If There Is A SECRET To Golf Then THIS Is It!!

In this video I will show you the SECRET that all hall of fame golfers talk about. Is this the glue that holds your swing together??

I will run through how to have a tension free golf swing. Tension is something that can break a golf swing and being able to relax is a key skill that will help you unlock an effortless golf swing.

I will run through 3 key ways that you can learn how to relax your body and achieve the perfect grip pressure. This will help you produce a free flowing, repeatable, fast and consistent golf swing. This is a no brainier!

By implementing everything in this video you will start to control your clubface better, release the club correctly and increase your clubhead speed. Check out this video and like always let me know what other golf coaching videos you would like to see from myself!

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9 Replies to “If There Is A SECRET To Golf Then THIS Is It!!”

  1. Hi Everyone, How important do you think tempo & reducing tension is in the golf swing?

  2. MostlySnow says:

    Had a lesson the other day and all we worked on was tension and tempo. I was hyperextending my lead elbow at address. Stopped that and felt the difference. Also allowed me to feel the top of my backswing and keep it lower

  3. Daniel Loh says:

    There are many secrets in golf but this is not it .. This one falls into the category of everyone knows we need a tension free swing but we just can’t do it .. 😂

  4. Excellent commentary Giles on "Tense Muscles are Slow Muscles." A couple of years ago, I started taking tension out of my grip, wrists, and forearms. What a difference this has made in my ball contact. I had been using a lighter grip than 5, but after hearing your explanation on grip, I will firm mine up a bit. The golf pro, Justin Dufner is a prime example of someone who waggles the club before making his strike. I'm of the generation who used a forward press before hitting the ball. I like your idea of moving and not becoming a statue over a ball. An excellent video Giles. Keep up the good work!!

  5. Your drills are very good Giles. I try to put my weight on my front foot before I swing. I see many golfers on the range hit behind the ball, tops, etc. I’ve mentioned to some to put weight on front foot, keep core stationary, and behind the ball at impact, and it helps many…. The relaxation drills are very good…

  6. C K says:


  7. Slamming Sammy Snead’s secret to hitting the ball far is to feel a “relaxed” and free-turning backswing where golfers feel like they push the club away using their lead arm on the takeaway. Stay loose, and push with your lead arm. (AKA: forward press to “get the engine started.” Sam Snead would also speak of “oily wrists” like the lasso drill. Outstanding content Giles! I am one of Giles on line students and at age 70+ I am improving. Giles Gill on the Skillest App, highly recommended! Thanks again Giles! P.S. – Finally got my first Ace!

  8. Slamming Sammy Snead’s secret to hitting the ball far is to feel a “relaxed” and free-turning backswing where golfers feel like they push the club away using their lead arm on the takeaway. Stay loose, and push with your lead arm. (AKA: forward press to “get the engine started.” Sam Snead would also speak of “oily wrists” like the lasso drill. Outstanding content Giles! I am one of Giles on line students and at age 70+ I am improving. Giles Gill on the Skillest App, highly recommended! Thanks again Giles! P.S. – Finally got my first Ace!

  9. Dan Long says:

    Very important, I remember watching something years ago with the late Mike Reid, and he said he uses something like ‘Strawberry Mousse’ as his tempo set, so Strawberry for the backswing then mousse for the downswing.

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