Try this “Set & Release” Driver Drill to Fix your Golf Slice

Learn how to fix your golf slice whenever using a driver with this set and release golf drill.

Golf Slice Drill #5 – The Driver Drill

In this video we review an easy drill that will send your drives down the middle of the fairway without any slices.

You simply grip your driver but with your bottom hand down towards the metal – or graphite – of your shaft. You then proceed to making practice swings focusing on setting the club back (with a focus on your wrists) and through by focusing on releasing your hands during the follow through. This exercise will train your hands to travel quickly during impact with the ball, helping in no longer presenting the clubface in an open position which can result in a slice.

After doing several of these drills, bring your bottom hand progressively further up until your hands link together in what would be your normal grip. Then, set up to the ball but keep your feet together in your stance, not apart from each other. Finally, swing at the ball using only the motion of your “set and release” that you practiced earlier. You should find your ball going a shorter distance than usual, yes, but not by that much. But crucially, you should find that the ball traveled relatively straight with very little slicing in sight, if at all.

Practice this drill with your driver in order to train your hands not to become lazy at impact.

#golf #golftips


One Reply to “Try this “Set & Release” Driver Drill to Fix your Golf Slice”

  1. Wrist and release , your videos and explanations so , so crystal clear Thank You 👍👍

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