The Pro Tour Cancels FPO Events | Legal Breakdown

On July 14th, the Disc Golf Pro Tour announced they will be canceling several upcoming FPO events to avoid further litigation from Natalie Ryan. This announcement comes after a Minnesota state court rules in Natalie’s favor allowing her to compete in the FPO division at the preserve championship.

You can read the DGPT’s full statement here:

Our previous videos on the Natalie Ryan Lawsuit:

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0:00 The DGPT Cancels FPO Events
5:36 Why is the DGPT Doing This?
7:39 Does the DGPT Risk New Litigation?
11:28 How Does This Apply Internationally?
12:08 How is this Resolved?

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37 Replies to “The Pro Tour Cancels FPO Events | Legal Breakdown”

  1. kp says:

    No man should be playing with the lady's

  2. rlcx2 says:

    I support the pro tour. It's time to draw the line for fairness

  3. Alex C says:

    I believe that the UCI banned trans from competing in women bicycling races.
    Can’t the DGPT do the same ?

  4. Mike Maher says:

    You have Iowa as a blue state. We definitely are not!

  5. Zeke Sherrod says:

    It’s not complicated, they are smoking her out. All the other women are going to see her as the one obstacle preventing business as usual and the entire FPO field will slowly turn against her so they can get back to work and doing what they love. The precedent will be set and should prevent her or any other trans women from trying to play in FPO. If the DGPT is being sophisticated about it, they should make it enticing and easy for her to swap to Mixed Pro Open. Make the switch inviting, pleasant and very public. They should update their bylaws to clearly state their definition of female as XX chromosome and that FPO is reserved to people that can fit that description.

  6. Paul Wood says:

    FPO will be cancelled if we let this narcissistic person prevail.

  7. Noah Malina says:

    What would happen if the PDGA created a new division for a protected class of biological female? It would not be FPO (Women’s Pro Open) but BFPO (Biological Female Pro Open).

  8. "Natalie" very clearly doesn't actually have a case. There is the Mixed Pro Open, and the FEMALE Pro Open. He's not a female so its pretty obvious where he belongs.

  9. Dave Olcott says:

    Creating a division for any athlete who has had their gender medically modified has more merit than you hinted at. It removes the question of Nataly being a female from relevance. The question is, has she had her gender medically modified? If yes, then she is eligible to play in the new division, the MPO division, or any MP age protected division for which she is eligible. This approach also protects the FPO field against women who take testosterone injections to begin the process of transitioning to a male, yet don't excede the limit already established. It further establishes precident for a future where people with mechanically enhanced bodies begin to gain a competitive advantage (see Oscar Pistorius). Most importantly, the determining factor of eligibility ceases to be gender and becomes whether or not their gender has been medically modified. If the PDGA and DGPT adopt that as a determining factor for division eligibility, then not only does Nataly's case become moot, but the DGPT doesn't have to host the division unless there are enough players to compete in it. Which is an opportunity to invite the Trans community to come compete in the world's best disc golf events. This is the only inclusive solution I've seen so far. Ultimately, isn't the most inclusive solution the one we want?

  10. Agent Steel says:

    “We need fairness for throwing 150g – 180g frisbee” do y’all realize how pathetic this issue is. This is literally a skill base game. No has a competitive advantage if they have a penis or vagina. Just throw the disc better. 🥴

  11. "Natalie's" positions and statements are incoherent and completely self-absorbed. The overlap between narcissism and 21st Century transgenderism cannot be ignored.

  12. Jonathan S says:

    You're eager to see "how it plays out?" Uli lawsuit inbound.

  13. tony talley says:

    I think everyone is sick of these mediocre biological men that suck in the men's division then dominate against women. We live in such a delusional world.

  14. Have you not thought about the fact that this is merely a temporary fix for this year? They have made commitments with these venues for Pro Tour events, however, as much as FPO is spectated and sought after, the MPO brings more in. With that said, I could see the Pro Tour simply making a new list of venues for following years in states that do not pose legitimate legal challenges and having once again both MPO and FPO competing there. This is of course slightly inconvenient at the time, however I feel that this is the best way to stick by their policies, preserve competitive fairness, and reduce costly litigation risks. Those who travel and have made a career out of playing disc golf already know that there are costs associated with being on tour. If those people do not feel that the added cost is worth it they do not have to be on tour. There are plenty of women out there waiting for a chance to be on the pro tour who have not decided to marry or travel with an MPO player. These are thigs that are always subject to change for any reason you can think of. No different then owning a business that gets a cheap product from a particular manufacturer and that manufacturer changing the cost of goods to make up an extra cost taken own by their own business. I simply do not see how this could have any legal cause for action against the PDGA, the same reason Walmart could not sue the manufacturer of a certain product for raising the price of the product. They can simply not purchase it anymore if they feel that they can not make the correct profit margin while standing by their low price model, they can forego some of the profit, or they can raise the price accordingly and hope consumers still purchase it. In fact, the fact that they are doing this for all FPO takes away all discriminatory possibilities. They are in no way obligated to hold events in any state they do not chose to do business in. Perhaps this can get people in those states to speak with their representatives at the state level about changing the laws as they pertain to these issues, at which point it would be plausible for the PDGA to do business there again.

