Miami 2023 F1 Race Review | Missed Apex Podcast

Spanners and Trumpets are joined by Chris and Stuffeyy to review the Miami GP from 11pm Uk time

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24 Replies to “Miami 2023 F1 Race Review | Missed Apex Podcast”

  1. Gugu K says:

    I normally listen on Spotify, which is perfect because then I don't have to react to everything that I particularly find way off, and usually by the end of the podcast i'm laughing about something else that I end easily letting it go. But this time I feel compelled to make a comment on this review, more specifically your criticism of Lewis. I get it, Spanners you've said many times that you're more critical of your faves which is why you sometimes (read always) go so hard at Lewis – but man come TF on, Lewis had a bad quali, it happens sometimes and he was disappointed, and just like any other driver would have been it they felt they left so much on track. He felt the team put him in a compromised position as he was not able to prepare his tyres well, so he had no temperature – which was pretty clear from his lap. He picked himself up, came out to fulfil his media duties, answered all the questions politely – admitted he's put himself in a tough spot by qualifying so poorly… he showed up the next day and maximised the result. What more would you want from him?

    Also, I keep hearing about this GR consistency this season, which apparently LH is lacking… I think I'm gonna need someone to point me to a race where Lewis's had a stinker. This was his first poor qualifying this season by the way. I mean the guy has achieved the maximum possible result in all of the 5 races, all of them. Not sure what more he could have done on that W14. Barring Baku he's made up places in all the races. His worst finish so far P6 to George's P7. I would also love to know about this 'stroppiness' Matt is referring to: Ham had contact with the Haas on lap 1 (sandwiched between Albon and Hulk) and felt he had damage (by the way this was incorrectly reported on Sky, they said he's complaining but failed to mention it was about the contact), asked his team to check his FW and front right, they confirmed it all looked good and he said nothing else after, no complaints whatsoever.

    I just can't comprehend how after the performance he's shown Sunday all of you have nothing positive to say. Just blows my mind. Especially given the W14 deficits. He had no chance to break out of that DRS train. Only the red bulls had an easy time passing, everyone else struggled. Look at Leclerc, couldn't make any headway on a car that we know is much faster than all the cars that were around him. Lewis drove a really good race, managed his tyres so well considering he ran more half of his first stint in dirty air. Lets give credit where its due.

  2. Yes, an hour of Matt on Tyres as a midweek show would be interesting. Make it so.👍

  3. Hasso Basso says:

    Sergio perez exuses show, but i still love your guys nevertheless, but just admit that perez starting 9th would never ever in his life be able to do what max did, like peter winsor said, perez is the best number 2 to have, he had allot of luck this year with safety cars etc. But drivers like Max, Lewis and Alonso are in their own league.

  4. That song was the best thing ever 😂 Genuinely! Very original and it sounded good as well! One of the best things I’ve seen in a podcast full stop. And I’ve seen many, months worth of them.

    But I’m new here, was that genuinely a daughter of one of them?

    I’m off, subscribing 👍

  5. Feeling for that Spanners guy.
    Checo is not at the level of Rosberg. Lewis and Max are more or less at the same level. This makes it even more unlikely that Checo can become WDC.
    When also take the longer season into account, forget that Max will have some misfortunes so Checo can repeat what Rosberg did in 2016.
    In 2015 Rosberg had only 3 races where he didn't end up the podium. Last year Checo didn't reach the podium in 11 races.

  6. Lewis did the best he could with that W14. Merc literally got them out late yet they do not have the car to enjoy that privilege in qualis. Also he started on hards and mercs haven't been able to switch the tyres on effectively. Plus, he honestly isn't a robot, he is human with both good days and bad, he'll never be perfect. So far, he has outperformed that merc. I don't think he's confident with the car yet and I'm guessing there's a correlation with that and performance. That being said, I'm uncertain about how merc perceives info relayed by Lewis, there's always some discord in their communication, according to me anyway.

