Tiger Woods 7 Iron Golf Swing 2022 Masters. DTL. 16th Hole 182yds to 15 ft Thanks Jason Magee!

Tiger Woods 7 Iron Golf Swing 2022 Masters. DTL. 16th Hole 182yds to 15 ft Thanks Jason Magee! The best place to get golf lessons in Westchester County New York is at GlenArbor Golf Club in Bedford Hills. Craig Hocknull is an award winning teacher with PGA tour playing experience and he can help you to improve your putting, chipping, bunker play, accuracy and driving distance. GlenArbor is a highly regarded private country club that allows non-members to take golf lessons with Craig Hocknull. If you are a Saber Golf fan and love watching Craig Hocknull Golf on YouTube you’ll love taking private lessons with Craig at GlenArbor. Our world class short-game area, driving range and teaching center will make you feel right at home while developing all of your skills.


33 Replies to “Tiger Woods 7 Iron Golf Swing 2022 Masters. DTL. 16th Hole 182yds to 15 ft Thanks Jason Magee!”

  1. That camera sound is annoying af

  2. mario mario says:

    I don't know what all this lag talk is about..I've heard Jack say he starts releasing it from the top of his downswing..and it looks like Tiger is letting go halfway through the downswing..

  3. No wonder he has to get ankle surgery on that leg now he rotates it so hard all those years he has worn it out to the point of needing surgery crazzy

  4. Never stand behind someone that is hitting a ball cause it makes them think about you being there and can mess up a swing I know for me nobody or even a kart can be behind me cause I feel like I am being smoothered and no room to hit the ball or swing even if your 8 feet away don't stand behind me at all unless your more then 15 feet away or more

  5. 7 iron???! Looks like a 3 iron with a 7 iron head on it from this perspective!!

  6. greengolfkid says:

    Probably the first tee shot I've seen for 25 years where some brainless twat hasn't shouted, "In the hoooole" at the top of his lungs.

  7. Wow look at that divot perfect the face is perfect

  8. Wizardsoul23 says:

    Definitely a practice round. Camera would have been smashed by the caddy😅

  9. Wizardsoul23 says:

    Tiger playing this year on the masters??

  10. Tiger Woods is the Elvis Presley of Golf❤🎤

  11. jut81 says:

    Still a thing of beauty

  12. Mattyjay88 says:

    That is what you call a dead nuts solid strike!

  13. Camo says:

    Great video! We enjoyed the part where we seen the ball land by the hole👍🙌

  14. I played Augusta in 1984

  15. jake rivera says:

    And we got nose whistle Willy over here recording it lmaooo

  16. arlenw_ says:

    Can someone teach me what the camera man was doing wrong?

  17. THE POSTMAN says:

    Sounds like click bait to me …🤣

  18. I thought you weren’t aloud to film at the masters? Are you?

  19. The chopped ground travelled further than my balls do sometimes

  20. DDongEe PaPa says:

    Autoshot camera sound…not good!

  21. Gdawg4ever says:

    That’s exactly what my swing looks like 😄

  22. Hayden L says:

    You can tell by the speed of the photos taken that was a consumer grade camera as well. Respect the professionals while they work and instead of ruining their round you could just get a photo off the internet from the day

  23. T-Dubya92 says:

    Camera sounded like a machine gun

  24. He’ll snap at camera guy Craig

  25. R C says:

    Absolutely flawless

  26. pakONEoh says:

    My swing looks and even sounds just like that…in my mind's eye. I'm having difficulty making it happen in reality 😉😁

  27. I was at that hole too

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