Eveliina's Putting Is SKYROCKETING (European Open Breakdown)

Eveliina Salonen just narrowly lost to Kristin Tattar last week at the PCS on the Disc Golf Pro Tour which probably doesn’t sound surprising but what was is her elite level putting and throwing. She looked far and away the best FPO player but just went out of bounds a couple too many times. With European Open days away, I believe she can make a push for the favorite and winner.

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Credit: @DiscGolfProTour


14 Replies to “Eveliina's Putting Is SKYROCKETING (European Open Breakdown)”

  1. Mark Ash says:

    I love watching Evelina play. She's a sweet person and an awesome player. I don't think she's a bad putter. I think she's an awesome putter. I don't think her putting woes are due to a lack of skill. I think it's a mental thing. If she can come to terms with internal expectations or whatever is at the root of that issue, she'll quickly become the dominant force we all know she can be. I wish her the absolute best in all she does.

  2. censhinx says:

    Missy likely has some stat for being the most consistent player over the past decade. But I'm just talking, not sure what stats actually are

  3. Zyron says:

    A couple bad putts 😂 I literally saw her at Champion’s Cup and she is so consistent at 3 putting it crazy. her put is worse then mine and I definitely 3 putt from time to time. she’s definitely going to choke a win if she has one. She needs a putting coach bad!

  4. CitizenX3639 says:

    One rd she looked solid and then it went back to normal. I had to turn off the commentary cause every time it was omg how good her putting is and then …miss. I like Eviliina she can sling the fck out of the disc, but not everyone is a great putter.

  5. Eveliina took off between August 2022 and February 2023 off from competitive play – over 5 months – and worked on her putting. I don't know how much, but she's clearly a lot better, though it remains to be seen if this can be maintained, or hopefully get better.

  6. Cosmo Lean says:

    I've always thought if she mastered putting she'd be a top 5 player in FPO.

  7. Before Tattar started to play on US. She was often playing competitions on Finland and she hardly never won either Eveliina or Henna. I think Kristin would not have been so dominant last year, if Eveliina had not suffer bad putting yips 🤔

  8. anhyzerr says:

    I've been waiting for Salonen to improve her putting. Let's go, Evelina!

  9. DiscGolf says:

    I would pove to see her do well.

  10. Controversial opinion. I think she would benefit alot from losing some weight. Nothing wrong with being heavier, but if your profession is in an active sport, it helps to be in top physical shape so your still sharp at hole 18.

  11. Brian Wisher says:

    Kristen is way to good and really wants the Major. I think Evaliina will need a forehand.

  12. boyfromoz7 says:

    I like Blomroos game. She needs to stop these massive blow up holes but she throws as good at Salonen and less likely to fall apart putting.

  13. I cheered out-loud watching her knock down puts at PCS. The thing that made her putting woes so significant was the fact that she was dominating play outside of those few mistakes. Competition in the FPO is heating up, and it's good to see so many top tier players in Europe!

  14. Nick Lange says:

    She will absolutely overcome the putting yips,. She's been getting a lot of help from other pros and when the time comes for that putter to light up Kristen is going to need to watch out.

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