Drip never takes a day off Via@cl8yton #golf #golfobsession #golfpro #pgx

32 Replies to “Drip never takes a day off Via@cl8yton #golf #golfobsession #golfpro #pgx”

  1. Who fucking cares,it's a good walk in the park

  2. Rich Lewis says:

    Why would you even play if your swing was that bad.

  3. R1.4 says:

    Must be a part time mechanic with that rag hanging in his pocket

  4. walker says:

    Clip on towel and trash ass swing

  5. CMA34 says:

    Swinging like he's fighting off inside fastballs. 😂😂😂😂

  6. And your point is?

  7. jwstorey173 says:

    You know they are hackers when you see the towel hooked to them haha 😂

  8. A full backswing would be nice

  9. This 10 second clip doesn’t say anything! If he plays his game, keeps up with pace of play, and doesn’t F with anyone else, who cares what clubs he has (or has a towel clipped to his belt).

  10. franz says:

    I hope he’s not that guy that starts slamming his club to the ground blaming it for a poor shot.

  11. Haaccckkkkkeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  12. Mike Wilks says:

    PXG sales crew has no conscience

  13. I rock the towel clip on the hip!! But my swing looks better than that

  14. Ugly swing but his impact position is better that 90 % of golfers

  15. Edro says:

    Looks as though he’s ready to work with that towel strapped to his side…figures to get dirty 😂

  16. adam adam says:

    Lets just jump right off that ball😁

  17. Ian Rawlings says:

    All the gear and no idea! Ugly swing.

  18. Samuel I says:

    I know people with spinal fusion that get more rotation than that.

  19. G man says:


  20. If you have the money buy em

  21. Nav Prasad says:

    All the gear and no idea 😂

  22. At least he’s bad and fast. Can’t be bad and slow

  23. TJ says:

    Looks like he learned to drive from Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack

  24. Chris says:

    Place club head behind ball first, then rotate 180 degrees until your feet are square. Be the ball

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