230512 – Swing Notes 11 3 wood w tracer

*intent: with left shoulder rotation SLING the left arm as fast as possible out to right field using the left thigh transferring left thru impact.

*critical setup sequence: address ball with left thigh INSIDE of left foot THEN align shaft between left shoulder and left chest using a weak grip.

*address: Align the shaft pointed between the left shoulder and the left chest holding with a weak grip. Keep space between left arm and chest and square shoulders with target line. Utilize the left chest and left shoulder to move left arm quickly towards right field thru impact.

*Impact thought: SLING left arm quickly to right field WITH left wrist joint bowed closest to the target at impact (butt end of shaft pointed outside or further left of the left shoulder).

*SETUP with the left thigh inside of left heel. MOVE the left thigh and left side forwards through the ball and STEP onto the left foot and MAINTAIN left side torso angle with left thigh on downswing, UNCOIL the body and shoulders SLING left arm quickly WITH left wrist joint bowed closest to the target at impact.

*Right arm practice swing to get the coil: SETUP left thigh inside of left heel: see left thigh location at address above. SET the left shoulder slightly higher than right shoulder PLACE left hand on right shoulder; backswing TILT the right collarbone skyward. MOVE the left thigh and left side forwards through the ball and STEP onto the left foot and MAINTAIN left side torso angle with left thigh on downswing, UNCOIL the body and shoulders.


Short Game Notes:

Seemore Tri Mallet 33.5″ center shafted, superstroke gt pistol tour:

Putt with the eyes, see the line from Putter face to hole.

Putter face square to the chosen line is the most important factor, not putting stroke line.

Short Game:

For bumps use putting stroke in feel.

For long range pitch use putting stroke in feel.

For soft squishy lie use bunker swing.

Bunker: Open face at address such as 45 degrees open AND Hit it fat. Same as the short game listed in full swing but open club face for bounce and try to hit the shot fat but with a full swing. SMACK the sand and hit fat.



Taylormade SIM 10.5, AD DI 7x

Taylormade SIM 3w, AD DI 8x

Tarlormade P770 3i, Tensei White HY100tx

Miura MB-101 PW-4i, KBS Tour Custom Black 130x

Cleveland ZIPCore 52, 56, 60, DG TI Onyx x100

Seemore Tri Mallet 33.5″ center shafted

MLA Tour xDream Barry Lane LE, 31″ 69 degree lie, single bend half shaft offset (alternative putter)


Note swing notes are personal and not intended for anything instructional. I have been posting as a swing diary for 3 or so years and will continue to do so. Friends and acquaintances including subscribers do watch these videos. Watch at your own discretion. Thanks!



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