Police Called | You Broke a Rule In The Post Office | No Photography Here

Its against the rules to conduct public photography here in this public lobby. Barnesville Post Office called the police because GT broke a rule that is not enforceable by law.

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22 Replies to “Police Called | You Broke a Rule In The Post Office | No Photography Here”

  1. chuck jones says:

    The post office must hire people that can’t read.

  2. That LT needs to maybe refresh on the 1st amendment and stop accusing Wes of instigating. Yet ANOTHER example of crap policing….AND another example of USPS employees who are RUDE/ENTITLED and IGNORANT….

  3. Grow up, and get an actual job!

  4. Mike Dee says:

    Hey I just scribed love your content much love from new Orleans.. keep the video's coming

  5. E.Escharcha says:

    That Lt. needs an attitude check alright. Might be by the side of the road some night, when he tries that attitude on the wrong person. How many cops were shot this year ?

  6. E.Escharcha says:

    What does that big pot belly say about it’s owner, his judgement, self-control and physical ability to function as a policeman ?

  7. E.Escharcha says:

    Of course, another big beer bellied cop !

  8. E.Escharcha says:

    Do you have credentials to be an arrogant bully ? Are you a junior high school drop-out, working so hard to assert your authority over just anyone ? The cop is an a**hole. What are the chances he does something stupid and gets shot for his arrogance ?

  9. BUZ1952 Z says:

    @17:00, Barnsville PD or post office?

  10. globyois says:

    It is sad – to me – that a black person would be willing roll over for some government “rule” or “edict” installed to violate a citizen’s Constitutional rights. We white people – those of us who were not Democrats – fought along with our black brothers in the Civil War in order to STOP the government from seizing, rap*ng, oppressing, brutalizing, and even MURDERING our fellow black Americans, and here we see those that are descended from that Democrat enslavement going right back to the old days of, “Yessuh Massuh, we lesser people will do anything you say cause you’re the government and, well, I guess if you say so, then . . .”
    I guess it’s back.

  11. globyois says:

    It’s a fallacious and devious “trick” – of anyone, ESPECIALLY law enforcement – to try and contend that they are “just asking” a citizen to do something.
    When you have several uniformed and badged government agents or officers WITH THE PRE-AUTHORIZED STATE SANCTIONED LICENSES TO KILL SOMEONE AND WHO ARE EQUIPPED WITH THE FIREARMS TO CARRY OUT THAT KILLING, the idea that the officer is simply and politely “asking” is FAR MORE THAN a mere “request!”
    If a six foot tall, two hundred and fifty pound grown man “requests” of a nine year old little girl that she get into his car, can we defend that man by saying that he, “simply asked”?
    Our Founding Documents and Constitution are SUPPOSED to protect the citizens from such intimidations but as we have historically seen that our government agents and law enforcement officers, judges, senators, congressmen, FBI, ATF, CIA, THE PRESIDENT and other government representatives have ignored and trampled those protective Founding Documents over and over again, and are CURRENTLY STILL DOING SO!
    There is no such thing as the government “asking you nice.”

  12. Riaan Steyn says:

    18:03 – This was incredibly bad.

    They best and proper/ honourable thing to have done was to answer the public and apologize.

    It's just the right thing to do.

  13. Riaan Steyn says:

    17:31 – This was a great question and a very relevant one.

    Once again. You need to do a public records request.

    I'm assuming that they don't because of the Chief's curt evasive answer while running away..

  14. Riaan Steyn says:

    10:50 – Police are legally allowed to lie. Would be great to do a FOIA request to check up.

    Everyone knows that police can't be trusted to speak the truth.

  15. Riaan Steyn says:

    10:13 fyi – I watch from South Africa, and I love seeing all the different post boxes that US post offices have.

    I wish you would take some time to actually stop and take 10 second clip of one box. Sometimes they're incredibly detailed and you guys take it for granted. 😉

  16. Mjb says:

    How does anyone not know of poster 7?

  17. Duncan Hines says:

    Our Public Service is sadly broken

  18. SteelToe says:

    Cops always say it's cool you're recording live until the phone calls start coming in… then its… oh sht.. I'm not in charge. 😅

    Edit: I've told 'em before… hell yeah I want to sue… because if the citizens of this shthole town I'm in allows cops to not follow the law and violate my rights… I want every dime I can get from them.

  19. More STUPID law enforcement! The DUMBEST and most corrupt profession in America! Can't fix STUPID! When a hairdresser needs more training than someone who is given a gun, badge, and arrest powers WITH qualified immunity thiis what you get! All the FTP, ACAB, DEFUND, AUDITS and any other anti police movements that are mainstream today are a direct result of THEIR ACTIONS! Law enforcement is their OWN WORST ENEMY!

  20. Derick Smith says:

    I find it strange that police will come at the beck and call for office workers. Then try to enforce the offices policies or feelings of the workers. And not charge the office/workers for wasting taxpayer funded emergency services?

    I don’t have a big fancy office but….
    When my kids won’t eat their vegetables, leave lights on, or don’t go to bed on time – those are all rules/policies in my house. So can I call the police to come enforce those policies for me?
    If I leave the seat up, can my wife call the cops to come arrest me? Cuz that’s a really strict policy she has.
    *Oddly enough, despite it being a genuine ‘call for service’, I’m betting we’d be charged with misuse of emergency services? Wonder why business staff can get away with it, yet a concerned taxpaying citizen homeowner doesn’t get the same rights afford them?

  21. Angie Estey says:

    Most people I know won't even drive through Georgia due to corrupt cops.

  22. Albert Smith says:

    Do you have Federal Juristiction to operate on this property, "WE ARE LEAVING". Police code for, "No we don't, we have feffed up and are getting out of here ASAP."

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