6 Hitting Drills to Improve Your Swing

In this video, I show 6 hitting drills to improve your swing. These drills focus more on your hand path and load.


24 Replies to “6 Hitting Drills to Improve Your Swing”

  1. I really Need help thank you

  2. these drils hopefully really help me at my game tonight! if we win tonights game we go to the tournament!!!

  3. cows_slayyy says:

    What kind of band do you have

  4. Justin Mazur says:

    another amazing video from Meg

  5. toddlcarr says:

    Great vid. Thanks!!

  6. Jenna B says:

    Your hitting videos help me very well Meg! Thank you so much

  7. palmz 💜 says:

    is ur shirt lulu? as well as the pants ?!

  8. You are good. Better than most of those fat beer drinkers that think they can swing 😂

  9. jayo84 says:

    My 12u daughter is pulling her head off the ball in game. She will hit 90% of pitches in practice, then during the game she strikes out a ton! Any drill suggestions?

  10. emily smith says:

    This was super helpful! I have gotten so many compliments on my swing since watching this video 🙂

  11. Trey Drier says:

    Another great video from Meg!

  12. Still hit good to be hitting with one hand its hard for me to swing with one hand it feels weird and i'm taught by my at home coach(My dad) and coach of the team that it's with two hands…Talented! Also I like your videos they have good tips thanks!-Kamari

  13. Rabbwit says:

    Is there any other drills to do if you do this 1:39

  14. I’m working on my battery

  15. hey Meg, would you suggest your exercises for slow pitch mens league? also, what gym exercises would you suggest? thanks for the videos

  16. Very debatable, I'd like to see the tee low inner half instead of waist high and outer half of the plate and see the results. It's a launch swing with an early commit . Interesting.

  17. Hi Meg… This was super helpful. I have a young player that is making the transition to my 18u team, (she's13) And she has an awful dip. I do not mean just a shoulder dip. It looks like her whole back half is dropping. I've tried a few types of drills, and while on the tee, or even with soft-toss. We have it 75% corrected. But when up against the machine, and/or live pitching, she seem to go back to the dipping. Any suggestions on how to keep the back half from dropping considerably?? Your advise is greatly appreciated, and HIGHLY valued!

  18. I enjoy your videos, very informative. I am coaching here in Washington. I believe in breaking all of the skills down so the players have every advantage to better themselves and be competitive. Good work!

  19. Excelente presentación, sería perfecto si estuviera traducido al Español, estoy radicado en Venezuela

  20. Mrs. S says:

    How many reps of each is recommended? We currently get about 1 hour weekly at the indoor facility with 2 lanes and typically have 6-7 girls . Thx!

  21. Emma Waage says:

    I’m a new beginner just starting softball for this year! thank you !

  22. Dana Coleman says:

    Great video! thanks for the help!

  23. Thank you! I’m currently playing my shortstop and today I have batting practice. Hope this helps my batting!

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