Compress Your Irons Through ROTATION!

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In this video Mike teaches you the importance of compressing your irons through rotation of the lead hip going back and the chest down. In the downswing it is important to understand that when the lead hip goes down and back, the chest will move down toward the ground allowing you to have a longer divot past the golf ball.

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22 Replies to “Compress Your Irons Through ROTATION!”

  1. Old Pelican says:

    Great tips for irons and driver!

  2. Porzak Golf the best in the biz!

  3. This channel is the Bible to me

  4. I don’t understand the sentence: Left hip low and left. What means low? To me it stays level.

  5. David Graham says:

    This really isn’t true. Just look at any tour player and they all move their hips towards target while rotating.
    And he also did it in this video when he was doing it ‘properly’.

  6. Hello just another question :
    Divots are poiting left of the target ?
    Thank you.

  7. I found this channel a fair while ago when they had low single-figure subscribers, I said it then and I'll keep saying it, these guys are the best instructors you will find on YT. Broadcast this channel to your friends.

  8. Merkeva 1 says:

    From all the students i like this guys swing the most

  9. Geoff Hunt says:

    Thank you for that!

  10. Barry Hill says:

    Great video. Simple steps to great contact!

  11. Great lesson, I wish you show more side view of the swing rather camera in the back
    Thank you

  12. Nick Berry says:

    We love a long divot 😍

  13. COB MAC says:

    By far the best golf instruction on the internet. U guys deserve millions of subs.

  14. Bob P. says:

    I love the Mr. Habencamp reference!

  15. 100th like! Another belter of a video. Thanks!

  16. "I never had that feeling before"
    Mike * "Right cause you have never been a good iron player." haha🤣 shots fire!

  17. Zdeal96 says:

    Love your videos! You have massively improved my game!

  18. Dean Barrett says:

    Awesome job Mike. Loving the content from you all ❤

  19. Any idea why Tiger doesn't take a divot when he's flushing it? It seems like we should try not to make a divot now 😅

  20. Renegade says:

    Do you like presetting the hips open at address?

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