  15. Crazy Cajun says:

    I will say. You don't see trans men trying to compete with men. They would get buried. Trans women have that extra advantage over Bilogical women. So yes i agree with this move.

  16. why cant they just create another division?

  17. The only answer is to have a third ,Trans division.

  18. Jerry Cross says:

    Sue this guy for disrupting DGPT for the FPO. Time to go on the offensive.

  19. hoffdog6 says:

    I just don't understand why we keep pandering to these mentally ill people and spending unnecessarily. Put them in a mental hospital and let the rest of the world get on with their life!

  20. Ben Garvin says:

    canceling the FPO tour is 100% on the DGPT. So petty. Not only does Ryan deserve to play and be fully included cause it’s the right thing to do, to cancel the tour and spark fresh rounds of misgendering and casual cruelty (read most of the comments here)—it’s just weak, fearful leadership by Jeff Smith and hurts all involved. Lets lead with love and acceptance of everyone, always. I admire Natalie”s bravery and wish her all the best. Thanks, Ben

  21. Rob Mayhew says:

    Each lawsuit impacts the event sponsor as well. Surprised you didn't get into that. Each last minute lawsuit has dragged the event sponsor into court which is a sure dagger in future partnerships. DGPT is handling this craziness the best they can IMO. They surveyed their members, implemented their wishes, have 30+ FPO players on the same side.

  22. zen babaloo says:

    Do a TPO division of one. It'll be thrilling. Competitive as heck.
    Can Natalie come from behind and defeat herself? Stay tuned.

  23. Dumbest idea ever. Now the DGPT is burning the place down themselves. What an inclusive sport that can only play in states with less protection for minorities.

  24. Logic Gates says:

    This is what main stream media and the far left have convince people is good. We have a supreme court judge that cant define what a woman is and we have men that have periods. You can ignore the culture war until you cant. Now its kicking in the front door of professional disc golf. Enjoy what you all voted for and supported.

    This is clown world.

  25. CowWithBeef says:

    The obvious solution is to be as "inclusive" as possible in MPO and have no protected divisions at all.

  26. Chris Rhome says:

    I know it's hard to look at this fairly when you feel like the world hasn't been fair to you. When you think God made you different than you are? It's also a shame that some Doctors knowingly push this agenda of acceptance on the public when they very well know the damaging results of their actions both physical and mental.

  27. I am curious on how you can compare transgender in for example cyclists. They just solved the transgender issue. Could you elaborate on that subject?

  28. Who is backing Natalie Ryan…. i.e., where is the money coming from to pay the legal fees?

  29. Koppo says:

    Natalie Ryan is a trans athlete and when it comes to science, Natalie is not a woman. I don’t know if anyone has realized but MPO is mixed pro open, not male pro open. Natalie should be able to play on the dgpt, but most definitely not in the FPO. I can’t stand the fact that this kind of people destroy other peoples careers🤦🏼

  30. Natalie is a man, a male. Why is a man being allowed to play in the FPO Division?

  31. 95mushroom says:

    Finally time for Florida to get some tournaments? With ole Puddin' Fingers, I doubt this would be an issue down here….

  32. dustman says:

    One of the suggested videos when this video ended was titled "destroyer of worlds".

  33. KT420ish says:

    Fans bring in the money for any sport. Without fans, there isn't extra cash lying around. And as a fan, I ABSOLUTELY HATE a natural born male competing in a female sport. What's fair to Natalie Ryan is unfair to the hundreds of women on tour. We need to stop catering to the 1%.

  34. In general I'm supportive or trans people. But people like Natalie Ryan (and Lia Thomas the trans swimmer) give trans people a horrible image. They are 100% narcissistic sociopaths that have absolutely no respect or regard for anyone besides themselves. I wish Natalie the best in finding what makes her happy and fulfilled in life, but not by robbing the rest of the FPO field of their livelyhood and their income.

  35. Tony Erskine says:

    It's well within the rights of the state to make unfair laws, and it's well within the rights of sports organizations to boycott those states to uphold fairness.

  36. dustman says:

    No Natalie, YOU are the one ruining it. Just lay off for a while and HELP the dgpt find a satisfactory solution for everyone involved. Like you said, you are burning everyone with you. Acting like a spoiled child. It's you, not them.

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