PGA Tour 2k23 Playlist:
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#pga #pga2k23 #OpTicBigTymeR

About OpTicBigTymeR:

Former Professional Call of Duty player on OpTic Gaming turned YouTube variety Gaming creator! Subscribe today and enjoy the good vibes and Southern Comfort 😀



46 Replies to “THIS GUY IS ACTUALLY ELITE | PGA Tour 2023 #22”

  1. Craig Murphy says:

    That's what happens when you dint try to make the eagle lol.

  2. Jay Saint says:

    I wanna make sure I make it up this hill.. let me take some off of it -BIG T 2023 🤣🤣🤣🤣 LOVE THIS DAMN GUY

  3. That was a gg's I'm loving this game

  4. Squilliam where is the dead island I've been waiting my good sir

  5. Play thief simulator 2 bra

  6. Had it in the bag until you hit it in the water on the par 3

  7. The wind doesn’t blow as much as you think

  8. Greebox says:

    Elite animal from Mexico??
    Canelo will be eating his meat 😂

  9. Double Mlb upload today or we all riot

  10. S.Parker says:

    When do we get to meet Mrs. BigTymer?

  11. Boofa says:

    MF the videos been playing 7sec and I already spilled my coffee laughing 😂

  12. ricepatty69 says:

    Big T still got it

  13. Most hilarious intro of all time 💯

  14. “What’s up you dirty little golf watcher” @0:00.. 😂😂😂 me not comin home from the club $300 deep and payin a girl $100 to beg me for more money

  15. Alex Yang says:

    Yo that was a good ass match BigT haha 😂 all the highs and the lows altogether. Loving the content!

  16. PapaSu says:

    Every time you upload a PGA video, some guy texts me thinking I’m his wife to tell me “Babe wake up, Big T uploaded a PGA video!!”
    It’s kinda weird but I appreciate him alerting me!

  17. 16:47 this is kinda when you can hit a draw or a fade to help with the wind. Difficult fairway to stick, but a fade would have offset the wind in that situation.

  18. N Moy says:

    That 3 clicking is bs that’s why online it’s master difficulty with 3 click and pro if you use stick cause they know it’s easy.

  19. Rsz_Stormz says:

    That opening whats hawt lmao

  20. Peyton Long says:

    They start roasting about 3 click just say “bitch I got stick drift” what can they say then lol

  21. Max Blum says:

    Amazing video BigT

  22. Ryan Redmond says:

    Brotha you gotta start using the draws and fades. That par 3 you went in the drink on needed some right to left action on your tee shot to attack that hole lolocation. Keep the uploads coming GOAT

  23. Weaponeyezed says:

    Now that Scump is Retired, are you guys gonna get the Big 3 together again? BigT, Scump, and NaDe

  24. Max M says:

    Not sure if you are aware, but you're equally the same if not a bit worse with three click bro. You're trying to talk yourself into it but it's not the move lol. You seemed better with traditional swinging imo

  25. Max M says:

    Home late from playing in a pit orchestra, what better way to unwind after a long week than with some BigT PGA gameplay.

  26. Outbreak says:

    What a game WOW! Lost by a foot nooo

  27. LukeyBoii says:

    bring back fortnite please

  28. Shipreckd says:

    if 16:50 wasn't the biggest jinx, I don't know what is

  29. ThePCGod says:

    Anyone else eating a cheeseburger as he said imagine if you were eating a cheeseburger this man is god😮

  30. Scary says:

    Let’s goo! Baseball videos are cool but golf is by far my favorite series you upload


    I’m going to end this debate once and for all because I’m tired of reading it:

    The left stick is the point of contact on the ball which also affects loft. This gives you WAY more spin when COMBINED properly with the right stick. Which is the ANGLE you have your club at when you hit the ball.

    Technically the two should do the same thing but because the left controls draw/slice- they actually are meant to work hand in hand and it’s very simple:

    The greater the angle of the club has on the ball, yes- it does create more spin. But, it won’t be noticeable unless you give it the loft adding more angle to your club face actually gives the ball. The more loft you give the ball, the higher the apex, the more the ball will “stick” it’s landing, which can equal more spin.

    Let’s break this down;

    The two sticks are essentially the same thing, but one is useless without the other, this is all because of the natural backspin that happens when you hit a golf ball; when you hit the ball, it naturally spins backwards after coming in contact with the grooves and angle on the face of the club. So, the greater the angle (right stick) of said face of club when making contact with the ball, (in theory) the more spin it will give the ball, but will also cause you to lose power and SHOULD add loft, but it doesn’t.

