Hidden Treasures Inside the New SkyTrak+

The SkyTrak+ Game Improvement package offers a host of next level golf tools for $99/year. We’ll explore what you get including: bag mapping, wedge matrix, contests and more.

Pre-Order the ST+ at PlayBetter.com: https://www.playbetter.com/products/skytrak-plus-golf-launch-monitor-simulator?ghref=7209%3A118076


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29 Replies to “Hidden Treasures Inside the New SkyTrak+”

  1. Make sure to subscribe to stay up to date on the Skytrak+ and all the new golf technology this year: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgb-p291xQ_hUx7hQtOb72A?sub_confirmation=1

  2. John H says:

    If upgraded from skytak to plus would this affect my current subscription plan? I have contacted support but no response after a week.

  3. hiro96789 says:

    Great content! Is there a way to adjust the centerline on the screen to match the actual aim point? Seems like that would be beneficial to a more immersive experience.

  4. I’m out of the country so can’t check but the only thing new is wedge option right in the software? I’d like to actually see if I should upgrade from the old to the new Skytrak.

  5. Anthony Papa says:

    You might need a Lie Angle adjustment in your irons go flatter on the short irons and more upright on the long irons. Great feature on the Sky Trak

  6. David Cole says:

    The Standard Skytrak has this feature as well and it really is eye opener on Bag Mapping. Your Driver distant in this video is basically my Average. and yes you get tired hitting all those balls..

  7. Sean Toomey says:

    Curious on accuracy comparison between this and Rapsodo mlm2pro

  8. Baseball Fan says:

    I have to say, I am very impressed with your commitment to produce content. At 4minutes in I'm am exhausted sitting here watching what you did to map your bag. 70 + swings. I would assume that you could pace yourself but what a work out. Even changed shirts Kudos. I'll continue to watch this and see what other cool features you have to uncover. Might I suggest a less grueling demonstration of Putting?
    Thank you for taking the time to show not only the features of the device, but the uses and how powerful this device can be for game improvement. Do you feel this device is missing an additional camera to watch your swing? (Body, arms, legs, etc…) or club face impact camera such as the Uneekor Eye Mini has. I am curious to see what differences there are, and what value each can bring. Might be a new birthday or Xmas gift to myself.

  9. Frank says:

    The last skytrak has had issues with higher swing speeds (110+), have you experienced any?

  10. Eric Bond says:

    You may want to flatten your short irons and wedges a little.

  11. Mark Zinda says:

    I’d buy it for the Wedge Matrix alone.

  12. LederBoard19 says:

    Will you do a review of the new swing caddie sc4? Nobody seems to be reviewing it which is very odd. Thanks.

  13. coldzero1214 says:

    For those of us upgrading from the OG Skytrak it would be good to know if you’ve experienced any issues with connectivity or missed shots. Looks like you’re using USB mode, have you tried direct or network mode?

  14. James Dunn says:

    Thanks for this. I'm super interested in this machine. Hope your foot heals up quick!

  15. Jeff Wheeler says:

    What did they change with this new model? the delay is still there.. IMO, pay more the first time for a better machine instead of regretting it after the fact. Get a GC3 or Uneekor machine and never worry about accuracy or shot delay

  16. Alain S says:

    Great video Gabe. Supper informative as always.

  17. Hi Gabe, really helpful video but all of these features are already available to us OG skytrak users. I think you are best positioned in the YouTube Universe to give us some definitive statistics on accuracy versus the blp. That's what everyone is waiting for!

  18. Blackcloud says:

    Your videos are beyond helpful despite you tiring out. That’s a lot of shots you put up in this video lol. I’m completely sold on this unit, what will set it over the top is if GSPro works for it🤞🏽

  19. starwf07 says:

    This unit seems very cool and useful, especially considering its price point. I so wish my house had an ample indoor space for a simulator space, because I would be all over this.

  20. Great review like every time. Thanks

  21. This looks really good, great informative video as always. I use my Mevo+ outside with a net, but this skytrak may need to replace it. I’d like to see how it works outside. Have you heard any issues with reads on higher swing speed drives/longer clubs? My flightscope originally struggled with that but has become very good since the RCT ball and recent updates.

  22. W. Smiley says:

    I'm really liking what I'm seeing from this Skytrak+. Unfortunately, I don't have the space for a permanent setup, but I’m leaning toward this for my temporary setup. I love the space requirement, accuracy, and value.

  23. Those features are exactly the same as the Skytrak, no evolution. Same features, same screens. The new one has some data display with some new like face data, swing plan and measured club speed, spin. A review on those will be helpful.

  24. Felt the same way with bag mapping. Wore me out hitting all the clubs in my bag with 5 shots each with the original SkyTrak. Wondering how club path and face angle are figured out with SkyTrak+?

  25. Very intrigued by this! Looks awesome! Do you prefer this or the bushnell?

  26. Bm Gameplay says:


  27. Matt Solomon says:

    Thank you for the video.
    Can you access the advanced data layout (with face data) while doing the exercises as you can on the range?

    Please take it outside. At this point it feels like ST has told influencers not to take it outside yet. Is that the case?

  28. Hey Gabe when are you doing the tournament at CCC this year

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