Inequality: the enemy between us – Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson | Humanists UK Convention 2023

If we compare health and wellbeing in different countries, it’s clear that some societies do much better than others. And the …


6 Replies to “Inequality: the enemy between us – Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson | Humanists UK Convention 2023”

  1. Georg Blaha says:

    Equality spells liberty. After having watched this interesting video I think we should regard equality as a social space to interact with each other – what Richard has shown. It seems contradictory but, Kate mentions that in the very end, equality is creating diversity.

  2. Sarah Khan says:

    We are all one human family.

  3. John Cusson says:

    Neoliberalism is not a conspiracy theory, but almost. Those who designed it and brought it about forgot to include or consider a big part of humanity and somehow underestimated or ignored the effects on society that the levers of enrichment and wealth transfer would have. Any new economic order needs to address and tame those levers of enrichment and wealth transfer, for there lies a front line or battleground between the haves and have nots.

  4. This isn't humanism, this is 'progressive' ideology cloaked as humanism. I want no part of this.

  5. john warren says:

    This should be required knowledge for all politicians.

  6. Min Wall says:

    I find this very interesting and shocking in places 🙏

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