    Now, if you want backspin, this is where the loft or contact made on the ball when hitting it (left stick), comes into play.

    This natural backspin mentioned is what causes the ball to go out and up off of the driver/hybrids/even the lower wedges like this: ➡️⤴️ as apposed to it going directly straight up and out like this: ↗️.

    You hit the ball flush which gives it its initial push through space, but the club is angled, it catches the grooves on the face of the club giving it a crap tonne of backward spin and causes lift.

    So, the lower you hit the actual surface of the ball off the tee, it will create more back spin on the ball, which, in turn, creates more loft. This will then mean it’s going to make contact with a “flatter” surface when it lands. By that I mean when the ball is coming down from its “apex” (highest point of the arch of the ball after you make contact with it and it travels though air: 🏌️‍♂️[contact]➡️[initial push]⤴️[rise caused by back spin]**apex/highest point above ground**⤵️[angle it lands at/landing/carry or backspin]) and making contact with the green/fairway on less of an angle. By that I mean:

    🏌️‍♂️➡️⤴️↘️ = less loft from hitting the ball more dead centre/regular degree of angle on club face when it makes contact with the ball off of the tee/fairway = less backspin when the ball lands.

    🏌️‍♂️➡️⤴️⤵️ = more loft from hitting slightly below the dead centre/higher degree of angle on the club face when it makes contact with the ball off of the tee/fairway = more backspin when the ball lands. This is also how the ball will “stick” to where you hit it on the green or fairway. It comes straight down and lands flat.

    For another example; if you “shank” the ball (hit it above the dead centre of the ball off of the tee or fairway) it has little to no lift (🏌️‍♂️➡️↘️) because there’s no backspin on the ball to lift it as it moves through space, but doing this will cause it to then roll forward like crazy when it hits the ground.

    Side note

    This is why golfers “underclub” when driving into a headwind:
    less backspin + less loft + lower degree of angle on the club face when it makes contact with the ball = less affect strong headwind will have on the ball when travelling through space.

    Now, if you were to combine the two of these (shanking and underclubbing) it can actually come in handy;

    You’ll see this with the tradition that’s done on the 16th hole of the Augusta National Golf Club. This is done in honour of Jon Raham who used these physics to hit “arguably” the nicest hole in one ever (look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about and be amazed)- what they will do is they will hit the ball at a low angel and with a lot of back spin to cause it to skip across water. The backspin is actually pulling the ball up from the water each time it skips. If they put forward spin on it, it would pull it under the water. Now this is EXACTLY the same way the wind affects the ball.

    But that’s all beside the fact- in summary;

    Even if the game controls tell you that the right stick is spin, adding a bit more loft (moving the left stick down within that dark grey zone or more if wanted) combined with a slightly greater angle (or less of one if there’s a strong headwind by using the right stick), will give you ridiculously more spin than just using the right stick alone, I PROMISE you. It’s physics.

    If you still don’t get it..
    here’s an even more simple explanation of how backspin works: just imagine how a pool cue (golf club) and chalk (grooves on face of club) creates spin on cue ball (golf ball) by adding friction, based on where you hit it with the pool cue (left analog stick). Now, put an angle on the end of the cue (club head/right analog stick), cover the cue ball in in dimples for improved aerodynamics, and hit it 200 yards into the wind. How would you hit it to create backspin? 😂

  32. Jay P says:

    you have to upload the new star wars at some point. gg

  33. 3:40 Cat scratching Big T's nose

  34. Dormy is when one person is ahead by the same number of holes as are left, meaning the best your opponent can do is tie

  35. Franklyn Cap says:

    guess his gamertag is very fitting lol u did well tho GG

  36. 936Logan says:

    I love all this golf! Please give it to me more ☠️☠️😂

  37. Nick says:

    What a match!

  38. when a hole is down wind and helping, add hella loft on your driver for max distance. let the wind carry your balls

  39. Trevor Allen says:

    gimme more dead island pls ); love the vids

  40. Aj Noakes says:

    Why you still skipping days bra? (TiT holder slang is dope!) Suppose to be expanding the PGA Bra!

  41. Jack W. says:

    3:50 cat pawing to get in Big T… You do realize the cat owns you not the other way around right?

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