Edmonton Oilers drop game one | Oilersnation Everyday with Tyler Yaremchuk May 4

Game one is behind us and in typically Edmonton Oilers fashion they dropped the opening matchup. The game started well for …


15 Replies to “Edmonton Oilers drop game one | Oilersnation Everyday with Tyler Yaremchuk May 4”

  1. Salvo says:

    Re Vinny, the trade off to consider is his good work on the PK. He's acquitted himself well in that important role I think

  2. なおき says:

    Campbell would've started the 2nd if it weren't for that last minute goal to make it 3-2

  3. なおき says:

    McDavid set him up Drai twice last night and was buzzing all night.

  4. なおき says:

    You guys were the one's too high on him to begin with. It wasn't realistic

  5. C.L.Smooth says:

    I don't understand why Jay Woodcroft thinks he needs misdirection by showing the world that McDrai were going to play with each other. The game starts, and BAM they're separated! As if the Knights didn't even think for a second that he might go in this direction 🙄.That's more signalling that he doesn't think his team can match up, without the trickery. All that ends up happening is, you have two of your best players out of rhythm.

  6. oopopp x says:

    RIP Klima… 58 is too young to be gone already.

  7. oilers got a great coach they lose the first game then the coach adjusts how the other team plays and they win the series

  8. Skinner hasn’t been good enough throughout the playoffs Campbell needs to have the net in game 2

  9. T. Page says:

    The problem is Skinner is a marginal goalie. Look at Skinners playoff stats and if it were not for the high scoring Oilers, he would be benched in most games with other teams. If the Oilers had a decent Goalie, they would dominate the Knights.

  10. Leif Erikson says:

    Oilers win the next 4?

  11. Is he hurt? Lmao no .. Nuge is simply playing the way he has for most of his career. Not great and crazy overrated

  12. EDDK2010 says:

    Fantastic how he throws something at his natives at 9:40 or so

  13. Vinny Should not play another game in the NHL playoffs. Way too many avoidable mistakes

  14. Owen Poser says:

    Bring back the person who said “You’re tuned in to Oilersnation live with Tyler yaremchuk” please

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