The Court Grants Natalie Ryan’s TRO | She Will Play in the OTB Open

The court has granted Natalie’s request for a temporary restraining order, allowing her to play in this weekend’s OTB Open in California. We will have a more in-depth analysis on this coming soon.


38 Replies to “The Court Grants Natalie Ryan’s TRO | She Will Play in the OTB Open”

  1. kk says:

    Why the heck was it a restraining order? Was dgpt stalking her, harrasing her, or commiting domestic violence against her? If anything it's the DGPT and FPO being harrassed here!
    Is dgpt required to stay more than 100 yards away from her throughout the tournament? 😂
    CA "justice" is nuckin futs. At least they havent criminalized abortions… so sad that the federal gov doesn't even protect the most basic of women's rights. Not that they even really pretend to be about protecting or helping anyone who isnt a big $$$ donor anymore…

  2. Nate Ryan is a cheat not a pro.

  3. B Von says:

    Update:Natalie is out of otb open

  4. dave palmer says:

    Clown world. This will be a laughing stock timestamp in our history

  5. Phony Peeps says:

    Heard the tro was overturned or paused so natalie will be removed from the OTB open. Thank god. Maybe this societal mental illness will come back from the edge of the cliff.

  6. Tyler M says:

    The pdga needs to consider leaving California like most of the level headed citizens have pondered. I sad time for women's sport in California.

  7. Dane Harker says:

    This is really sad

  8. Bruce Brakel says:

    Ninth Circuit stayed the order. Where's the update to the update?

  9. Phil Work says:

    I'd like to see the "list" that Natalie reffered to. She said something about 32 pro women that signed it, and was pretty cocky in the response.

  10. Renate Junge says:

    That's not fair to all normal women in disc golf sport. 😢

  11. Oh cool now he can rob more female players from their income.

  12. The top 10-20 female players should drop out and head to the next tournament

  13. NO chicks with di@ks in fpo.

  14. Todd K says:

    The words you're looking for are "There goes the neighborhood.".

  15. nojlenx n says:

    I have nothing against Natalie and transgender, but in sport this is a problem. The perhaps have a advantage, the problem if transgender compete in FPO sport the talk will be that the win because the was born as man. And the FPO sports will lose interest and viewers in the long run. And kill the female division, if majority of people are against transgender or men that identify as woman in woman sports, woman and transgender will lose opportunities to make a living in sports.

  16. Resin311 says:

    Back assward country. What a joke.

  17. PizzaGod says:

    Thanks for the update. Please do another one including the appeal. I will be watching for your updates on this case.

  18. I hope Natalie wins. Then maybe the women will have the gonads to stand up.
    But if it is not a big enough issue for them, then I won't care either and maybe even join the tour myself as Stevie.

  19. randy baker says:

    Thanks for the update. Can the base case end up before a jury and what is the risk run by the defendants in this case of being hit with punitive damages by a jury?

  20. Boycott California and any tournament with a man unfairly playing against real naturally born women. This judge needs to have their brain examined! They will destroy women’s athletics permanently.

  21. Matt Dodge says:

    Hopefully the spectators will boo nate off the course again.

  22. Steve Czyz says:

    Why is the PDGA who doesn’t agree with this currently giving Nathan coverage ? Simple solution: each and every participant who doesn’t agree could withdraw from the tournament. Make a statement

  23. Shemp Howard says:

    the pdga needs to grow a pair and simply rule unequivocally that men don't get to compete against women in the fpo division…period…what's so complicated? what happened to facts and reality? just put your f ing foot down and disallow a man who's obviously dealing with a mental issue to compete against women in the sport…make a stand…it's not rocket science…show some leadership…the womens' division is counting on it…

  24. Chuck Zappa says:

    Of course here in California we're going to placate this cheater, why don't you just play in the men's division and be a trans hero and beat a man but no you can't so you have to pick on women you're a loser Natalie Ryan Nate Ryan or whatever your name is

  25. Mental illness is the problem.

  26. So disgusting…i wont be watching any coverage with a man on a womans card…what a joke…

  27. N Radels says:

    She should NOT get aloud to play!!!!!

  28. Ray Lee says:

    imagine if Brody turns trans and plays in fpo. jkjk

  29. Mitch 304 says:

    I hope the crowd (even in California) let’s him know how unwelcome he is playing against the women!

  30. Clint Sawyer says:

    The actual females should boycott the event. I would gladly donate to a prize pool to be split between the women athletes.

  31. Tyler says:

    Worst state in the country. They took the most beautiful state and absolutely destroyed it with policy.

  32. zafotbeeb says:

    Nate is not a her at best nate is an IT. What level of madness is prevailing. The court got it totally wrong as per usual in California.

  33. MachFreeman says:

    Hope that this and other cases help provide rationale for future scientific studies to examine any unfairness that may exist between transwomen and other women. Also, it would be interesting to see a study that compares any benefits transwomen may have to other benefits such as height, weight, muscle ration etc that other non-trans women can have naturally

  34. John Skiles says:

    I really hope the PDGA pulls out of California after this. NR should start her own league. It’s obvious “it” can’t play again Men.

  35. Eric Kramp says:

    Thank you for the update! I think a lot of the comments on "whether the courts got it right" are reactions based on the opinions of the responders, and not based on the laws being interpreted by the state judges. Given the general language, as described, of the California law, the judge's ruling was probably the reasonable interpretation and denying the request probably would have been activist.

  36. p p says:

    I feel so bad for all the ladies who have worked their entire lives to have a 940 rated dude come through and wreck not only their ability to make a living but also crush their spirits into the ground as yet again, a dude shits down their throat unfairly like so many times before, what the issue here is that sexual appropriation doesn’t account for biological fairness. Period. Ever. It’s science.

  37. p p says:

    This is gonna get ugly because of the establishments refusal to address it adequately.

  38. All Women should DNF and let Natalie play alone.

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