Day 3 Individuals Primetime — 2023 CrossFit Games

The CrossFit Games are the ultimate proving grounds for the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth™ and are world-renowned as the definitive test of fitness. Every year since 2007, fans from around the world have attended the multi-day sporting event, streamed the competition online, or watched on ESPN, CBS, or a wide range of international broadcasts. The international field of play has included athletes from more than 120 countries. The CrossFit Games starts in the qualifying round with 300,000+ athletes competing around the world. Throughout the season the field is whittled down to just 560 athletes.

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20 Replies to “Day 3 Individuals Primetime — 2023 CrossFit Games”

  1. Shaun Lumley says:

    Too many starfish in Florida

  2. Kelvin says:

    Who is the old fart commentating wanting to take one of the girls home?? Weirdo.

  3. JayRotter21 says:

    CF stop deleting comments rightfully critiquing Coach B's commentary regarding some of the female athletes. Some of his statements were cringey, weird, and disrespectful – to say the least. Everyone hears that and it's totally justified raising that issue with you here.

  4. i love the Games the females are awesome but it feels like BABA YAGA (John Wick ref 😄 ) is watching from the sidelines ready to run through them next year

  5. put up the Russian flag

  6. Thankyou CrossFit for using KG’s as well as pounds in your commentary – it makes us feel included😊👍🏻 💯

  7. emma kehoe says:

    Why do the judges have to go down on one knee? Can they not stand or sit on a chair like Olympic weightlifting TOs? Also what’s with the exaggerated No rep gesture? Surely it’s obvious when there’s a no rep? The bar drops! I could understand if in CrossFit there was a no lift for press out, but anything goes in CrossFit!

  8. luisa bundy says:

    Commentators! Why are you only telling kilos in the first heat? We want to hear it all the lifts please.

  9. Mesna says:

    Why does BJÖRGVIN GUÐMUNDSSON don't lift?

  10. Zeus Fitter says:

    Cornelius Would Be Proud.🙌🏼

  11. ChiChi says:

    Absolutely love how this is non-stop action! I had so much fun watching this, and got so hyped up!

  12. Love Laura and Emma!

  13. Gavin Walker says:

    Great footage of the first 5! Shame we can’t see any other athletes in the 5k. Why race all the athletes together? When you only show footage of the first five. Ffs

  14. maddavi says:

    Love the use of metric measurement in the commentary. Used to the mental conversion of lbs to kg after following CrossFit for so long, but makes it easier to follow watching the action

  15. jord 121 says:

    Tf happened to justin? must’ve got a bad batch of 💊 this year

  16. Kaylen black says:

    Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

  17. Paul McMahon says:

    I love the lifting event– the format, the filming. Very well done!!!

  18. Jack Rayner says:

    Mederios taking a gap year

  19. Random says:

    They sure hacked down the games events. It makes it less competitive then it was before. 12 events this year compared to 2022/18 events, 2021/15, 2020/24 etc

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