Golf Shaft PUREing – Does It Actually Help? PURE vs Non PURE

What is Golf Shaft PUREing and does it actually help your shots? Should you spend the extra money when getting fit? Trackman Info Posted in Comments Section.
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29 Replies to “Golf Shaft PUREing – Does It Actually Help? PURE vs Non PURE”

  1. Bill Carrier says:

    Why does AJ hate SST Pure so much? He does everything he can to put SST in a bad light. The definitive objective test is to take those two clubs and use the swing robot to to hit each club and compare the numbers from the TRACKMAN analysis.

  2. only thing i would question is how do we know the non pure shaft wasnt luckily already in the best possible position or close to what puring would have done for it

  3. coegj says:

    As usual I go the other way, I have worked on clubs for over 35 years, not a pro club builder but I know what I'm doing. I have spined and the did the flow in iron shafts put them together and next day go to the range and hit and document the feel, distance, dispersion. Then take them home, pull the shafts and reshaft in opposite poles and the next day go to the range and hit and write down how they feel, the flight, the distance, the dispersion. It's the shafts that have the spine marked and then the flow found, and shafted the way I want them, that feel, fly and congregate together in better dispersion. My opinion, but that's what is important to me and everyone else. Good video, your findings are your findings but not mine, we can all go our own way and do are own thing, hmmm maybe a song should be written about going are own way, nah.

  4. Curious was the shaft pured hard or soft side. You have a choice when requesting puring. It is listed on the printout that is provided with the poured shaft.

  5. M L says:

    SST pure could pay 5k and do a robot test to prove it works, but they don’t? Even though it will probably double sales… mmm

  6. Derek N says:

    so what numbers were better? pured or not

  7. Don Fisher says:

    according to AJ puring is a waste of money and it does not do anything. But the golfer in this video COULD Feel a difference. That tells me AJ is full of it. I have found that purring a shaft can make a BIG improvement with an off the rack club. It can turn a driver that will slice the ball into a driver that hits the ball straight, just my aligning the shaft properly.

  8. Phil Kirby says:

    I just got my Golfworks catalog in the mail let’s go!!! I think I like tinkering more than I like playing…. and Maltby let’s me make a $200 club for $70 let’s go

  9. Teddy Zamba says:

    c'mon you idiot, make a decision.

  10. Bamaolive says:

    No dispersion data? The idea of Pured is primarily to guarantee the shaft set preforms the same throughout as well as optimally for each shaft. I’m not saying it’s worth it but I will say all things being equal, even as small as a consistent 2 yards tighter dispersion is the difference in a 4 ft putt to a 10 ft putt. I think this type of test requires a full vs full set tested by a good golfer and a solid mid handicapper over several rounds of golf myself. Even better would be a robot test I suppose. Yeah, that’s it, you need to buy the Iron Byron for us. 😂

  11. I had my clubs spine & flowed vs pured and what huge difference. S&F lines up shaft seam towards the target & I differently felt the shaft whip more thru impact but not sure how a pure shaft feels.

  12. Dashger HG says:

    Stiffest spine aligned 12 o clock in line with the club??? That is wrong set up. Check out other fitters on YouTube and learn how it's done properly.

  13. I had the same 50/50 chance in picking the spined shaft from my living room.

  14. LabGorilla says:

    Pure my backside. It means nothing.

  15. larry burns says:

    It’s absolutely real. It feels so much different

  16. Jordan Burke says:

    Do you have the data from the two clubs? If not, what was the purpose of Trackman?

  17. Chris Cuoco says:

    Did you make sure the unpured shaft was oriented away from the Pured axis? I loved this test especially when the hitter went back and forth then the blind pick. But, the one variable that meds to be right is the the Unpured club was truly oriented away from the pure axis.

  18. Josh Lynch says:

    Damn dude, didn't expect to see Maltby clubs on the channel lol.

  19. Ron Mexico says:

    well…what did the numbers show? Did the pured shaft go longer, was the dispersion tighter?

  20. Great video! Keep up the solid work!

  21. You had Trackman set up but didn’t show the data. What am I missing?

  22. Lee Scott says:

    If Pure shafts were better they'd be doing it on the PGA Tour trucks but guess what… they don't.

  23. Johnny Lindo says:

    iron byron should do the test

  24. Sylvio Sofia says:

    Puring as I understand it
    "We charge EXTRA to install the shaft into the clubhead correctly"
    Me: "WTF!!!!!"

  25. I'm not convinced, ,but as anything these days it's all about the $$$ I'm sure this process is an added cost when purchasing custom clubs

  26. A B says:

    The only people on here claiming it makes a difference are the ones who got tricked into paying for it.

  27. SST Pure installation places the stiffest portion of the shaft (PPOP) in the target line (9:003:00) not the 12-6 position as AJ mentioned. Also as noted below in the comments, other tests show there is an appreciable difference in distance and dispersion between a pured shaft and what I believe was a random shaft plane. If AJ installed the the pured shaft incorrectly 12/6 vs 9/3 maybe that's why there is not a clear winner?
    I think where the benefit of puring is useful is consistency throughout the clubs. Personally, I've only had shafts pured for educational purposes and to confirm that Flo'ing a shaft is adequate for my or my customers needs. SST Shaft Puring is an expensive option at $20/shaft which I feel would be better spent on lessons from a local pro.
    Overall a good video and it sparked a good discussion. Also, AJ has the cleanest and neatest shop I've seen!

  28. AND says:

    Would have been nice to see trackman numbers.

  29. Im a firm believer in feel being an advantage and although he could feel the difference, he clearly thought the best result was coming from the non pured shaft as he got it wrong. Between this, cost at 30 dollars for them to spin the shaft and not demonstrating the difference on trackman says to me the actual result is nominal at best.

    Sounds like it would be hard to prove that bad shot you just hit wouldn’t have been bad if you had just gotten it pured. Save that 300+ extra and get some lessons.

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