Ep. 298 | Prepping for War — On a Budget?

Prepping for war on a budget. Is that even possible? Mark Boardman and Jimmy Hamilton seek the answer to this question with …


20 Replies to “Ep. 298 | Prepping for War — On a Budget?”

  1. Mike Mellon says:

    should be called. prepping for war on a budget (shhhh…. so we can launder all the taxpayers money to make billions of dollars off of war)

  2. Mike Mellon says:

    "8 week program". what a great reference!! classic

  3. Eric says:

    Logistics and communication are the key. Tacticool gear will not help you.

  4. Amateurs talk about tactics, professionals talk about logistics.

  5. Matt Loveday says:

    13:23 Jimmy blows the whole budget on his 4×4 😂. Love it guys. Solid gold as always!

  6. J Y says:

    It’s funny how people view 33k bucks for a bunch of stuff that also gives a lot of resources and additional education and experience, yet don’t blink an eye at putting a 35k side by side on a credit card.

  7. Thanks for being brave enough in the current political climate to cover such an important topic

  8. MrJtin69 says:

    With the us talking about a draft this video seema fitting

  9. ryan tanner says:

    A lot of good advice here. I do agree with the logistical part of things, our ability to move people and equipment across the world is one of many reasons we are the most powerful military in history. Even the ragtag insurgency knew teams worked better, In Iraq we spent a good amount of time raiding villages to cut off supply routes to the insurgency, its the lifeblood of a fighting force. For those people who think they can be a one man show that's not how it works and all these MOH recipients and those crazy, last stand war stories come from situations were the mission went terribly wrong, its not because things went right. In a real "red dawn" type scenario you also need to realize its not going to take but a week until people start interrogating your neighbors to zero in on where you live… and if they have yet to get control of the town… an artillery strike, mortar fire mission, drone strike, airstrike etc…. is gonna be the end of your one man army pretty quick. I do agree that there is huge utility in the basics though, basic fitness, basic rifleman skill, basic medical skills, basic survival skills have tremendous utility and don't require much money to achieve

  10. Murderface says:

    Too many egos, LARPers and Stolen Valors running around, because everybody today wants to be "that guy."

  11. Yeah the last report cost of a us soldier was 2016. It was 22k for equipment. 24k in training. You as a person can get away with about 4k in my opinion. Rife and kit is about 2k the rest is a pack, food,water, clothing. Ammo, food and training is something you have to figure out your budget for

  12. Ben Bowditch says:

    Here's some quick numbers I came up with.. Total annual defense budget $2,010,000,000,000 (2.01T) / 2,200,000 (High estimate of all current Active and Reserve forces from every branch.. Including "Space Farce". ) = $913,000 per person. So to somewhat answer the question, you'd need $1M to be "prepared for war"! You better win that record MegaMillions, something like $416M cash in hand. after all taxes (theft).

  13. 4 trillion divided by 330 million people equals 🟰 $12,121.21
    So if you want to a place to start 12k can get you a good rifle and plenty of ammo, gear, supplies like emergency food and medical. Just can’t have NVG’s. Go to your local milsurp supply get kit and go from there.

  14. Anonymous F says:

    I am so hopeing for a segment on different african hunting cartriges.

  15. danny little says:

    Thank god u guys finally broke into the topic. Keep it going.

  16. i honestly think this is your best vid ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Lots of government psyops in the comments.

  18. Here is some advice from the more experienced guys currently on the service on what to buy:

    1) Good boots, especially during the first few months of war, there might be a shortage. Finding sizes other than the biggest and smallest could be challenging. While the Army might provide you with some decent boots, it's best to invest in the most expensive pair you can afford. Buy a spare high-rise rubber boots to keep your feet dry, especially when you find yourself sitting in a trench in a rain. Additionally, ensure you have a good supply of socks. When I asked how many the answer was – if you have a place for 10 pairs then take 10 pairs, you will not regret it.

    2) A trench shovel and gloves for obvious reasons. While you may not get a chance to shoot, you'll certainly dig a lot.

    3) Medikit. All the stuff from the tactical medicine. Plus the extra supply of the medicine if you need some for at least three months.

    4) Protection for eyes, ears, hands, knees, etc.

    5) A sleeping bag and sleeping mat. Good night rest is important.

  19. Ryu Hadouken says:

    Airsoft gear, it’s cheap and it can work depending on material and quality but it will be cheaper than actual military gear. Perfect example when I was in the Marine corps I bought myself a battle belt because at the time my unit didn’t issue them officially. It was a cheap belt, it did fray, and take damage but the biggest thing was it WORKED. I had magazine pouches, my IFAK, and dump pouch on it. I dragged it through 29 palms California , fort drum Ny , camp grayling Michigan and even in Norway for a deployment. To my shock and amazement the belt held and I had it for all my 6 years. When I left I took it home and simply looked at it and was amazed what it went through attached to my body. It was damaged and clearly filthy. I gave it a resting place in my dumpster but it’s purpose for me still engraved in my head.

  20. PEOPLE, PLEASE DO NOT START GOOGLING HOW TO MAKE CERTAIN "IMPROVISED" ITEMS! Having brains is the moral of the story… 🤦

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