The Bob Does Sports Horror Show | Bob Does Sports Podcast

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42 Replies to “The Bob Does Sports Horror Show | Bob Does Sports Podcast”

  1. Great to see you guys traveling around. Cant wait to see the content from Canada. Currently staying at the Beverly Wilshire with the family and headed to Quail Lodge afterwards. I know it sounds nuts but not joking. I met Andy "Candyman" at the valet and he said he was good friends with you guys. Super cool guy and he helped me out a lot. Was cool to see the loading dock entrance where Joey D came in after a round with Bob in the early vids. Keep doin your thing guys. Much love ✊

  2. Happy Birthday Jet

  3. Joe Newman says:

    Happy birthday day jet and don't forget to have one of those thhhhhhick slurpies

  4. FP, I thought I would introduce you to the wise words of Warren Buffett. If you don’t know Warren Buffett gets the same lunch every day, hamburger with Ketchup and salt. When asked why he does this he says “I found what I like a long time ago, why would I waste time trying other things when I already know what I like?” So you are in good company, when you find something you like, don’t waste time after that.

  5. ZosoPlayer says:

    So good 🤙🏻

  6. I think Perez wears sunglasses inside during the pods so he can sneak in naps.

  7. Bill Tyler says:


  8. RandyRat says:

    Happy Birthday JET!!!! We love watching your "goofy mug"

  9. My god got distracted by cutsys camel toe in those pink shorts😂😂


  11. "Tag em and bag em" is an old old saying. Nice one Tick!

  12. Bob and the Boys, all I can say is I’m glad I found you guys on the tubes. I’ve been away from golf for so long and after watching your channel I decided to get back into the game. I gotta lot of work ahead of me. Describing my game so far is Jet’s driver, Joey D’s irons and flat stick. I’ll keep at it! Thanks guys

  13. toolnv77 says:

    Happy Birthday Jet! go out and get sloppy

  14. Bob sitting with his legs crossed looking like he should be on a bench at a retirement home is tough following the Larry David callout last week 💀

  15. I cannot believe how much you guys eat at fast food joints. The food is basically AWFUL. Get out to a good restaurant for dinner and eat some good food. Great podcast by the way.

  16. Granite Man says:

    Chateau Whistler is the best course in Whistler, the Whistler Palmer course is the most fun, Big Sky, at Pemberton jewel of a course, Nicklaus North, overated, stephos Greek restaurant on Davie street, a must, all Whistler has for restaurants is typical overpriced crap for resort town, stay to pub food

  17. Just Bogeys says:

    Exciting to see the Jet's character evolve through these podcasts. Hilarious how everyone is still a little scared of him. To the moon fellas, to the moon.

  18. hello Admin says:

    10min in it becomes a food podcast again 😂

  19. Isaac Wells says:


  20. Free Zay says:

    thats the only way i go in restaurant .. order the whole menu then "spleeee" with everyone … thats awesome

  21. Happy Birthday Jet 🛫

  22. James Avent says:

    Am I the only one who thinks Jet has an uncanny resemblance of voice and movement to Quentin Tarantino.

  23. Dave Rogers says:

    Great Show Fella’s

  24. David says:

    You guys should do around the table, conversation type like you did with Rick Shields long long time ago. I personally don't like the layout but I love you guys. TO THE MOON

  25. Jonah Reyes says:

    Ticket why don’t you just put a camera about a foot in front of Joe’s face to make him happy.

  26. Cause we love you mfers ❤😂

  27. Nick N says:

    Not a single extra pillow. Strong work, fellas!

  28. Guys. In the UK need 2 challenges. Sausage roll challenge. And either a guiness challenge or baby beer challenge haha.

  29. Well I guess this podcast was in mind last night. Was dreaming we were driving on icy roads and Perez was keeping us safe haha.

  30. Jason Cole says:

    24:27…yeah F Terrell Owens and his disrespect for my STAR!!!!

  31. Happy Birthday JET !!

  32. Ty says:

    I really resonate with bobby, right next to a putt left short I fucking refuse.. to be hungry after iv eaten.🏆

  33. Nikki S. says:

    Happy Birthday Jet!! So glad your passport arrived and you made it to Canada!

  34. Craka Jack says:

    One episode you should leave out out Joey just for him always asking if he’s in frame

  35. Steve Fults says:

    I love the dynamic between everyone, always have. Starting to see friction over the past few months. Hope you guys adapt. FP keep doing your thing man.

  36. Shane Waters says:

    I’m so pumped to see you boys in my hometown. Rip it up in Whistler boys… your in for some fun🍻

  37. Dillon says:

    the big tick will remain mysterioussss…

  38. This has me genuinely laughing when I need it most 😂 thank you guys

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