  7. No mention of Sir Jackie? Or did I just miss it?

  8. Meine Postma says:

    My theory now is that LeClerc will always bin the quali if he's on pole. Pole is all he has

  9. he chucked the apex rofl 🙂

  10. flipclemons says:

    I think that the race/season was won and lost when the cost cap was initiated. That was put in place to make the teams more equal and promote a more even playing field. It’s kind of like your kids getting a participation trophy. It has not worked out and the entire season is going to be a snooze fest waiting to see which Red Bull driver is going to win. If the teams still had the unlimited budgets you would at least have up to five and possibly six teams that could spend more money on development throughout the season to try and catch Red Bull and salvage the season. As it stands now we’re all going to have wait until next year to see anyone challenge for wins. Formula one is about the best most cutting edge technology and cars and with the cost cap that is not happening any longer. Yeah some of the back markers are going to eventually drop out but as evidenced by the number of groups trying to get into F1 I don’t think it’s going to be a problem bringing in new teams and shaking things up a little! New ownership groups will probably buy existing teams and rebrand them as has happened since F1 began. I’m sure that my opinion might not be popular but, I don’t see F1 advancing and maintaining fans until they shake things up and take the shackles off of the big teams in order to be able to be more competitive mid season.

  11. Felix Guo says:

    First time watching as opposed to listening, and Trumpets looks like how I thought Spanners would look like, and Spanners looks like how I thought Trumpets would look like. Either way, great episode and can't wait for some Tech Talk next week (pretty please?)!

  12. ramon tas says:

    For all you podcast panel…just hopefull and wishfull thinking!..Perez suddenly in his racing career, can match Max? [ driving craft and skills?]…Perez is first of all not an exceptional wet driver and most of all he, Perez must show us his consistency through the season what he failed to do the past two seasons at Redbull.

  13. Gino Cerullo says:

    Regarding Lance Stroll. This is the first race of the five run so far where he did much more poorly relative to Alonso where it was more or less under his control. Even so, it was more down to poor qualifying strategy by the team. Now, you could say if he had qualified ahead of Alonso in Q1 he would have had a better race result and that would be true.

    Alonso: 3rd
    Stroll: 6th

    Saudi Arabia
    Alonso: 3rd
    Stroll: DNF (engine failure – out of his control)

    Alonso: 3rd
    Stroll : 4th

    Alonso: 4th
    Stroll: 7th

    Alonso: 3rd
    Stroll: 12th

  14. Madjayax says:

    FIA agenda to shake pecking order in hybrid era:

    1. Give advantage to high rake cars team with modus to decrease DF to give more tire life. In fact, rake car performance leader is RBR.
    2. f number 1 failed, They would introduce ground effect car concept. In fact, only RBR have aerodynamic technical guru lived in ground effect era.

    Both 1 and 2 aimed to put RBR as the lead team in pecking order posted 21

  15. Great race review guys, as always. Loving your work 🙌

  16. On Lewis, in his last lap he was yellow 2 sectors and in the third he was green. So, he had no heat in the tires because they put him out late "like he said".

  17. Price Xaba says:

    feel like people are always againt Lewis, i think he had a good weekend. and yes if he asked to go early then his allowed to complain if it does not work out.

  18. Warren M says:

    Not so sure Matt – Spanners voice matches perfectly his physical presence. Perhaps it’s the old Looney Toons endings but put a cap on him & give him a gun and he looks and sound like an English Elmer Fudd … “ shhhhh we’re hunting Fewwawi’s … uhuhuhuh “ 😂

  19. blueb0g says:

    Great pod as usual – but Spanners, is this a running joke that you don't know who Ganpiero Lambiase is?? At least twice a season you ask "who is Max's race engineer? I don't know his name" when it's mentioned in almost every F1 race broadcast (including today's!).

  20. Warren M says:

    I’ve never understood why you end up with a soft tyre that lasts only 4 laps whilst a medium lasts 20 and a hard 100 (or more, who knows until they leave Ocon out for a 24 hour race). Pirelli have really failed at balancing the tyre life for a motor race since 2013? and the tyre blowouts issue.

  21. I agree with mat and disagree with the rest…and yes Lewis is 100% right when he said the team send him out too late…if the team did send him out in the time that he wanted then he would of prep his tyres to set a better time….just look at the time he set in Q2 when the tyres prep properly.

  22. chris smith says:

    Apparently Sainz is SO anonymous that people not only forget he’s out there, but they also forget the MANY occasions in which he’s binned his car the last couple of seasons—just as often as Leclerc has. I’ve heard several pundits recently opine that Sainz is at least reliable, consistent, & takes care if his equipment. I BEG to differ. & Matt—love you bro, & I have nothing against Ocon but he’s just not more talented than Gasly is.

  23. Neha says:

    Well what you guys are forgetting here is that when George has bad days he usually gets luckier with a safety car but when Lewis has his bad days he usually doesn't get benefitted by a SC. So obviously Lewis's bad days look miserable.
    That being said I totally agree that Lewis was being a cry baby in yesterday's race, by now he should be aware that the car isn't great and he has to do his job with his heads down and stop making a big deal out of everything.

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