The Next Steps for Low Back Rehab (after PT)

After herniating a disc, I remained stuck from 2019-2022 in this post PT phase. I was perpetually reliant on this pain relief tactics, thinking I just needed more and more to heal. But like most forms of escape, enough will never be enough.

Things change when I saw what kneesovertoesguy created in 2020. Not just for the knees, but the rare obsession over MEASUREMENT, PROGRESSIVE ROUTES, and REGRESSION. Not only were the movements I was doing for training, avoiding the low back directly…but even the HOW to my training was too random and inconsistent.

I took these realizations and have attempted to bridge that gap for solvable chronic back pain. Throwing a rope out for anyone who is at the point I was at 2 years ago.

I hope these next steps to address your low back ability lead you to a BREAKTHROUGH.

I’m here to help however I can.

No pressure, but I have an online coaching program based on all of this. The Back Breakthrough Blueprint is a hands on education based program with me. Aside from full form coaching, you will have access to multiple weekly classes and calls with me.

If this is exactly what you need, feel free to submit your info here:

Or feel free to email in here with a bit of your story for special consideration:

Regardless, I’m rooting for ya. ❤️‍🩹


25 Replies to “The Next Steps for Low Back Rehab (after PT)”

  1. Geoff Reed says:

    Excellent video, Brendan

  2. I am 16yrs old diagnosed half a year ago with discal hernia which distanced me from my childhood sport (impact sport), very annoying how I have visited numerous of doctors and specialists and had no solution at all, I have been trying many things to try to relief my back pain but there is no way, in school I had ramps from the sciatic nerve all day going down my legs and was very difficult for me to handle that, today just discovered you YouTube channel and Kneesovertoesguy, happy to see some guys with experience and knowledge in these sector. With these exercises lets see if I can figure out a solution for my lower back.

  3. Paty Elmasri says:

    Bro I wanna say thank you. I'm 22 and have bulging disc on l5 s1. It's been tough bro I've tried everything and there's are the only vids I find that help. Thank you bro, please continue to help us and not push BUY MY PROGRAM TO UNLOXK YOUR BACK👍👍👍

  4. RussTheBeast says:

    When I was 15 I got diagnosed with pars defect on both sides in my l4 and l5. Been pretty scared to squat or deadlift ever since. I've been doing your other progressions and I just mixed in the quad lumborum work on the back extension for the first time and I can already tell it's something I've never worked before. Pretty life changing content thank you for providing it for free.

  5. titheadtit says:

    Thanks for the video brother…. I have a really high hip on my right side from a herniated disc…. I’ll use all your videos to hopefully get straightened out

  6. sel101 says:

    Thanks for sharing this informational video! I’m actually excited to get to the gym for the first time in 6 months just to do these 🙌🙌

  7. pro353 says:

    Can you make a video on what to do when your bulging disc isn't healing?

  8. Vince Fung says:

    Amazing content. I had back surgery in 2009 for a herniated disc and have been doing these exercises and they are Helpful. But the one I can’t seem to get is the seated good morning no matter how much I regress it to pain free the next day my sciatic nerve gets flared up. I even do body weight with the incline bench. Any tips of how you dealt with flare ups on your progression?

  9. The milk man says:

    You are a legend bro keep these videos coming!!! ❤️

  10. naka says:

    I felt called out by that morning 'bandaid' routine because that's exactly what I was doing 😫💀 I started trying your tips for progression today and have already noticed an incredible difference. Thank you so much for everything you do Brendan

  11. TOPGUNKHA says:

    Just subbed ❤️‍🩹🫱🏽‍🫲🏻🙏🏽

  12. Ice Oqto says:

    Message me pls bro seriously I have been wanting to end myself bc of my pain message me I want to talk in the comments and see if the yoru two videos will really help I’ll the do front thing and do you think the hamstring stairs thingy will always help with lower back pain? 😊

  13. Ice Oqto says:

    Bro pls respond will taht hurt for e and f so if it hurts a little still do it???

  14. Omg I wish I could find a PT like you, you give me actual hope! Over ten years of doctors telling me to do these bandaid things and I couldn't understand why I never got better. Even though my injury began when I was 30 and in excellent fitness. You give me hope that maybe i can actually heal/strengthen the root of my issue.

  15. Ahmd Stark says:

    I Wish you can talk about hip flexor the iliacs and psoas and ther connection with the lumbar spine and low back pain

  16. Ahmd Stark says:

    Man you are awesome ❤❤❤

  17. med Arrafi says:

    i can't do the elephant stretch my right leg is good , but my left leg i feel like my calf is gonna explode with pain ,btw i have the same case as you from 2019, im trying your routine but the only problem is how tight my left hamstring is

  18. sooh3 says:

    Thanks for this. If elephant walks blow up my lower back and sciatica, what's a good regression for it?

  19. Nice video man! Keep sharing the knowledge!! ❤

  20. What a time to be alive that for the price of a $75 back extension machine on amazon, a few dumbells, and a no cost video on youtube you can actually get your back problems solved because all of this actually works if you follow the long form videos on this channel. Thank you for producing these. Fantastic content. Wish you had made these 15 years ago.

  21. Jan Damm says:

    Great stuff man

  22. Thank you for making content like this! Where can I get a step by step guide for rehabbing my lower back??

  23. Hi, i don't have direct back pain, but i do suffer from sciatica for almost 2 years.
    Can the exercises you show here and in your other videos help, or should i look for a different approach?
    To be honest, I'm feeling quite depressed from my condition, and losing hope it'll change..

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