    Congrats Sir! We're so proud of you!

  13. This is phenomenal! Best of lucks!!

  14. Richard F. says:

    Best of luck going forward. Practice your short game, maybe get some practice tips from Wedgely Bryan. With your length you need to be confident with your short game 140 yds on in.

  15. thelegend233 says:

    Micah why you always choke in tournaments. I see you play practice rounds and look amazing and then play a tournament and look not like yourself

  16. Good luck Micah, wish you all the best!

  17. chippa says:

    You’ll never fly if you don’t jump! Go get ‘em Micah!

  18. Ilja says:

    Practice your short game and especially putting and you will go low ….

  19. DickDunne says:

    Been watching you for years, you are an amazing golfer, but second guess and doubt yourself too much. Be confident and play your best. We're all rooting for you. ❤

  20. chris h says:

    Dude! It's just 4 rounds of golf. Play it like you're out with the Bryant Brothers and do you! Get up to Toronto and practice a few rounds and you should smoke it! Figure out what to hit and when and go crush it! Awesome opportunity! Good luck!! Just so you know, the grass is different up north. And so is the air. Plus it's close to the lake so the wind can be tricky.

  21. Chad GGolf says:

    Once again it’s massive for the program 😩😩

  22. Dan Dee says:

    Congrats! and Welcome to Canada!!! If i wasnt already playing in a tournament, id definitely come to support you. Good luck!

  23. CF says:

    Congrats!!!! Get it done!!!!!

  24. Ryan Ullrich says:

    You 100% have the skill. Keep going keep pushing and you can definitely succeed. Be an inspiration and keep meeting your goals!

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