Patrick Reed's two-stroke penalty at Hero World Challenge 2019

After improving his line of play from the sand, Patrick Reed received a two-shot penalty on the 11th hole during the third round of …


28 Replies to “Patrick Reed's two-stroke penalty at Hero World Challenge 2019”

  1. The_IcemaN says:

    I love that this is posted by the official PGA channel.

  2. ds says:

    ball doesn’t lie

  3. He was doing a little excavating, ain't nuthing wrong with that.

  4. Degs Dexter says:

    Him and Poulter are vile people.

  5. I googled "Patrick Cheat" and found MANY articles on Reed cheating.

  6. Marv Kwia says:

    Reed should have been disqualified and DQ for violation

  7. Bob Swagger says:

    This is all the proof Brandel Chamblee needs.

  8. Bob Swagger says:

    Came here from Defector!

  9. Shouldn't it have been 4 strokes for doing it twice?

  10. Kenneth Ken says:

    From then on he's known as MR. Shovel

  11. They should have let him sign the card before they told him. That would have been 2 more strokes for signing a false score

  12. he's a cheater kick him off the tour

  13. Dark Helmet says:

    Two stroke penalty wasn't enough. Blatant cheating! Should have been DQed!! That being said it was awesome that it rolled way off the green! Karma!!

  14. w w says:

    he knew exactly what he was doing. this was no mistake. and he still didn't make the shot he wanted so, cheaters never win!

  15. Tragene says:

    Reed may as well ditch the sand wedge and put the shovel iron in his bag.

  16. Ivan Rivero says:

    If any golfer, regardless his level or focus does not feel the club lying or what it's doing, neither seeing the dust coming back off, he is either blind or plain stupid, or cheating. Imagine with his girlfriend: "Not there? Okay. Up? Okay. Huh? No, it's still not in. Is it? It isn't!"

  17. GWHITEN says:

    It’s a gentleman’s sport Quit cheating Patrick

  18. As Leslie Neilson so eloquently stated "fathering a child at 65 is an accident, THAT was no accident"… Let us all pray that him and Trump aren't paired in a pro-am.

  19. S A says:

    That’s right, Patrick,…except your did it knowingly, twice, yet said nothing about it. That’s called cheating. This clown must be suspended form the tour for his ongoing, all knowing, cheating. I am done watching the PGA until he is suspended for at least a year.

  20. Uli says:

    PGA tour… Please ban this cheater… it brings the credibilaty of the tour into question… At the very least he should have been disqualified from this tournament…

  21. David 777 says:

    Does he think the cameras won’t pick up his cheating ??

  22. Joseph Hann says:

    patrick, call your mother!

  23. The PGA should start disqualifying cheaters like him. He's a bad example for the next generation of golfers.

  24. Tom Nguyen says:

    It was intentional, no doubt. The right question is how many times has he cheated and got away?

  25. Shame on him Arrogant and dishonest.Jon Rham is another cheater when he moved the ball in a deep grss and he did not notice….

  26. tracy emory says:

    OMG. Dude just shoveled sand from behind his ball twice and he didn't feel that? Next time just pick the ball up and throw it Reed!

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